1:46 PM 4/29/2020 - Navy’s top civilian calls for deeper investigation into coronavirus outbreak on aircraft carrier | M.N.: I absolutely agree and support this call: too many questions, and there are some subtle clues...


1:46 PM 4/29/2020

Navy’s top civilian calls for deeper investigation into coronavirus outbreak on aircraft carrier

Fired Navy captain reportedly tests positive for coronavirus

M.N.: I absolutely agree and support this call: too many questions, and there are some subtle clues, e.g. Sign: "Beware Of Jet Bl (!AST! -
see Ast / Abwehrstelle - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abwehr#As)... Propellers And Rotors" - this is the tellings sign and this is not just a coincidence.
I think, that this particular cut of the photo was designed and published on purpose, to relay the message and to provide the clues to the Signature.
The number "71" may be interpreted as the part of the "sign on the wall" and it may refer to 1941: the start of the WW2, rather than the 75th anniversary of its end.
This is the similar sign in full, in another place on the ship:

Guam Archives - USNI News

Also: Chief Petty Officer Charles Robert Thacker Jr.: Is this a "telling name"? 

Charley: the nickname for CIA

Robert: phonetically "Robber" ("Conquerors are Robbers") 

Thacker: a complex of several implied meanings, including: 


"Tak" - "And so it is", in Russian, as the misleading cover, 


USS Theodore Roosevelt's coronavirus victim was a chief petty ...

What are the circumstances of his illness and death?

German coronavirus vaccine - GS

M.N.: It is quite possible that this vaccine does already exist, and these announced tests are just the covers. In these circumstances it can be viewed as the powerful defensive weapon. 

The USS Kidd covid-19 outbreak is also suspicious, and the name of this ship may also be interpreted as "telling". Both outbreaks should be investigated for possible common features. 

Coronavirus: Navy wants investigation into USS Theodore Roosevelt outbreak

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Key Points
  • The Navy’s top civilian is calling for another investigation into the events surrounding the coronavirus outbreak on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier.
  • Last week, the Navy’s top officials recommended that Brett Crozier, the captain relieved of duty after sounding the alarm of a growing coronavirus outbreak aboard the vessel, should be reinstated. 

Captain Brett Crozier addresses the crew for the first time as commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt during a change of command ceremony on the ship’s flight deck in San Diego, California, U.S. November 1, 2019.
U.S. Navy | Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Sean Lynch | Reuters
WASHINGTON — The Navy’s top civilian is calling for another investigation into events surrounding the coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier, which led to the dismissal of its captain, who had pleaded for help, and the resignation of the former acting Secretary of the Navy.
Upon reviewing the findings of the investigation into the USS Theodore Roosevelt and Capt. Brett Crozier, the newly tapped acting secretary of the Navy said he had “unanswered questions” and would, therefore, need “a deeper review.”

“This investigation will build on the good work of the initial inquiry to provide a more fulsome understanding of the sequence of events, actions, and decisions of the chain of command surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt,” acting Secretary of the Navy James McPherson in a statement. 
The latest twist comes on the heels of the Navy’s recommendation made last week that Crozier, who sounded the alarm of a growing coronavirus outbreak aboard the carrier, should be reinstated to his command. 
At the time, the decision to reinstate Crozier’s command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt sat with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. The Pentagon boss, who was briefed on the recommendations following the Navy investigation, requested more time to review the findings. 
The secondary investigation is the latest development in a messy string of events that resulted in the resignation of acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly. 
Crozier was relieved of duty by Modly after the captain’s letter pleading for help to mitigate the spread of the virus aboard the aircraft carrier was leaked to the media. Modly then took a 35-hour trip, which cost taxpayers $243,000, to address the crew of the Roosevelt. 

In the address, delivered via the ship’s loudspeaker, Modly doubled down on his decision to relieve Crozier and called the former vessel’s captain “naive” and “stupid.” Hours later Modly issued an apology to the Navy.

Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly speaks at a Pentagon press briefing, Washington, D.C., April 2, 2020.
Lisa Ferdinando | Department of Defense
“I also want to apologize directly to Captain Crozier, his family, and the entire crew of the Theodore Roosevelt for any pain my remarks may have caused,” he said in a statement April 6. 
A day later, Modly handed in his resignation to Esper, who then announced that he had tapped James McPherson, undersecretary of the Army, to be the new acting Navy secretary.

‘Sailors do not need to die’

In a four-page letter, first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle in late March, Crozier described a worsening coronavirus outbreak aboard the warship, a temporary home to more than 4,000 crew members. At the time, more than 100 people on the ship were infected.
“We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors,” Crozier wrote. “The spread of the disease is ongoing and accelerating.”

