6:17 AM 11/28/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
6:17 AM 11/28/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov Retweeted Newsweek ✔ @Newsweek Dominion Voting Systems says it will hold Sidney Powell "accountable for any harm" connected to voter fraud claims https://www. newsweek.com/dominion-votin g-systems-says-it-will-hold-sidney-powell-accountable-any-harm-connected-voter-1550873?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1606516225 … Dominion Voting Systems says it will hold Sidney Powell "accountable for any harm" connected to... "These assertions in the Powell filing are non-sensical and unsupported by any presentation of evidence," the company said in a statement on Thursday. newsweek.com 11 h Michael Novakhov Retweeted John O. Brennan ✔ @JohnBrennan . @ tedcruz is now misrepresenting the Logan Act. Apparently, he is a poor Senator & a bad lawyer. A private citizen publicly criticizing what could be a state-sponsored assassination of a governmen...