10:47 AM 4/26/2020 - mikenov on Twitter: The STUPID Dogs of the FBI | RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves


mikenov on Twitter
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:06:31 -0400
#FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity
#USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts
#FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #FBIIdiots #DismantleStupidFBI
#FBINazis #FBISubverted #AmericanKGB
STUPID Dogs of the State #FBI The #SecretPolice Of #America

mikenov on Twitter
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 19:57:39 -0400
The STUPID Dogs of the State: FBI The Secret Police Of America

mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves urmedium.com/c/presstv/13578
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Salon: Dr. Brix complains to Fox News' Jesse Watters about press coverage of Trump's coronavirus briefings ift.tt/2S8jJzj
mikenov on Twitter: RT @joncoopertweets: Trump's press conferences tragically died after ingesting disinfectant, light and hydroxychloroquine. They will not b
mikenov on Twitter: RT @DailyCaller: Politico Quietly Updates Article After Claiming Trump Currently Owes Millions To Bank Of China. dailycaller.com/2020/04/25/pol
mikenov on Twitter: RT @TimesofIsrael: What went wrong? Italy tries to figure out why it got so battered by COVID-19 timesofisrael.com/what-went-wron
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: North Korea has not reported a public appearance by Kim Jong-un in 2 weeks. Its silence on unconfirmed reports about his healt
mikenov on Twitter: Iran Guards General Says Trump Planned To Attack Khamenei's Residence en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-guards-
mikenov on Twitter: Iran's Capital Remains Epicenter Of COVID-19 Outbreak As Businesses Re-open en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-s-capit
mikenov on Twitter: Tehran is epicenter of Covid-19 in Iran - Google Search google.com/search?newwind
mikenov on Twitter: covid-19 iran map images.app.goo.gl/ZhNVsmWVywkR2p
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: The #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 24:13-35) teaches us that two opposite directions are set before us in life: The path of those who le
mikenov on Twitter: COVID-19 Outbreak Cases in Iran (Density) - 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Iran - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the #COVID19 virus origina... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/218-pm
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: #COVID19 #Crisis Has #Exposed #US #Weaknesses to Biote... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus Puts Italys Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-pu via @thedailybeast
mikenov on Twitter: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror algemeiner.com/2020/04/24/cov
mikenov on Twitter: Sinaloa Cartel Shares Food Bags Bearing Bin Ladens Face in Mexican Border State breitbart.com/border/2020/04 via @BreitbartNews
mikenov on Twitter: German Biological Weapons globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/germ
mikenov on Twitter: Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins - Health Feedback healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid-
mikenov on Twitter: hypothesis for natural zoonosis is the one that fits all available evidence, is most parsimonious, and best satisfies the concept of Occams Razorthat the simplest solution is most likely the right one. healthfeedback.org/did-the-covi
mikenov on Twitter: Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid- via @HealthFeedback
mikenov on Twitter: New York state's coronavirus death toll surpasses 16,000 nypost.com/2020/04/24/new via @nypmetro
mikenov on Twitter: New COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in monkeys. Next step: humans. livescience.com/experimental-c
mikenov on Twitter: Department of Corrections gives plan to release around 2,000 inmates during COVID-19 wset.com/news/coronavir
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Nearly 90% of Brits say they're coping well during the COVID-19 outbreak news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-yo
mikenov on Twitter: Plans are in the works to close the field hospital at the Javits Center and send the USNS Comfort hospital ship home, as cases in the city decline, according to a Federal Emergency Management Agency official connectradio.fm/2020/04/24/
mikenov on Twitter: Photos of the Brooklyn Bridge empty, eerie during coronavirus outbreak - Business Insider businessinsider.com/brooklyn-bridg
mikenov on Twitter: Mutual mistrust will wreck Netanyahu-Gantz coronavirus emergency government haaretz.com/israel-news/.p
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus outbreak strikes another U.S. Navy ship news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-ou
mikenov on Twitter: COVID toes,' odd rashes: Health care professionals explore role skin problems could have in coronavirus diagnosis - cleveland.com cleveland.com/news/2020/04/c
mikenov on Twitter: Defense attorney reports Brooklyn inmates begging for help - New York Daily News nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny
mikenov on Twitter: it is so infectious, attempts to spread it would likely backfire on whoever tries. But the FBI has warned local police agencies that members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus. moguldom.com/?p=274474 vi
mikenov on Twitter: In terms of bioterrorism, COVID is very accessible, he said. Samples are available all over the world. moguldom.com/274474/officia
mikenov on Twitter: The risk of coronavirus being repurposed as an offensive weapon increases as more is learned about the disease, and thats likely one reason why the national security community has begun to take the possibility seriously moguldom.com/?
mikenov on Twitter: Officials Continue To Investigate Coronavirus As Bioweapon moguldom.com/?p=274474 via @moguldom
mikenov on Twitter: Hundreds Of Central Brooklyn Coronavirus Patients On Ventilators patch.com/new-york/prosp
mikenov on Twitter: Another team of Italian scientists has said the coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, not directly from China, in the second half of January. reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: In January for sure, but maybe even before. Well never know, he said, adding that the virus was probably brought to Italy by a group of people rather than a single individual reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuters reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: M.N. - My Estimate: The Epidemiv in Italy started in mid-October - early November, after tourists came back from Munich Oktoberfest and brought the virus with them. | Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuter
mikenov on Twitter: We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, he said. reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: ROME (Reuters) - The first COVID-19 infections in Italy date back to January, according to a scientific study presented on Friday, shedding new light on the origins of the outbreak in one of the worlds worst-affected countries. reut.r
mikenov on Twitter: Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows reut.rs/2zsU2Dj
mikenov on Twitter: We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, Stefano Merler said in a news conference, according to Reuters. nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny
mikenov on Twitter: The staggering toll of coronavirus in New York City: Nearly 400 die each day nypost.com/2020/04/24/thi via @nypmetro
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus Antibody Tests: Can You Trust the Results? nytimes.com/2020/04/24/hea
mikenov on Twitter: who emails hacked - Google Search google.com/search?q=who+e
mikenov on Twitter: U of M researchers to study whether coronavirus could get into drinking water | MPR News mprnews.org/story/2020/04/
mikenov on Twitter: Rumor Buster: WHO says novel coronavirus not manipulated or constructed - Xinhua | English.news.cn xinhuanet.com/english/2020-0
mikenov on Twitter: How Far-Right Extremists Are Exploiting Pandemic voanews.com/covid-19-pande
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/fbi-wa
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity #USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts #FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #FBIIdiots #DismantleStupidFBI #FBINazis #FBISubverted #AmericanKGB STUPID Dogs of the State #FBI The #Sec
mikenov on Twitter: The STUPID Dogs of the State: FBI The Secret Police Of America fbireform.com/wp/
mikenov on Twitter: RT @ragingrodent: The ONLY time when consuming #disinfectant is acceptable is when poisoning your enemies. NEVER ingest it yourself. Remem
mikenov on Twitter: RT @roz_long: Today he tries to retract the stupid question to inject disinfectant into the human body to cure in the lungs of coronavirus
mikenov on Twitter: CDC triples number of coronavirus symptoms nypost.com/2020/04/24/cdc via @nypost
mikenov on Twitter: meaww.com/mike-pompeo-ch
mikenov on Twitter: Bill Gates suggests usage of interviews and databases to track the coronavirus newsbrig.com/bill-gates-sug
mikenov on Twitter: How Asymptomatic People Are Spreading Coronavirus - Detailed Gallery news18.com/photogallery/l
mikenov on Twitter: News - covid-19 neurological symptoms - Google Search google.com/search?q=covid
mikenov on Twitter: Covid-19 blood clots - Google Search google.com/search?newwind
mikenov on Twitter: Covid-19 causes sudden strokes in young adults, doctors say - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/22/hea
mikenov on Twitter: All of the subjects who experienced artery damage were under the age of 50 and experienced mild cases of COVID-19 or were completely asymptomatic. None of these correlates had been previously equated with severe manifestations of coron
mikenov on Twitter: The virus seems to be causing increased clotting in the large arteries, leading to severe stroke, Dr. Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at a Mount Sinai Health System in New York, said in a media release. theladders.com/career-advice/
mikenov on Twitter: There is an increase of strokes in this surprising group of COVID-19 patients theladders.com/career-advice/
mikenov on Twitter: blood clots are a major player in the disease severity and mortality from COVID-19. How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
mikenov on Twitter: a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen. Without larger, prospective controlled studies that are only now being launched, scientists must pull information from small studies and case report
mikenov on Twitter: How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
mikenov on Twitter: How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
mikenov on Twitter: Findings In a case series of 214 patients with coronavirus disease 2019, neurologic symptoms were seen in 36.4% of patients and were more common in patients with severe infection (45.5%) according to their respiratory status, jamanetw
mikenov on Twitter: Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China | Global Health | JAMA Neurology | JAMA Network jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: many patients reporting neurological symptoms theconversation.com/coronavirus-ma via @ConversationUK
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China, governor says reut.rs/2xW9HdU
mikenov on Twitter: Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier inaccurately claims that the novel coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material from HIV healthfeedback.org/claimreview/cl via @HealthFeedback
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/there-
mikenov on Twitter: The coronavirus, made from the AIDS virus? Professor Montagnier's highly contested thesis lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/
mikenov on Twitter: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same
mikenov on Twitter: French Virologist, Who Discovered HIV, Says Coronavirus Originated In A Lab youtu.be/usyQgPU-VrI via @YouTube
mikenov on Twitter: montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta
mikenov on Twitter: Они делали совершенно безумные, на мой взгляд, вещи: к примеру, вставки в геном, которые придавали вирусу способность заражать клетки человека. Сейчас это все было проанализировано. mk.ru/science/2020/0