Captain Brett Crozier, commanding officer of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, addresses the crew during an all-hands call on the ship’s flight deck in the eastern Pacific Ocean December 19, 2019.
Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Huynh | US Navy
The coronavirus exposure aboard the Roosevelt, which is docked in Guam, followed a recently completed port call to Da Nang, Vietnam. 
Fifteen days after leaving Vietnam, three sailors from the Roosevelt tested positive for the virus. The infections were the first reports of the coronavirus on a U.S. Navy vessel at sea.
As of Wednesday, all crewmembers of the Roosevelt have been tested for the coronavirus. With the majority of the crew now healthy, efforts are underway to test and re-man the ship. One sailor remains in the hospital for Covid-19 symptoms and one sailor assigned to the vessel died.
Crozier, who contracted the virus, was in the distinguished visitors quarter at a Navy base in Guam, according to a report, where he awaited confirmation that he no longer had the virus.

  1. Captain Brett Crozier, commanding officer of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, addresses the crew December 19, 2019
  2. Captain Brett Crozier, commanding officer of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, addresses the crew December 19, 2019
  3. Captain Brett Crozier, commanding officer of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, addresses the crew December 19, 2019
  4. The same pattern of the connection of Covid-19 Epicenters with the historical events related to the WW2 emerges in Italy (see the earlier post); Tehran, Iran; Wuhan, China; Alsace, France; and association of La Rochelle, France with New Rochelle, New York. https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1130-pm-4282020-same-pattern-of.html?spref=tw 
  5. Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:30 PM 4/28/2020 - The same pattern of the conne... https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1130-pm-4282020-same-pattern-of.html?spref=tw 

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Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:30 PM 4/28/2020 - The same pattern of the connection of Covid-19 Epicenters with the historical events related to the WW2 emerges in Italy (see the earlier post); Tehran, Iran; Wuhan, China; Alsace, France; and
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 23:32:28 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1130-pm-4282020-same-pattern-of.html ______________________________________________________________________ The same pattern of the connection of Covid-19 Epicenters with the historical events related to the WW2 emerges in Italy (see the earlier post); Tehran, Iran; Wuhan, China; Alsace, France; and association of La Rochelle, France with New

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Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 3:31 PM 4/28/2020 - Covid-19 crisis as the fundamental failure of American Intelligence
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https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/331-pm-4282020-covid-19-crisis-as.html _______________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov@mikenov Covid-19 crisis as the fundamental failure of American Intelligence - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Covid-19+crisis+as+the+fundamental+failure+of+American+Intelligence&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=

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Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:38:31 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/137-pm-4282020-michael-novakhov.html Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks | InBrief |  - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks  Where Is Jared? Donald Trump tries to calm mounting alarm over food shortages "Donald Trump" - Google News: Donald Trump tries to calm mounting alarm over food shortages - Daily Mail Putin The Sixty Billions treats the Russian

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Saved Stories - TWEETS BY MIKENOV: Covid-19 and male fertility - Google Search google.com/search?q=Covid
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:13:22 -0400
Covid-19 and male fertility - Google Search google.com/search?q=Covid

Saved Stories - TWEETS BY MIKENOV: The Perfect Bio-weapon for the Population Control: Coronavirus Could Cause Male Infertility - Google Search google.com/search?q=The+P
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:11:48 -0400
The Perfect Bio-weapon for the Population Control: Coronavirus Could Cause Male Infertility - Google Search google.com/search?q=The+P

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Putin The Sixty Billions treats the Russian workers "like pigs" https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/blog-post.html ___________________________________________________________ Are We Pigs?: Gazprom Pipeline Workers Protest Conditions Amid Coronavirus Outbreak Tuesday April 28th, 2020 at 12:01 PM 1 Share Gas workers in Russias Far East staged a mass

Saved Stories - Blogs
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:16 AM 4/28/2020 - The Perfect Bio-weapon for the Population Control: Coronavirus Could Cause Male Infertility
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 11:25:03 -0400
The Perfect Bio-weapon for the Population Control: Coronavirus Could Cause Male Infertility https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1116-am-4282020-perfect-bio-weapon-for.html ___________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov@mikenov The Perfect Bio-weapon for the Population Control: Coronavirus Could Cause Male Infertility - Google Search https:/

