
Showing posts from May 10, 2020

11:10 AM 5/10/2020 - Dachau-2 - The ventilation and air-conditioning auto parts can be easily modified and equipped to produce and to exhaust the toxic fumes, for example, the mixture of Ricin and Coronavirus, and these materials might be distributed in the desired locations around the cars.

Image On the origins and the mechanisms of the hypothetical Coronavirus-Ricin mixture contamination points: Dachau-2 ___________________________________________________________________________ M.N.: My Impressions:  The Covid-29 Pandemic started in Europe in October of 2019, most likely at Oktoberfest in Munich, and was spread to the neighboring European countries, to Wuhan, China, to U.S. and the rest of the World soon after that. The strain with "mutation" G164 (D164G) which is prevalent and dominant in Europe presently, and most likely in US, was taken from the sample of the "German Patient 1" of the Munich cluster, and points directly to this source.  IMHO, the subjects of of interest, pertinent to  the  (hopefully)  ongoing  Criminal, Intelligence, and Epidemiological - Medical Investigations, besides and in addition to those, discussed previously, are: ...