mikenov on Twitter: "Китайцы создали коронавирус, пытаясь сделать вакцину от ВИЧ" - МК mk.ru/science/2020/0
mikenov on Twitter: Wuhan scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus mol.im/a/8249875 via @MailOnline
mikenov on Twitter: Russian microbiologist claims coronavirus to be outcome of crazy experiments in Wihan freepressjournal.in/world/russian-
mikenov on Twitter: DOJ clarifies federal inmate release guidance after confusion plagues process | KNEB kneb.com/abc_national/d
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump's theory of 'disinfectant injection' theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 10:09 AM 4/24/2020 - Give some #LYSOL to THE #IDIOT!... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/give-s
mikenov on Twitter: #CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA #USMilitary #US #Senate #House #Disinfect #America: #Give #Lysol to #Trump! #Let him #drink his #bitter #cup! #Take your own #Medicine, the #PoisonerInChief! Coronavirus: Experts denounce Trump's theory of 'di
mikenov on Twitter: I promise you the Russians did interfere in our [2016] election and I guarantee you they are doing it again with two other major actors, Biden said. You can be assured between [Trump] and the Russians there is going to be an attemp
mikenov on Twitter: Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue! ...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a
mikenov on Twitter: Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it cant be held, Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, said on Thursday night. gu.com/p/dyq77/stw
mikenov on Twitter: Joe Biden warns that Donald Trump may try to delay November election theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a
mikenov on Twitter: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/23/hea
mikenov on Twitter: Nursing homes linked to up to half of coronavirus deaths in Europe, WHO says washingtonpost.com/world/europe/n
mikenov on Twitter: Nursing homes, struggling to care for coronavirus patients, face increased scrutiny | RiverheadLOCAL riverheadlocal.com/2020/04/23/nur
mikenov on Twitter: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm
mikenov on Twitter: The 201920 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Germany on 27 January 2020, when the first COVID-19 case was confirmed and contained near Munich, Bavaria.[5] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro
mikenov on Twitter: Who we call Patient One was probably Patient 200, said Fabrizio Pregliasco, an epidemiologist. Italy, Pandemics New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor
mikenov on Twitter: experts suspect he contracted the virus from another European, meaning Italy did not have an identifiable patient zero or a traceable source of contagion that could help it contain the virus. nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor
mikenov on Twitter: chinese tourists at oktoberfest 2019 images.app.goo.gl/jCCh2PPoTRVniZ
mikenov on Twitter: Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
mikenov on Twitter: Due to the numerous Italian visitors to the Oktoberfest, since 2005 officers from Bolzano, Italy are also present. Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
mikenov on Twitter: more than six million people from around the world attending the event every year. Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
mikenov on Twitter: We can imagine that a person who contracted the virus in the context of those infected in Munich came to Italy and the area where the virus first spread without showing any symptoms, Galli told Reuters. reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: Italian outbreak must have started between Jan. 25-26, well before the first patient was officially diagnosed in the northern town of Codogno. reuters.com/article/us-hea
mikenov on Twitter: ROME (Reuters) - A team of scientists in Milan believes Italys coronavirus epidemic might have come to the country via Germany and not directly from China as many experts initially assumed. reut.rs/3aQicFh
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, scientists say reut.rs/3aQicFh
mikenov on Twitter: A German businessman traveling in Italy who had contracted the virus the previous week in Munich is the latest person believed by public health experts to be Italys patient zero. politico.eu/article/corona
mikenov on Twitter: How Europe failed the coronavirus test politico.eu/article/corona
mikenov on Twitter: Officials believe Italys Patient Zero, the first person to have brought COVID-19 to the country, is likely a German who traveled to northern Italy around January 25 theatlantic.com/international/
mikenov on Twitter: funeral in San Marco in Lamis gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for be... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-ne
mikenov on Twitter: Autopsies find first U.S. coronavirus death occurred in early February, weeks earlier than previously thought washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04
mikenov on Twitter: Canadian police say 22 victims after rampage in Nova Scotia katu.com/news/nation-wo
mikenov on Twitter: Moscows coronavirus offensive politi.co/2Vst1bC via @politico
mikenov on Twitter: Iran, North Korea, Russia: America's adversaries emboldened to flex their muscles amid coronavirus usatoday.com/story/news/wor via @usatoday
mikenov on Twitter: Russia Is Testing US Military for Weaknesses Amid Pandemic, General Says | Military.com military.com/daily-news/202
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus 'has mutated 30 times with deadlier strain infecting Europe', scientists discover the-sun.com/news/714317/co
mikenov on Twitter: New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2 images.app.goo.gl/5pwWKdLtvUoMFx
mikenov on Twitter: New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2 - Google Search google.com/search?q=New+R
mikenov on Twitter: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! Und my new Viruz-z-z will help
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parad... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1219-p
mikenov on Twitter: Days after arriving back in Vietnam, she developed a cough and tested positive for coronavirus, becoming the countrys patient 17. As of 7 April, Vietnam has 245 confirmed infections. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: if doctors had waited for the test results before handing over the body to family members, perhaps dozens of people could have avoided infection. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: On 3 March, hundreds of people gathered to pay their last respects at the funeral in San Marco in Lamis, a small city of 13,000. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: A nurse who had been at the Porte Ouverte is believed to have originated a cluster that contaminated 250 colleagues at Strasbourg University hospital, where she worked. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: In the week of 17 to 21 February, around 2,500 worshippers gathered at the Porte Ouverte Christian church in the Bourtzwiller district of Mulhouse, in Alsace, eastern France gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: The Waverley council area, which encompasses Bondi and its backpacker community, has now become a hotspot for Covid-19, with many of its 140 cases linked to bars, clubs and restaurants, including the Bucket List. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: Many of those who attended the Back to Boogie Wonderland Tropicana event, which told people to release their inner Caribbean dancer, later retired to local backpacker hostels with dorm rooms and shared facilities. gu.com/p/dhg4
mikenov on Twitter: In Australia, for example, at least 30 people including backpackers became infected after attending a crowded dance party at Bondi Beachs Bucket List pavilion on 15 March. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: Instead, he said, transmission took place at events where people spent a length of time in each others close company, - with the common element of sharing the public bathroom - M.N. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: And also very convenient opportunities for the intentional, deliberate spread by various means - numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: AND ALSO SHARING THE PUBLIC BATHROOMS, WHERE FECAL AEROSOL FROM just ONE INFECTED PERSON CAN SPREAD - numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: Each of the countries most heavily hit by the pandemic has reported similar stories of social, cultural or religious gatherings where large numbers spent numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: the dynamics behind the viruss rapid expansion across the globe has relied heavily on such cluster effects. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
mikenov on Twitter: The cluster effect: how social gatherings were rocket fuel for coronavirus theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
mikenov on Twitter: Germany was warned by New Abwehr in advance and well prepared: Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande
mikenov on Twitter: Yet, he, cautioned against comparing death rates among countries, as he said the numbers in different countries were highly distorted and not representative of the true picture. voanews.com/covid-19-pande
mikenov on Twitter: Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus strains: from 8 to 10,000? - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron
mikenov on Twitter: This Chinese Idiot said: "...more than 10,000 strains had been se..." How shall we understand this? From 8 strains to 10,000 within 1 month? Explain, IDIOT! mutatehttps://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3080771/coronavirus-muta
mikenov on Twitter: Our understanding of the virus remains quite shallow, Zhang said. Questions such as where the virus came from, why it could kill some healthy young people while generating no detectable symptoms in many others scmp.com/news/china/sci
mikenov on Twitter: Coronaviruss ability to mutate has been vastly underestimated scmp.com/news/china/sci via @scmpnews
mikenov on Twitter: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenov... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420
mikenov on Twitter: Good, concise, but incomplete review. Add: skin, liver, kidneys problems, etc. | Clinical features of covid-19 bmj.com/content/369/bm
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: March home sales drop 8.5% as sellers take properties off market cnbc.com/2020/04/21/cor
mikenov on Twitter: we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. Patient-derived mutations impact pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 | medRxiv medrxiv.org/content/10.110
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds | Fox News foxnews.com/science/corona
mikenov on Twitter: Why NYC's largest emergency hospital is pretty much empty - Business Insider businessinsider.com/why-nycs-large
mikenov on Twitter: Gastrointestinal symptoms may be more common in COVID-19 patients than previously thought news.yahoo.com/gastrointestin
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Why some racial groups are more vulnerable bbc.com/future/article via @BBC_Future
mikenov on Twitter: Orthodox Jewish Communities in Bklyn See Frightening Rise in COVID-19 Deaths thejewishvoice.com/2020/04/orthod
mikenov on Twitter: At some point in COVID-19, the body's immune system becomes more of a threat than the virus itself. @jameshamblin explores what we know about that tipping point. theatlantic.com/health/archive
mikenov on Twitter: Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others? | Cornell Chronicle news.cornell.edu/stories/2020/0 via @AddThis
mikenov on Twitter: Cornell Chronicle - Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others? Daily Mail - Coronavirus: 30 strains have developed, most deadly in Europe Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coro
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus HAS mutated, small Chinese study finds  mol.im/a/8237849 via @MailOnline
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus can lead to kidney damage. Why? nbcnews.com/health/health-
mikenov on Twitter: Were the TOXICOLOGY tests done? Could it be the simultaneous poisoning, including by the CHEMICAL weapons, e.g. NOVICHOK type?! See previous posts - M.N. | coronavirus and kidney disease - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron
mikenov on Twitter: Who Is Really Running the Government? nytimes.com/2020/04/21/boo
