12:18 PM 3/8/2020 – #Gantz vs. #Netanyahu; #GantzWillLead.... - #TweetsByMikeNov
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/1218-pm-382020-gantz-vs-netanyahu.html 12:18 PM 3/8/2020 – Post Link 12:18 PM 3/8/2020 – #Gantz vs. #Netanyahu; #GantzWillLead. #Lieberman as the #PowerBroker. #Arab #JointList still #formally on the #sidelines but #gained in #influence and #likely will be #included in the #future #arrangements. #ReligiousFanatics #threaten Gantz with #death, like #Rabin. #Show them, what #SANITY is, rub the #hypocrites’ noses into it, put them in #prison, if needed. Michael Novakhov @mikenov # ReligiousFanatics # threaten Gantz with # death , like # Rabin . # Show them, what # SANITY is, rub the # hypocrites ‘ noses into it, put them in # prison , if needed. # IntelligenceCommunity # Israel # IsraelElections # IsraelAndUS # MiddleEastPolitics # CIA # ODNI # CI http:// all-nt.com/wp/2020/03/08/ 1218-pm-3-8-2020-gantz-vs-netan...