
Showing posts from March 9, 2020

5:10 AM 3/9/2020 - Oil Crashes 31% in Worst Loss Since 1991 After Price War Erupts: WTI - $33, Trend is down! | Same old weapon, well tested, worked well. Prediction: Putya is out within 3 months

Image 5:10 AM 3/9/2020 - Oil Crashes 31% in Worst Loss Since 1991 After Price War Erupts: WTI - $33, Trend is down! | Same old weapon, well tested, worked well. Prediction: Putya is out within 3 months.  Oil Crashes 31% in Worst Loss Since 1991 After Price War Erupts WTI Crude Oil (Nymex)USD/bbl.32.57 https:// - Michael Novakhov @mikenov Oil Crashes 31% in Worst Loss Since 1991 After Price War Erupts Oil markets crashed more than 30% after the disintegration of the OPEC+ alliance triggered an all-out price war between Saudi Arabia and ... oil price today - Google Search https://www. rice+today&source=lmns&tbm=nws&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjx38zugY3oAhXJPt8KHQPdDvMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ  … 10 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov # oilprice # oday ...