mikenov on Twitter: p.dw.com/p/3b6HU?maca=e Did coronavirus really originate in a Chinese laboratory?
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus wreaks havoc on New York City's public housing politi.co/34EOuky
mikenov on Twitter: #CIA #DIA #ODNI #FBI #Senate #House #USMilitary #USIntelligenceCommunity #CI My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermed
mikenov on Twitter: My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:38 PM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News: » New guidel... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/938-pm
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually weaponized ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp
mikenov on Twitter: At least 100 UK healthcare workers have died from coronavirus, figures show theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
mikenov on Twitter: Patients with severe cases are more likely to have shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and fluid in their lungs. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
mikenov on Twitter: infection rate is 50 to 85 times as high as the number of confirmed cases. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
mikenov on Twitter: Moreover, asymptomatic carriers may represent the vast majority of carriers. 11 coronavirus mysteries science has cracked since the pandemic began - Business Insider businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
mikenov on Twitter: Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 thelancet.com/journals/lance
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: This article is not convincing at all, for many and various reasons, & probably is politically motivated, to appear in the frankly and determined Leftist publication. It has nothing to do with Science. | A viral story has ma
mikenov on Twitter: That MIT Study About the Subway Causing COVID Spread is Crap nyc.streetsblog.org/2020/04/17/tha via @StreetsblogNYC
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus in subways: scientific evidence - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron
mikenov on Twitter: No guarantee a coronavirus vaccine will be developed, says leading world expert | The Times of Israel timesofisrael.com/no-guarantee-a
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Wild animals roam locked down cities photos - Axios axios.com/coronavirus-an
mikenov on Twitter: montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta
mikenov on Twitter: US West Texas Intermediate crude futures (CL=F) dropped over 37.2% to $11.46 per barrel on Monday, a level not seen since 1998. The slump represents the biggest one day drop in percentage terms since 1982. finance.yahoo.com/news/corona
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: US oil price plunges to 22-year low finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavir via @YahooFinance
mikenov on Twitter: China rejects Australia's questions on its handling of coronavirus news.yahoo.com/china-says-aus
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/TsM8SxjPxc2wQx
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/MQy4xkwoWZRZAx
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/wTvjCUURABU8AT
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/uTwCpiMgkj79Me
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/97VytFGzLeTZcn
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/HtdGPK5F1x3P9Y
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/z9i6UKf89BUW9U
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/CjsKdCBh7vjJSw
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/yefRLHNxUH4CQm
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/NmUt9NXqJxUqCn
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits images.app.goo.gl/97VytFGzLeTZcn
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/zhqYLvn3wn37KU
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/EaY2bW3bP3WqTk
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/QPiEBkxHW95Gzn
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/JGXmiyNkbtSuD9
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/B1JAGCcdoyNznX
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/tYyNrpz28UKd2w
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/BibBRqqwV9sCpz
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/XoxxgxnZbV9Wdw
mikenov on Twitter: 12:40 PM 4/18/2020 - The New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Covid-19 Pandemic - By Michael Novakhov: The Message of the Dates - Observations for the Counterintelligence Investigation tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-co
mikenov on Twitter: A pow wow is a social gathering held by many different Native American communities. A modern pow wow is a specific type of event for Native American socialize, and honor their cultures. Pow wows may be private or public. Wikipedia goo
mikenov on Twitter: powwow definition - Google Search google.com/search?q=powwo
mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti-quarantine protests wapo.st/2RSArCP
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: For years, she was a rare princess from Saudi Arabia who spoke her mind to the world. And she got away with it until she dis
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: #OremosJuntos por los hombres y mujeres con vocación política, que es una forma alta de la caridad. Oremos por los partido
mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: pic.twitter.com/cU6gIdMgGi
mikenov on Twitter: RT @tribelaw: Trump says I watched the protests and they were all six feet apart. The photos prove hes flat-out lying. He must think his
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: La respuesta de los cristianos a las tormentas de la vida y de la historia no puede ser otra que la misericordia: el amor
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: To be Christian is not only to fulfill the Commandments, but "to be born again" and allow the Spirit to enter in us and carry
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: Let us #PrayTogether for the men and women who have a vocation to political life, which is a high form of charity. We pray fo
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: The Christian response to the storms of life and history can only be mercy: compassionate love among us and toward everyone,
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FRANCE24: Protesting in a pandemic: Israelis demonstrate at a distance f24.my/6Ouq.t pic.twitter.com/WoyPcHW9YO
mikenov on Twitter: Buzz Killington III 1 year ago Im Lakota Sioux but, my wife is Apache I love being Native. Apache Indian Powwow youtu.be/bq_7NwqdOU0 via @YouTube
mikenov on Twitter: Departures - Halifax Stanfield International Airport lifaxstanfield.arrivalsdepartures.com/flight-informa
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia, a province on the Atlantic coast known for its fishing industry, and Halifax, a port city, were shocked by the violence in a small, sleepy, rural area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: reports of a shooting about 10:30 p.m. on Saturday in the area of Portapique Beach Road, Bay Shore Road and Five Houses Road in Portapique nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: During the manhunt, the authorities warned residents that Mr. Wortman was armed and dangerous, and told them to stay inside. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: The chief said the bodies of victims were discovered in multiple locations and that several structures were set on fire. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: Chief Leather said Mr. Wortman appeared to be dressed as a police officer and was driving a vehicle made to resemble an R.C.M.P. car. The authorities said that Mr. Wortman then switched vehicles nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: He said a suspect was nowhere to be found. Over the next 12 hours, the police pursued Mr. Wortman across the province. Commissioner Lucki said the crime scene stretched over a 50 kilometer, or 31-mile, area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: episode began on Saturday night when the police were called to a home, where they discovered dead bodies inside and outside the residence. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: A motive for the mass shooting was not immediately clear. The police said that it did not begin as a random act but that the killings became random as the spree progressed. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: RT @RCMPNS: 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman is the suspect in our active shooter investigation in #Portapique. There are several victims. He is
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
mikenov on Twitter: An Unnerving Review of Accidents in High-Level Labs Handling Viruses nationalreview.com/corner/an-unne
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Foxtrot_Cop: #RCMP #NovaScotiaShooting
mikenov on Twitter: RT @adsaki_com: Sending heartfelt condolences to all families effected by the tragic events in Nova Scotia today. Ottawa stands united with
mikenov on Twitter: RT @JantaKaReporter: Gunman, identified as 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman, responsible for Canada's worst mass shooting; at least 16 killed #N
mikenov on Twitter: RT @AramShabanian: At least two police vehicles totally destroyed #NovaScotiaShooting pic.twitter.com/NG6LuibPqc
mikenov on Twitter: RT @GreaterViews: We'd like to know why Gabriel Wortman committed these crimes?. What was the motive behind this rampage?. Does this traged
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Ardeshirz: The tragic rampage in Nova Scotia has left the province and all of Canada in shock. RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson, Mother of t
mikenov on Twitter: A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people... #NovaScotiaShooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+ images.app.goo.gl/gZ9P8hWZ6B8EvH
mikenov on Twitter: A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people... nova scotia shooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+ images.app.goo.gl/Y7yNWutDMy4ZiX
mikenov on Twitter: RT @alfonslopeztena: To the victims of coronavirus Kaddish Maurice Ravel Azi Schwartz עזי שוורץ קדיש רוול youtu.be/h3USptpfcZc
mikenov on Twitter: RT @PalmerReport: Heres how we put Donald Trump in prison palmerreport.com/analysis/heres
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: NEW: Democrats gain new momentum in fight for Senate majority hill.cm/4J2Ersg pic.twitter.com/QdG3b9FzQB
mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals wapo.st/34P8Wzk
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Sen. Schumer: "We will not be able to get the economy going full fledge unless we have testing." pic.twitter.com/SMeZ0V9i9E
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Michael Cohen writing tell-all book about Trump: report hill.cm/7HmxzGq pic.twitter.com/pKopA75Fq6
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Virginia governor calls out Trump: "Delusional" to say states have testing capacity hill.cm/m4EvbEA https://t.co/AmHrT
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: A gunman hijacked a public bus in Texas on Sunday morning, prompting an hourlong police chase through several cities and a sho
mikenov on Twitter: RT @CatherineBelton: 'The KGBs active measures.. formed a template for Russias future disruptive operations in the West. But it was its
mikenov on Twitter: RT @msotkov: Северодвинск, Архангельская область. Здесь делают атомные подводные лодки, чтобы грозить разрушением всему миру. https://t.co/
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed after a 12-hour shooting rampage in Nova Scotia, Canada. The gunma
mikenov on Twitter: RT @NYGovCuomo: Sunday dinner Cuomo style. pic.twitter.com/sT9HI5rb0z
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: After receiving an anonymous tip last Monday, police found 17 bodies in bags in a small holding room in an Andover, New Jersey
mikenov on Twitter: RT @seth_hettena: A century ago, thousands of people gathered in San Francisco to protest a local ordinance requiring masks during the Span
mikenov on Twitter: A Global Recession Will Fuel Cyber-Espionage globalsecurityreview.com/global-recessi
mikenov on Twitter: Acting DNI Grenell Is Succeeding, Angering Susan Rice and Adam Schiff | Newsmax.com newsmax.com/fred-fleitz/ov via @Newsmax

mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves urmedium.com/c/presstv/13578
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:48:39 -0400
President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves urmedium.com/c/presstv/13578

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:48pm

53 likes, 20 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Salon: Dr. Brix complains to Fox News' Jesse Watters about press coverage of Trump's coronavirus briefings ift.tt/2S8jJzj
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:48:16 -0400
Dr. Brix complains to Fox News' Jesse Watters about press coverage of Trump's coronavirus briefings ift.tt/2S8jJzj

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:48pm

6 likes, 2 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @joncoopertweets: Trump's press conferences tragically died after ingesting disinfectant, light and hydroxychloroquine. They will not b
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:47:47 -0400
Trump's press conferences tragically died after ingesting disinfectant, light and hydroxychloroquine. They will not be missed.

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:47pm

1677 likes, 635 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @DailyCaller: Politico Quietly Updates Article After Claiming Trump Currently Owes Millions To Bank Of China. dailycaller.com/2020/04/25/pol
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:47:11 -0400
Politico Quietly Updates Article After Claiming Trump Currently Owes Millions To Bank Of China. dailycaller.com/2020/04/25/pol

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:47pm

185 likes, 117 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @TimesofIsrael: What went wrong? Italy tries to figure out why it got so battered by COVID-19 timesofisrael.com/what-went-wron
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:46:38 -0400
What went wrong? Italy tries to figure out why it got so battered by COVID-19 timesofisrael.com/what-went-wron

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:46pm

21 likes, 16 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: North Korea has not reported a public appearance by Kim Jong-un in 2 weeks. Its silence on unconfirmed reports about his healt
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:44:19 -0400
North Korea has not reported a public appearance by Kim Jong-un in 2 weeks. Its silence on unconfirmed reports about his health and speculation over his possible death has done little to stop the rumors.

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:44pm

1163 likes, 490 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Iran Guards General Says Trump Planned To Attack Khamenei's Residence en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-guards-
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:32:58 -0400
Iran Guards General Says Trump Planned To Attack Khamenei's Residence en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-guards-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Iran's Capital Remains Epicenter Of COVID-19 Outbreak As Businesses Re-open en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-s-capit
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:29:09 -0400
Iran's Capital Remains Epicenter Of COVID-19 Outbreak As Businesses Re-open en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-s-capit

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tehran is epicenter of Covid-19 in Iran - Google Search google.com/search?newwind
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:28:36 -0400
Tehran is epicenter of Covid-19 in Iran - Google Search google.com/search?newwind

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: covid-19 iran map images.app.goo.gl/ZhNVsmWVywkR2p
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:24:18 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: The #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 24:13-35) teaches us that two opposite directions are set before us in life: The path of those who le
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:22:13 -0400
The #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 24:13-35) teaches us that two opposite directions are set before us in life: The path of those who let themselves be paralysed by disappointments and trudge along sadly. Then there is the path of those who put Jesus and others before their own problems.

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 26th, 2020 1:22pm

6608 likes, 1332 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: COVID-19 Outbreak Cases in Iran (Density) - 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Iran - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 09:21:29 -0400
COVID-19 Outbreak Cases in Iran (Density) - 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Iran - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the #COVID19 virus origina... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/218-pm
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:20:40 -0400
#Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the #COVID19 virus origina... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/218-pm

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: #COVID19 #Crisis Has #Exposed #US #Weaknesses to Biote... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:29:54 -0400
#Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: #COVID19 #Crisis Has #Exposed #US #Weaknesses to Biote... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus Puts Italys Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-pu via @thedailybeast
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 11:59:52 -0400
Coronavirus Puts Italys Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-pu via @thedailybeast

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror algemeiner.com/2020/04/24/cov
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:41:13 -0400
COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror algemeiner.com/2020/04/24/cov

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Sinaloa Cartel Shares Food Bags Bearing Bin Ladens Face in Mexican Border State breitbart.com/border/2020/04 via @BreitbartNews
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:35:49 -0400
Sinaloa Cartel Shares Food Bags Bearing Bin Ladens Face in Mexican Border State breitbart.com/border/2020/04 via @BreitbartNews

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: German Biological Weapons globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/germ
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:28:02 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins - Health Feedback healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid-
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:23:59 -0400
Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins - Health Feedback healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: hypothesis for natural zoonosis is the one that fits all available evidence, is most parsimonious, and best satisfies the concept of Occams Razorthat the simplest solution is most likely the right one. healthfeedback.org/did-the-covi
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:23:44 -0400
hypothesis for natural zoonosis is the one that fits all available evidence, is most parsimonious, and best satisfies the concept of Occams Razorthat the simplest solution is most likely the right one. healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid- via @HealthFeedback
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:21:08 -0400
Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins healthfeedback.org/did-the-covid- via @HealthFeedback