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » SARS-CoV-2 virus new detection in sewage water could help in monitoring 28/04/20 08:56 from Google Alert - sars cov 2 - CoronaVirus News Review
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:02:55 -0400
» mikenov on Twitter: Top E.R. Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Suicide nytimes.com/2020/04/27/nyr27/04/20 23:19 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)Top E.R. Doctor Who Treated Virus Patients Dies by Suicide nytimes.com/2020/04/27/nyr Posted by mikenov on Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 2:19am mikenov on Twitter

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 5:39 PM 4/27/2020 - Is meat safe? #FDA, Are you in charge of the food safety matters? What is going on? Are you investigating this? What is your understanding of this dangerous situation? #CIA #FBI #ODNI #Trump #
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 17:41:24 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/539-pm-4272020-fda-are-you-in-charge-of.html ____________________________________________________________ #FDA, Are you in charge of the food safety matters? What is going on? Are you investigating this? What is your understanding of this dangerous situation? #CIA #FBI #ODNI #Trump #CDC #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Meatplants #

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:33 AM 4/27/2020 - "We didnt lose just a single spy. We lost entire networks" in China
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 09:52:01 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/933-am-4272020-we-didnt-lose-just.html "We didnt lose just a single spy. We lost entire networks", said Dean Cheng...  M.N.: It looks like the US Intelligence networks in China were dismantled in planned and organized fashion, possibly or in part as the "inside job". There is only one organisation that is fully capable of this: the (hypothetical) New

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 8:23 AM 4/27/2020 - Is The SARS-CoV-2 a man-made virus combining HIV and SARS? - Review
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 09:03:48 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/823-am-4272020-is-sars-cov-2-man-made.html Tech Startups - Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus "manipulated" for HIV research ... ______________________________________________________________________ "Shi Zhengli, Chinas leading experts on bat coronaviruses and the Deputy Director of the P4 lab, found in a study that SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence did not

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: We Still Dont Know How the Coronavirus Is Killing Us
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 16:00:18 -0400
We Still Dont Know How the Coronavirus Is Killing Us https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/we-still-dont-know-how-coronavirus-is.html _________________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks  3:51 PM 4/26/2020 » COVID-19 death rate potentially lower, disproportionately affects minority groups 26/04/20 14:22 from Google Alert - coronavirus

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 3:51 PM 4/26/2020 » COVID-19 death rate potentially lower, disproportionately affects minority groups 26/04/20 14:22 from Google Alert - coronavirus in blacks
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 15:51:36 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-19-death-rate-potentially-lower.html _____________________________________CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » COVID-19 death rate potentially lower, disproportionately affects minority groups26/04/20 14:22 from Google Alert - coronavirus in blacks » America Needs to Win the Coronavirus Vaccine Race26/04/20 14:00 from

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:47 AM 4/26/2020 - I think, that the Covid-19 infection was brought to Lombardy by the tourists returning from the Munich Oktoberfest in 2019.
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 11:50:35 -0400
___________________________________________________________________ What went wrong? Italy tries to figure out why it got so battered by COVID-19 https://t.co/EzZEgj1Ur7 The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 26, 2020 - https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1147-am-4262020-i-think-that-covid-19.html _________________________________________________________ To:  Agenzia

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 10:47 AM 4/26/2020 - mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:51:37 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1047-am-4262020-mikenov-on-twitter-rt.html ______________________________________________________________ Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, April 25th, 2020 12:35am mikenov on Twitter mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity #USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts #FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins 25/04/20 10:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:18:29 -0400
Coronavirus Puts Italys Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street https://www.thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-puts-italys-most-vicious-mobsters-back-on-the-street?source=twitter&via=desktop  via @thedailybeast _______________________________________________________________ https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/did-covid-19-virus-originate-from-lab.html

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror - Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:27:24 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-19-crisis-has-exposed-us.html COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM Comments On: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses To Bioterror 1 Share People wearing face masks are seen in the Times Square subway station during the outbreak of the coronavirus

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dangerous 25/04/20 02:22 from Google Alert - COVID-19 is used as a Bioweapon
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 07:47:52 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dangerous25/04/20 02:22 from Google Alert - COVID-19 is used as a Bioweapon » Amid COVID-19 Scare, Keralite Youth From UK Reaches Kozhikode for

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic 24/04/20 19:37 from Google Alert - coronavirus criminal investigations
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:35:14 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic24/04/20 19:37 from Google Alert - coronavirus criminal investigations » Top federal, state prosecutors form Delaware COVID-19 Anti-Fraud

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight 24/04/20 14:00 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:33:05 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight24/04/20 14:00 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water » Coronavirus updates: US death toll surpasses 5000024/04/20 13:48 from Google Alert -

