5:00 AM 9/27/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
5:00 AM 9/27/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov 4:25 AM 9/27/2020 - Blogs Review: Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Putin wants the new Cyber Curtain, to protect his Tzardom - Google Search https:// thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2020/09/425-am -9272020-blogs-review.html … 3 m Michael Novakhov @mikenov Donald Trump: U.S. Hits Troubling 55,000 COVID Cases In A Single Day https:// trumpinvestigations.org/2020/09/27/550 00-covid-cases-on-rise-us_n_5f7028c9c5b64deddeeeebb6-2/ … Donald Trump: U.S. Hits Troubling 55,000 COVID Cases In A Single Day | It's the biggest jump in 24 hours in more than a month as the nation heads into a challenging new season. Donald Trump trumpinvestigations.org 46 m Michael Novakhov Retweeted Military History Now @MilHistNow On this day in 1939, Warsaw falls to Germany. The city will endure 1,939 days of ruthless Nazi occupation. 3 h Michael Novakhov Retweeted The Wall...