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: New York state's coronavirus death toll surpasses 16,000 nypost.com/2020/04/24/new via @nypmetro
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:20:21 -0400
New York state's coronavirus death toll surpasses 16,000 nypost.com/2020/04/24/new via @nypmetro

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: New COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in monkeys. Next step: humans. livescience.com/experimental-c
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:07:39 -0400
New COVID-19 vaccine shows promise in monkeys. Next step: humans. livescience.com/experimental-c

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Department of Corrections gives plan to release around 2,000 inmates during COVID-19 wset.com/news/coronavir
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:05:29 -0400
Department of Corrections gives plan to release around 2,000 inmates during COVID-19 wset.com/news/coronavir

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Nearly 90% of Brits say they're coping well during the COVID-19 outbreak news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-yo
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:03:26 -0400
Coronavirus: Nearly 90% of Brits say they're coping well during the COVID-19 outbreak news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-yo

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Plans are in the works to close the field hospital at the Javits Center and send the USNS Comfort hospital ship home, as cases in the city decline, according to a Federal Emergency Management Agency official connectradio.fm/2020/04/24/
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:02:19 -0400
Plans are in the works to close the field hospital at the Javits Center and send the USNS Comfort hospital ship home, as cases in the city decline, according to a Federal Emergency Management Agency official connectradio.fm/2020/04/24/cor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Photos of the Brooklyn Bridge empty, eerie during coronavirus outbreak - Business Insider businessinsider.com/brooklyn-bridg
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:58:31 -0400
Photos of the Brooklyn Bridge empty, eerie during coronavirus outbreak - Business Insider businessinsider.com/brooklyn-bridg

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Mutual mistrust will wreck Netanyahu-Gantz coronavirus emergency government haaretz.com/israel-news/.p
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:54:08 -0400
Mutual mistrust will wreck Netanyahu-Gantz coronavirus emergency government haaretz.com/israel-news/.p

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus outbreak strikes another U.S. Navy ship news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-ou
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:47:52 -0400
Coronavirus outbreak strikes another U.S. Navy ship news.yahoo.com/coronavirus-ou

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: COVID toes,' odd rashes: Health care professionals explore role skin problems could have in coronavirus diagnosis - cleveland.com cleveland.com/news/2020/04/c
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:44:44 -0400
COVID toes,' odd rashes: Health care professionals explore role skin problems could have in coronavirus diagnosis - cleveland.com cleveland.com/news/2020/04/c

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Defense attorney reports Brooklyn inmates begging for help - New York Daily News nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:42:48 -0400
Defense attorney reports Brooklyn inmates begging for help - New York Daily News nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: it is so infectious, attempts to spread it would likely backfire on whoever tries. But the FBI has warned local police agencies that members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus. moguldom.com/?p=274474 vi
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:38:24 -0400
it is so infectious, attempts to spread it would likely backfire on whoever tries. But the FBI has warned local police agencies that members of extremist groups are encouraging one another to spread the virus. moguldom.com/?p=274474 via @moguldom

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: In terms of bioterrorism, COVID is very accessible, he said. Samples are available all over the world. moguldom.com/274474/officia
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:36:53 -0400
In terms of bioterrorism, COVID is very accessible, he said. Samples are available all over the world. moguldom.com/274474/officia

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The risk of coronavirus being repurposed as an offensive weapon increases as more is learned about the disease, and thats likely one reason why the national security community has begun to take the possibility seriously moguldom.com/?
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:36:27 -0400
The risk of coronavirus being repurposed as an offensive weapon increases as more is learned about the disease, and thats likely one reason why the national security community has begun to take the possibility seriously moguldom.com/?p=274474 via @moguldom

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Officials Continue To Investigate Coronavirus As Bioweapon moguldom.com/?p=274474 via @moguldom
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:34:09 -0400
Officials Continue To Investigate Coronavirus As Bioweapon moguldom.com/?p=274474 via @moguldom

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Hundreds Of Central Brooklyn Coronavirus Patients On Ventilators patch.com/new-york/prosp
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:31:49 -0400
Hundreds Of Central Brooklyn Coronavirus Patients On Ventilators patch.com/new-york/prosp

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Another team of Italian scientists has said the coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, not directly from China, in the second half of January. reuters.com/article/us-hea
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:26:42 -0400
Another team of Italian scientists has said the coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, not directly from China, in the second half of January. reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: In January for sure, but maybe even before. Well never know, he said, adding that the virus was probably brought to Italy by a group of people rather than a single individual reuters.com/article/us-hea
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:25:35 -0400
In January for sure, but maybe even before. Well never know, he said, adding that the virus was probably brought to Italy by a group of people rather than a single individual

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuters reuters.com/article/us-hea
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:24:27 -0400
Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuters reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: M.N. - My Estimate: The Epidemiv in Italy started in mid-October - early November, after tourists came back from Munich Oktoberfest and brought the virus with them. | Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuter
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:23:33 -0400
M.N. - My Estimate: The Epidemiv in Italy started in mid-October - early November, after tourists came back from Munich Oktoberfest and brought the virus with them. |
Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows - Reuters reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, he said. reuters.com/article/us-hea
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:20:44 -0400
We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, he said. reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: ROME (Reuters) - The first COVID-19 infections in Italy date back to January, according to a scientific study presented on Friday, shedding new light on the origins of the outbreak in one of the worlds worst-affected countries. reut.r
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:19:42 -0400
ROME (Reuters) - The first COVID-19 infections in Italy date back to January, according to a scientific study presented on Friday, shedding new light on the origins of the outbreak in one of the worlds worst-affected countries. reut.rs/2zsU2Dj

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows reut.rs/2zsU2Dj
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:18:59 -0400
Italy's coronavirus epidemic began in January, study shows reut.rs/2zsU2Dj

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, Stefano Merler said in a news conference, according to Reuters. nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:18:26 -0400
We realized that there were a lot of infected people in Lombardy well before Feb. 20, which means the epidemic had started much earlier, Stefano Merler said in a news conference, according to Reuters. nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The staggering toll of coronavirus in New York City: Nearly 400 die each day nypost.com/2020/04/24/thi via @nypmetro
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 08:56:21 -0400
The staggering toll of coronavirus in New York City: Nearly 400 die each day nypost.com/2020/04/24/thi via @nypmetro

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus Antibody Tests: Can You Trust the Results? nytimes.com/2020/04/24/hea
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 08:51:02 -0400
Coronavirus Antibody Tests: Can You Trust the Results? nytimes.com/2020/04/24/hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: who emails hacked - Google Search google.com/search?q=who+e
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 08:15:33 -0400
who emails hacked - Google Search google.com/search?q=who+e

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: U of M researchers to study whether coronavirus could get into drinking water | MPR News mprnews.org/story/2020/04/
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 21:11:18 -0400
U of M researchers to study whether coronavirus could get into drinking water | MPR News mprnews.org/story/2020/04/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Rumor Buster: WHO says novel coronavirus not manipulated or constructed - Xinhua | English.news.cn xinhuanet.com/english/2020-0
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 21:09:12 -0400
Rumor Buster: WHO says novel coronavirus not manipulated or constructed - Xinhua | English.news.cn xinhuanet.com/english/2020-0

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: How Far-Right Extremists Are Exploiting Pandemic voanews.com/covid-19-pande
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 21:01:00 -0400
How Far-Right Extremists Are Exploiting Pandemic voanews.com/covid-19-pande

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/fbi-wa
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:35:40 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/fbi-wa

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity #USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts #FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #FBIIdiots #DismantleStupidFBI #FBINazis #FBISubverted #AmericanKGB STUPID Dogs of the State #FBI The #Sec
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:06:31 -0400
#FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity
#USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts
#FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #FBIIdiots #DismantleStupidFBI
#FBINazis #FBISubverted #AmericanKGB
STUPID Dogs of the State #FBI The #SecretPolice Of #America
fbireform.com/wp/ pic.twitter.com/8ChiLdRYay