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:30:37 -0400
There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same #GERMAN #INTEL #COVER: Wuhan Lab as culprits pic.twitter.com/VYRJGh9xWE Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 24, 2020 - https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue! ...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian |
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:05:35 -0400
Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue!...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian https://t.co/T3oJ1v7khF Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 24, 2020 #CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA #USMilitary #US #Senate #House #Disinfect #America: #Give #Lysol to #Trump! #Let him #drink his #bitter #cup! #Take your own #Medicine, the #

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - 23/04/20 21:40 | Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:23:10 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/herd-immunity-why-some-think-it-could.html Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 | Page _____________________________________ » mikenov on Twitter: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/23/hea23/04/20 21:40 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)Herd immunity: Why some

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low! 23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:25:49 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/de-mystifying-coronavirus-statistics.html » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low!23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response 23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:24:45 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/trump-disregards-science-as-chaos.html » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Las Piñas begins

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2 - 3:19 AM 4/23/2020 - Google Searches
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 03:32:24 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-new-abwehr-punishes-italy-with.html __________________________________________________________________ The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2Coronavirus in ItalyCoronavirus superspreading events in ItalyCoronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2Coronavirus

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Iran extends closure of religious sites amid pandemic 21/04/20 18:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus in iran
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:30:53 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:50 PM 4/22/2020 - Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR: Coronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2 | Very convenient opportunities

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov


Navy Identifies USS Theodore Roosevelt Sailor Who Died of COVID-19

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PEARL HARBOR (NNS) -- Aviation Ordnanceman Chief Petty Officer Charles Robert Thacker Jr., 41, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, assigned to USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), died from COVID-19 April 13 at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam.
Thacker tested positive for COVID-19 March 30, was removed from the ship and placed in isolation on Naval Base Guam. On April 9 (local date), Thacker was found unresponsive during a daily medical check and transferred to Naval Base Guam via ambulance where he was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). 
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time," said Capt. Carlos Sardiello, Theodore Roosevelt's commanding officer. "Our number one priority continues to be the health and well-being of all members of the Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group and we remain steadfast in our resolve against the spread of this virus."
Thacker’s spouse, an active duty member stationed in San Diego, was flown via Navy Air Logistics Office (NALO) flight to Guam, arriving April 11 (local date). At the time of his passing, Thacker’s spouse was by his side.
Crew members who tested positive for COVID-19 remain in isolation at controlled locations on Naval Base Guam, where they receive daily medical supportive care. All medical care is being provided by medical personnel from USS Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, and elements of the U.S. Marine Corps 3rd Medical Battalion.  
To support Sailors, USS Theodore Roosevelt has a civilian resiliency counselor, a chaplain team and medical psychologist assisting as needed. The crew is also being supported by Joint Region Marianas and Naval Base Guam chaplains.
USS Theodore Roosevelt arrived in Guam March 27 for a scheduled port visit for resupply and crew rest.

Coronavirus outbreak has added a new dimension to 'undeclared World War III', Opinions & Blogs News

