
Showing posts from May 2, 2020

6:00 PM 5/2/2020 - Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter: #Senate #House: #Investigate #Indepth both #CIA & #FBI, the reasons and mechanisms of their incompetence, ineptness, inadequacy, stupidity, & arrogance. #PURGE, PURGE, PURGE, & PURGE!!! The brand new organisations with the brand new people are needed or the country will be lost. | #CIA #ODNI #Senate It was no "RESPONSE"(?!) to 9/11, because there was no analysis, and no finding of causes, just The Cover-up. 9/11 was the #NewAbwehr's Operation , just like #Coronavirus, #Trump, & many others. What's next? "Our Response to 9/11 Gave us Lessons for COVID-19" | #CIA #ODNI #Senate Is #Covid19 an attack by the mythical #AlQaeda? Or by mythical #Rightists? Or by mythical #Leftists? Or By the mythical #Chinese? Or by the real #NewAbwehr which uses all of them as its #covers and remains completely out of sights and out of minds? #Gofigure! | #CIA #FBI #ODNI #WilliamEvanina said: “#Myconcern is the #unknown.” The "UN-KNOWN" which is un-analyzed, un-thought of, un-considered, un-imagined, un-researched, & un-predicted. And therefore un-prepared for. What unknown will be #next? And it will be...

Image Michael Novakhov @mikenov # Senate # House : # Investigate # Indepth both # CIA & # FBI , the reasons and mechanisms of their incompetence, ineptness, inadequacy, stupidity, & arrogance. # PURGE , PURGE, PURGE, & PURGE!!! The brand new organisations with the brand new people are needed or the country will be lost. 12 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov 9/11 - the big cover-up? https://www. 2007/sep/12/911thebigcoverup?CMP=share_btn_tw  … 9/11 - the big cover-up? Peter Tatchell: Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission now admits that the official evidence they were given was 'far from the truth'. 1 h   Michael Novakhov @mikenov International Scientific Evidence based Investigation of 9/11 https://