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The STUPID Dogs of the State: FBI The Secret Police Of America fbireform.com/wp/
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 19:57:39 -0400
The STUPID Dogs of the State: FBI The Secret Police Of America

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @ragingrodent: The ONLY time when consuming #disinfectant is acceptable is when poisoning your enemies. NEVER ingest it yourself. Remem
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 19:53:28 -0400
The ONLY time when consuming #disinfectant is acceptable is when poisoning your enemies. NEVER ingest it yourself.
Remember - be an evil overlord, not a fucking #stupid one. pic.twitter.com/hf9ize3kKC

Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, April 24th, 2020 11:53pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @roz_long: Today he tries to retract the stupid question to inject disinfectant into the human body to cure in the lungs of coronavirus
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 19:52:34 -0400
Today he tries to retract the stupid question to inject disinfectant into the human body to cure in the lungs of coronavirus. #stupid pic.twitter.com/9s0DlR9V8H

Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, April 24th, 2020 11:52pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: CDC triples number of coronavirus symptoms nypost.com/2020/04/24/cdc via @nypost
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:09:42 -0400
CDC triples number of coronavirus symptoms nypost.com/2020/04/24/cdc via @nypost

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: meaww.com/mike-pompeo-ch
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:08:20 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Bill Gates suggests usage of interviews and databases to track the coronavirus newsbrig.com/bill-gates-sug
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:06:56 -0400
Bill Gates suggests usage of interviews and databases to track the coronavirus newsbrig.com/bill-gates-sug

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: How Asymptomatic People Are Spreading Coronavirus - Detailed Gallery news18.com/photogallery/l
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:05:01 -0400
How Asymptomatic People Are Spreading Coronavirus - Detailed Gallery news18.com/photogallery/l

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: News - covid-19 neurological symptoms - Google Search google.com/search?q=covid
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:41:13 -0400
News - covid-19 neurological symptoms - Google Search google.com/search?q=covid

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Covid-19 blood clots - Google Search google.com/search?newwind
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:39:31 -0400
Covid-19 blood clots - Google Search google.com/search?newwind

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Covid-19 causes sudden strokes in young adults, doctors say - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/22/hea
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:36:15 -0400
Covid-19 causes sudden strokes in young adults, doctors say - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/22/hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: All of the subjects who experienced artery damage were under the age of 50 and experienced mild cases of COVID-19 or were completely asymptomatic. None of these correlates had been previously equated with severe manifestations of coron
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:34:59 -0400
All of the subjects who experienced artery damage were under the age of 50 and experienced mild cases of COVID-19 or were completely asymptomatic. None of these correlates had been previously equated with severe manifestations of coronavirus infection. theladders.com/career-advice/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The virus seems to be causing increased clotting in the large arteries, leading to severe stroke, Dr. Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at a Mount Sinai Health System in New York, said in a media release. theladders.com/career-advice/
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:34:17 -0400
The virus seems to be causing increased clotting in the large arteries, leading to severe stroke, Dr. Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at a Mount Sinai Health System in New York, said in a media release. theladders.com/career-advice/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: There is an increase of strokes in this surprising group of COVID-19 patients theladders.com/career-advice/
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:34:08 -0400
There is an increase of strokes in this surprising group of COVID-19 patients theladders.com/career-advice/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: blood clots are a major player in the disease severity and mortality from COVID-19. How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:13:27 -0400
blood clots are a major player in the disease severity and mortality from COVID-19.
How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen. Without larger, prospective controlled studies that are only now being launched, scientists must pull information from small studies and case report
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:09:56 -0400
a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen. Without larger, prospective controlled studies that are only now being launched, scientists must pull information from small studies and case reports sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:08:14 -0400
How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body The Sun Nigeria sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 17:07:10 -0400
How COVID-19 kills: Blow-by-blow account of scourges majestic march through body sunnewsonline.com/how-covid-19-k

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Findings In a case series of 214 patients with coronavirus disease 2019, neurologic symptoms were seen in 36.4% of patients and were more common in patients with severe infection (45.5%) according to their respiratory status, jamanetw
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:17:52 -0400
Findings In a case series of 214 patients with coronavirus disease 2019, neurologic symptoms were seen in 36.4% of patients and were more common in patients with severe infection (45.5%) according to their respiratory status, jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China | Global Health | JAMA Neurology | JAMA Network jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:16:52 -0400
Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China | Global Health | JAMA Neurology | JAMA Network jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: many patients reporting neurological symptoms theconversation.com/coronavirus-ma via @ConversationUK
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:16:10 -0400
Coronavirus: many patients reporting neurological symptoms theconversation.com/coronavirus-ma via @ConversationUK

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China, governor says reut.rs/2xW9HdU
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:12:39 -0400
Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China, governor says reut.rs/2xW9HdU

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier inaccurately claims that the novel coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material from HIV healthfeedback.org/claimreview/cl via @HealthFeedback
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 13:36:53 -0400
Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier inaccurately claims that the novel coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material from HIV healthfeedback.org/claimreview/cl via @HealthFeedback

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/there-
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:32:55 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/there-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The coronavirus, made from the AIDS virus? Professor Montagnier's highly contested thesis lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:47:22 -0400
The coronavirus, made from the AIDS virus? Professor Montagnier's highly contested thesis lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:44:06 -0400
There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same #GERMAN #INTEL #COVER: Wuhan Lab as culprits pic.twitter.com/VYRJGh9xWE

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: French Virologist, Who Discovered HIV, Says Coronavirus Originated In A Lab youtu.be/usyQgPU-VrI via @YouTube
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:31:15 -0400
French Virologist, Who Discovered HIV, Says Coronavirus Originated In A Lab youtu.be/usyQgPU-VrI via @YouTube

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:30:17 -0400
montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Они делали совершенно безумные, на мой взгляд, вещи: к примеру, вставки в геном, которые придавали вирусу способность заражать клетки человека. Сейчас это все было проанализировано. mk.ru/science/2020/0
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:20:22 -0400
Они делали совершенно безумные, на мой взгляд, вещи: к примеру, вставки в геном, которые придавали вирусу способность заражать клетки человека. Сейчас это все было проанализировано. mk.ru/science/2020/0

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: "Китайцы создали коронавирус, пытаясь сделать вакцину от ВИЧ" - МК mk.ru/science/2020/0
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:16:05 -0400
"Китайцы создали коронавирус, пытаясь сделать вакцину от ВИЧ" - МК mk.ru/science/2020/0

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Wuhan scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus mol.im/a/8249875 via @MailOnline
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 11:13:27 -0400
Wuhan scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus mol.im/a/8249875 via @MailOnline

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Russian microbiologist claims coronavirus to be outcome of crazy experiments in Wihan freepressjournal.in/world/russian-
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:59:28 -0400
Russian microbiologist claims coronavirus to be outcome of crazy experiments in Wihan

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: DOJ clarifies federal inmate release guidance after confusion plagues process | KNEB kneb.com/abc_national/d
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:50:52 -0400
DOJ clarifies federal inmate release guidance after confusion plagues process | KNEB kneb.com/abc_national/d

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump's theory of 'disinfectant injection' theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:48:44 -0400
Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump's theory of 'disinfectant injection' theguardian.com/world/2020/apr

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 10:09 AM 4/24/2020 - Give some #LYSOL to THE #IDIOT!... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/give-s
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:23:38 -0400
#Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: 10:09 AM 4/24/2020 - Give some #LYSOL to THE #IDIOT!... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/give-s

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA #USMilitary #US #Senate #House #Disinfect #America: #Give #Lysol to #Trump! #Let him #drink his #bitter #cup! #Take your own #Medicine, the #PoisonerInChief! Coronavirus: Experts denounce Trump's theory of 'di
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:57:35 -0400
#CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA #USMilitary
#US #Senate #House
#Disinfect #America: #Give #Lysol to #Trump! #Let him #drink his #bitter #cup! #Take your own #Medicine, the #PoisonerInChief!
Coronavirus: Experts denounce Trump's theory of 'disinfectant injection' theguardian.com/world/2020/apr pic.twitter.com/0N41kh4Y3H