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The COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the potential of a virus as a weapon of mass destruction. It has added a new dimension to alter the global strategic balance and triggered another chain of events for global strategic dominance, besides unprecedented human sufferings. 
During the First and Second World Wars era, the use of military forces and declaration of war was considered as basic essentiality to call it a World War. War is defined to be a state in which a nation prosecutes its right by force. Similarly as per Collins English Dictionary; World War is a war that involves countries all over the world. During earlier World Wars, the strategic aim was the capture of key territories or surrender of political leadership/will of adversaries. In the current era, the strategic aim revolves around the economic collapse of the adversary.
Were We already in World War III prior to COVID-19? 
Considering the destructive capability of major world powers, a declared World War between combat forces may not occur as it will be devastating for all. The ‘Force’ for application potential will be measured in terms of Comprehensive National Power (CNP) of the world powers. It includes economy, military strength (including nuclear capability), strategic posturing, foreign policy/diplomacy, governance, Human Development Index (HDI), technological capability, knowledge information, geography, natural resources, national will and leadership. Out of all the components of CNP, economic power is the over-riding component dictating the rest. The dimensions of war have grown globally from erstwhile conventional wars under nuclear hangover (barring nuclear strike on Japan) to the aggressive trade war, military posturing, arms race (including Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear arsenal), with political bouts interspersed with few offensive actions involving conventional forces.  
The application of economic power had resulted in an intense trade war between the two largest economies - the US and China. In Indo-Pacific, the conventional and nuclear-armed combat forces of the US and China are continuing strategic posturing, deterrence and messaging to all stakeholders. China used combat forces to occupy and develop features in the South China Sea. The recent US-Iran confrontation after the killing of Major General Qasem Soleimani saw active use of conventional force and brought both countries close to war. If all cases of use of conventional forces are linked, then two opposing alliances covering worldwide conflicts appear on the scene, the first one being US-Israel-Saudi Arabia-South Korea-Japan and the other one being China-Russia-North Korea-Iran-Syria, with other countries seem to be doing the strategic balancing.  
The space warfare has taken a dangerous turn with each side taking preparatory actions to destroy each other’s space assets. The use of elements like misinformation campaign, election meddling, cyberwar, hacking of economic and crucial military network, perception management, is already in progress. 
Diplomatic pressures, economic and technological threats, nuclear blackmailing, proxy wars by nations amount to use of force/CNP to achieve strategic objectives. 
The number of casualties suffered in ongoing conflicts surpasses the total casualties and refugees of both the earlier world wars put together. The global strategic situation has graduated to conflicts, the capture of  South China Sea, innumerable deaths and economic destruction; hence calling it cold war will be an understatement. The global situation even before COVID-19 had every element of a World War, except that the dimension, instruments and modalities have changed, and the war has not been ‘formally declared’; hence it may not be wrong to call it an ‘undeclared World War III’. 
COVID-19 impact
The outbreak of COVID-19 has put humanity to one of the biggest risks of this century. It exposed the vulnerability of strongest nations, triggered by a possible biological weapon (accidentally or otherwise). While the global powers were busy strengthening other elements of CNP, it exposed the consequences of any possible biological weapon to the world adding a new dimension in ongoing undeclared World War III. Wuhan being the initial epicentre, the trends in early 2020 suggested a sheer drop in CNP of China with a combined effect of US-China trade war, failing BRI and COVID-19.
The last week of March 2020 onwards saw the epicentres of COVID-19 shifting westwards with the US, Europe and UK emerging to be worst affected. China, having declared victory over the pandemic, was quick to put back its manufacturing sector in place, trying to boost a ‘COVID-19 economy’ by creating a ‘Health Silk Road’ and re-activating most needed supply chain of medical equipment and medicines, as an attempt to earn maximum profit out of the pandemic, besides attempting to repair its global image. 
Contours of undeclared World War III post-COVID-19 pandemic 
COVID-19 has exposed some vulnerabilities of US and created huge trust deficit for China globally; hence the idea of everyone accepting one/two countries as superpowers or global leader may be outdated in future. The new paradigm will be unlike earlier World Wars, all countries will not be at war, because all of them may not agree to common narratives of key players. And hence, some countries would be at hot war, some in military posturing stage, and some using other dimensions and instruments of war, simultaneously. A new global order will emerge post-COVID-19 which need not be the US or China-centric. Next few decades will see the pivot shifting towards the East, which has fastest-growing economies. It can, therefore, be argued that the battleground for ‘Undeclared World War III’ could be Indo-Pacific, and the world has already entered in the preparatory phase of it, without recognising/declaring it to be so.
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed above are the personal views of the author and do not reflect the views of ZMCL)
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11:30 PM 4/28/2020 - The same pattern of the connection of Covid-19 Epicenters with the historical events related to the WW2 emerges in Italy (see the earlier post); Tehran, Iran; Wuhan, China; Alsace, France; and association of La Rochelle, France with New Rochelle, New York.

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The same pattern of the connection of Covid-19 Epicenters with the historical events related to the WW2 emerges in Italy (see the earlier post); Tehran, Iran; Wuhan, China; Alsace, France; and association of La Rochelle, France with New Rochelle, New York. 
The impression is, that the New Abwehr, in its commemoration of the 75th anniversary of WW2 gets engaged in the symbolic undoing of the events of WW2 and the symbolic punishment with the Covid-19 of these places and locations. 
See also other previous related posts on this subject. 
And all this, while Germany shines in her preparedness and the "undone" superiority. Is this not the PATTERN? 

Michael Novakhov

11:30 PM 4/28/2020


  1. The Epicenter is clearly Tehran, the route: air travel frrom Germany. Qom is secondary location.
    New Abwehr blamed Persian Corridor for losses in WW2 and punished Iran with Covid-19
  2. Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 'Are We Pigs?': Gazprom Pipeline Workers Protest C... https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/are-we-pigs-gazprom-pipeline-workers.html?spref=tw 


Blogs | In Brief

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 'Are We Pigs?': Gazprom Pipeline Workers Protest Conditions Amid Coronavirus Outbreak (Apr 28, 2020 12:04) Gas workers in Russia's Far East staged a mass rally to demand better working condition...
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:31:59 -0400


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