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: I promise you the Russians did interfere in our [2016] election and I guarantee you they are doing it again with two other major actors, Biden said. You can be assured between [Trump] and the Russians there is going to be an attemp
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:48:58 -0400
I promise you the Russians did interfere in our [2016] election and I guarantee you they are doing it again with two other major actors, Biden said. You can be assured between [Trump] and the Russians there is going to be an attempt to interfere. gu.com/p/dyq77/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue! ...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:47:20 -0400
Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue!
...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it cant be held, Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, said on Thursday night. gu.com/p/dyq77/stw
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:43:24 -0400
Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it cant be held, Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, said on Thursday night. gu.com/p/dyq77/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Joe Biden warns that Donald Trump may try to delay November election theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:42:47 -0400
Joe Biden warns that Donald Trump may try to delay November election theguardian.com/us-news/2020/a

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/23/hea
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 20:40:16 -0400
Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/23/hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nursing homes linked to up to half of coronavirus deaths in Europe, WHO says washingtonpost.com/world/europe/n
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:44:40 -0400
Nursing homes linked to up to half of coronavirus deaths in Europe, WHO says washingtonpost.com/world/europe/n

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nursing homes, struggling to care for coronavirus patients, face increased scrutiny | RiverheadLOCAL riverheadlocal.com/2020/04/23/nur
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:44:01 -0400
Nursing homes, struggling to care for coronavirus patients, face increased scrutiny | RiverheadLOCAL riverheadlocal.com/2020/04/23/nur

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:06:13 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The 201920 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Germany on 27 January 2020, when the first COVID-19 case was confirmed and contained near Munich, Bavaria.[5] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:11:55 -0400
The 201920 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Germany on 27 January 2020, when the first COVID-19 case was confirmed and contained near Munich, Bavaria.[5] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Who we call Patient One was probably Patient 200, said Fabrizio Pregliasco, an epidemiologist. Italy, Pandemics New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:54:43 -0400
Who we call Patient One was probably Patient 200, said Fabrizio Pregliasco, an epidemiologist.
Italy, Pandemics New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: experts suspect he contracted the virus from another European, meaning Italy did not have an identifiable patient zero or a traceable source of contagion that could help it contain the virus. nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:53:47 -0400
experts suspect he contracted the virus from another European, meaning Italy did not have an identifiable patient zero or a traceable source of contagion that could help it contain the virus. nytimes.com/2020/03/21/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: chinese tourists at oktoberfest 2019 images.app.goo.gl/jCCh2PPoTRVniZ
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:05:06 -0400
chinese tourists at oktoberfest 2019

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:23:59 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Due to the numerous Italian visitors to the Oktoberfest, since 2005 officers from Bolzano, Italy are also present. Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:23:03 -0400
Due to the numerous Italian visitors to the Oktoberfest, since 2005 officers from Bolzano, Italy are also present.
Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: more than six million people from around the world attending the event every year. Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:17:16 -0400
more than six million people from around the world attending the event every year.
Oktoberfest - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oktoberfe

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: We can imagine that a person who contracted the virus in the context of those infected in Munich came to Italy and the area where the virus first spread without showing any symptoms, Galli told Reuters. reuters.com/article/us-hea
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:09:55 -0400
We can imagine that a person who contracted the virus in the context of those infected in Munich came to Italy and the area where the virus first spread without showing any symptoms, Galli told Reuters. reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Italian outbreak must have started between Jan. 25-26, well before the first patient was officially diagnosed in the northern town of Codogno. reuters.com/article/us-hea
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:09:03 -0400
Italian outbreak must have started between Jan. 25-26, well before the first patient was officially diagnosed in the northern town of Codogno. reuters.com/article/us-hea

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: ROME (Reuters) - A team of scientists in Milan believes Italys coronavirus epidemic might have come to the country via Germany and not directly from China as many experts initially assumed. reut.rs/3aQicFh
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:07:33 -0400
ROME (Reuters) - A team of scientists in Milan believes Italys coronavirus epidemic might have come to the country via Germany and not directly from China as many experts initially assumed. reut.rs/3aQicFh

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, scientists say reut.rs/3aQicFh
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:07:21 -0400
Coronavirus may have reached Italy from Germany, scientists say reut.rs/3aQicFh

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A German businessman traveling in Italy who had contracted the virus the previous week in Munich is the latest person believed by public health experts to be Italys patient zero. politico.eu/article/corona
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:49:34 -0400
A German businessman traveling in Italy who had contracted the virus the previous week in Munich is the latest person believed by public health experts to be Italys patient zero. politico.eu/article/corona

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: How Europe failed the coronavirus test politico.eu/article/corona
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:44:15 -0400
How Europe failed the coronavirus test politico.eu/article/corona

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Officials believe Italys Patient Zero, the first person to have brought COVID-19 to the country, is likely a German who traveled to northern Italy around January 25 theatlantic.com/international/
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:43:53 -0400
Officials believe Italys Patient Zero, the first person to have brought COVID-19 to the country, is likely a German who traveled to northern Italy around January 25 theatlantic.com/international/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: funeral in San Marco in Lamis gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:16:40 -0400
funeral in San Marco in Lamis gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for be... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-ne
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 03:33:28 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for be... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-ne

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Autopsies find first U.S. coronavirus death occurred in early February, weeks earlier than previously thought washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 20:51:48 -0400
Autopsies find first U.S. coronavirus death occurred in early February, weeks earlier than previously thought washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Canadian police say 22 victims after rampage in Nova Scotia katu.com/news/nation-wo
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 19:20:35 -0400
Canadian police say 22 victims after rampage in Nova Scotia katu.com/news/nation-wo

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Moscows coronavirus offensive politi.co/2Vst1bC via @politico
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 19:17:39 -0400
Moscows coronavirus offensive politi.co/2Vst1bC via @politico

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Iran, North Korea, Russia: America's adversaries emboldened to flex their muscles amid coronavirus usatoday.com/story/news/wor via @usatoday
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:39:29 -0400
Iran, North Korea, Russia: America's adversaries emboldened to flex their muscles amid coronavirus usatoday.com/story/news/wor via @usatoday

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Russia Is Testing US Military for Weaknesses Amid Pandemic, General Says | Military.com military.com/daily-news/202
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:32:20 -0400
Russia Is Testing US Military for Weaknesses Amid Pandemic, General Says | Military.com military.com/daily-news/202

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus 'has mutated 30 times with deadlier strain infecting Europe', scientists discover the-sun.com/news/714317/co
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:13:35 -0400
Coronavirus 'has mutated 30 times with deadlier strain infecting Europe', scientists discover the-sun.com/news/714317/co

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2 images.app.goo.gl/5pwWKdLtvUoMFx
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 13:07:23 -0400
New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2 - Google Search google.com/search?q=New+R
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 13:06:22 -0400
New Rochelle NY and La Rochelle in France: Coronavirus and WW2 - Google Search google.com/search?q=New+R

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! Und my new Viruz-z-z will help
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:44:52 -0400
12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! Und my new Viruz-z-z will help you wiz ZIZ!!!" tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1219-p

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parad... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1219-p
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:44:32 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parad... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1219-p

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Days after arriving back in Vietnam, she developed a cough and tested positive for coronavirus, becoming the countrys patient 17. As of 7 April, Vietnam has 245 confirmed infections. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:36:42 -0400
Days after arriving back in Vietnam, she developed a cough and tested positive for coronavirus, becoming the countrys patient 17. As of 7 April, Vietnam has 245 confirmed infections. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: if doctors had waited for the test results before handing over the body to family members, perhaps dozens of people could have avoided infection. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:33:11 -0400
if doctors had waited for the test results before handing over the body to family members, perhaps dozens of people could have avoided infection. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: On 3 March, hundreds of people gathered to pay their last respects at the funeral in San Marco in Lamis, a small city of 13,000. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:22:47 -0400
On 3 March, hundreds of people gathered to pay their last respects at the funeral in San Marco in Lamis, a small city of 13,000. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A nurse who had been at the Porte Ouverte is believed to have originated a cluster that contaminated 250 colleagues at Strasbourg University hospital, where she worked. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:21:38 -0400
A nurse who had been at the Porte Ouverte is believed to have originated a cluster that contaminated 250 colleagues at Strasbourg University hospital, where she worked. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: In the week of 17 to 21 February, around 2,500 worshippers gathered at the Porte Ouverte Christian church in the Bourtzwiller district of Mulhouse, in Alsace, eastern France gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:04:00 -0400
In the week of 17 to 21 February, around 2,500 worshippers gathered at the Porte Ouverte Christian church in the Bourtzwiller district of Mulhouse, in Alsace, eastern France gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The Waverley council area, which encompasses Bondi and its backpacker community, has now become a hotspot for Covid-19, with many of its 140 cases linked to bars, clubs and restaurants, including the Bucket List. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:02:53 -0400
The Waverley council area, which encompasses Bondi and its backpacker community, has now become a hotspot for Covid-19, with many of its 140 cases linked to bars, clubs and restaurants, including the Bucket List. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Many of those who attended the Back to Boogie Wonderland Tropicana event, which told people to release their inner Caribbean dancer, later retired to local backpacker hostels with dorm rooms and shared facilities. gu.com/p/dhg4
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:02:32 -0400
Many of those who attended the Back to Boogie Wonderland Tropicana event, which told people to release their inner Caribbean dancer, later retired to local backpacker hostels with dorm rooms and shared facilities. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: In Australia, for example, at least 30 people including backpackers became infected after attending a crowded dance party at Bondi Beachs Bucket List pavilion on 15 March. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:01:21 -0400
In Australia, for example, at least 30 people including backpackers became infected after attending a crowded dance party at Bondi Beachs Bucket List pavilion on 15 March. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Instead, he said, transmission took place at events where people spent a length of time in each others close company, - with the common element of sharing the public bathroom - M.N. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:56:56 -0400
Instead, he said, transmission took place at events where people spent a length of time in each others close company, - with the common element of sharing the public bathroom - M.N.

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: And also very convenient opportunities for the intentional, deliberate spread by various means - numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:44:27 -0400
M.N.: And also very convenient opportunities for the intentional, deliberate spread by various means -
numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: AND ALSO SHARING THE PUBLIC BATHROOMS, WHERE FECAL AEROSOL FROM just ONE INFECTED PERSON CAN SPREAD - numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:42:43 -0400
numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Each of the countries most heavily hit by the pandemic has reported similar stories of social, cultural or religious gatherings where large numbers spent numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:40:53 -0400
Each of the countries most heavily hit by the pandemic has reported similar stories of social, cultural or religious gatherings where large numbers spent numerous hours in close company gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: the dynamics behind the viruss rapid expansion across the globe has relied heavily on such cluster effects. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:40:22 -0400
the dynamics behind the viruss rapid expansion across the globe has relied heavily on such cluster effects. gu.com/p/dhg4q/stw

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The cluster effect: how social gatherings were rocket fuel for coronavirus theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:47:15 -0400
The cluster effect: how social gatherings were rocket fuel for coronavirus theguardian.com/world/2020/apr

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Germany was warned by New Abwehr in advance and well prepared: Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:44:56 -0400
Germany was warned by New Abwehr in advance and well prepared:
Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Yet, he, cautioned against comparing death rates among countries, as he said the numbers in different countries were highly distorted and not representative of the true picture. voanews.com/covid-19-pande
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:41:03 -0400
Yet, he, cautioned against comparing death rates among countries, as he said the numbers in different countries were highly distorted and not representative of the true picture. voanews.com/covid-19-pande

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:33:51 -0400
Germany Staggers World With Low COVID-19 Death Rate voanews.com/covid-19-pande

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus strains: from 8 to 10,000? - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 19:03:18 -0400
Coronavirus strains: from 8 to 10,000? - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: This Chinese Idiot said: "...more than 10,000 strains had been se..." How shall we understand this? From 8 strains to 10,000 within 1 month? Explain, IDIOT! mutatehttps://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3080771/coronavirus-muta
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:59:36 -0400
This Chinese Idiot said:
"...more than 10,000 strains had been se..."
How shall we understand this? From 8 strains to 10,000 within 1 month? Explain, IDIOT!

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Our understanding of the virus remains quite shallow, Zhang said. Questions such as where the virus came from, why it could kill some healthy young people while generating no detectable symptoms in many others scmp.com/news/china/sci
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:37:01 -0400
Our understanding of the virus remains quite shallow, Zhang said. Questions such as where the virus came from, why it could kill some healthy young people while generating no detectable symptoms in many others scmp.com/news/china/sci

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronaviruss ability to mutate has been vastly underestimated scmp.com/news/china/sci via @scmpnews
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:24:39 -0400
Coronaviruss ability to mutate has been vastly underestimated scmp.com/news/china/sci via @scmpnews

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:28:41 -0400
21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenov... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:28:24 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenov... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Good, concise, but incomplete review. Add: skin, liver, kidneys problems, etc. | Clinical features of covid-19 bmj.com/content/369/bm
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:16:48 -0400
Good, concise, but incomplete review. Add: skin, liver, kidneys problems, etc. |
Clinical features of covid-19 bmj.com/content/369/bm

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: March home sales drop 8.5% as sellers take properties off market cnbc.com/2020/04/21/cor
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:55:53 -0400
Coronavirus: March home sales drop 8.5% as sellers take properties off market cnbc.com/2020/04/21/cor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. Patient-derived mutations impact pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 | medRxiv medrxiv.org/content/10.110
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:20:52 -0400
we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity.
Patient-derived mutations impact pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 | medRxiv medrxiv.org/content/10.110

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds | Fox News foxnews.com/science/corona
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:17:54 -0400
Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds | Fox News foxnews.com/science/corona

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Why NYC's largest emergency hospital is pretty much empty - Business Insider businessinsider.com/why-nycs-large
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:53:19 -0400
Why NYC's largest emergency hospital is pretty much empty - Business Insider businessinsider.com/why-nycs-large

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Gastrointestinal symptoms may be more common in COVID-19 patients than previously thought news.yahoo.com/gastrointestin
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:48:39 -0400
Gastrointestinal symptoms may be more common in COVID-19 patients than previously thought news.yahoo.com/gastrointestin

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Why some racial groups are more vulnerable bbc.com/future/article via @BBC_Future
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:41:14 -0400
Coronavirus: Why some racial groups are more vulnerable bbc.com/future/article via @BBC_Future

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Orthodox Jewish Communities in Bklyn See Frightening Rise in COVID-19 Deaths thejewishvoice.com/2020/04/orthod
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:27:10 -0400
Orthodox Jewish Communities in Bklyn See Frightening Rise in COVID-19 Deaths thejewishvoice.com/2020/04/orthod

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: At some point in COVID-19, the body's immune system becomes more of a threat than the virus itself. @jameshamblin explores what we know about that tipping point. theatlantic.com/health/archive
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:52:01 -0400
At some point in COVID-19, the body's immune system becomes more of a threat than the virus itself. @jameshamblin explores what we know about that tipping point. theatlantic.com/health/archive

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others? | Cornell Chronicle news.cornell.edu/stories/2020/0 via @AddThis
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:44:13 -0400
Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others? | Cornell Chronicle news.cornell.edu/stories/2020/0 via @AddThis

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Cornell Chronicle - Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others? Daily Mail - Coronavirus: 30 strains have developed, most deadly in Europe Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coro
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:24:32 -0400
Cornell Chronicle - Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly for others?
Daily Mail - Coronavirus: 30 strains have developed, most deadly in Europe
Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:22:07 -0400
Coronavirus: various strains and illness severity - Google Search google.com/search?q=Coron

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus HAS mutated, small Chinese study finds  mol.im/a/8237849 via @MailOnline
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:16:56 -0400
Coronavirus HAS mutated, small Chinese study finds  mol.im/a/8237849 via @MailOnline

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus can lead to kidney damage. Why? nbcnews.com/health/health-
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:59:50 -0400
Coronavirus can lead to kidney damage. Why? nbcnews.com/health/health-

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Were the TOXICOLOGY tests done? Could it be the simultaneous poisoning, including by the CHEMICAL weapons, e.g. NOVICHOK type?! See previous posts - M.N. | coronavirus and kidney disease - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:56:27 -0400
Were the TOXICOLOGY tests done? Could it be the simultaneous poisoning, including by the CHEMICAL weapons, e.g. NOVICHOK type?! See previous posts - M.N. |
coronavirus and kidney disease - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Who Is Really Running the Government? nytimes.com/2020/04/21/boo
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:36:33 -0400
Who Is Really Running the Government? nytimes.com/2020/04/21/boo

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: p.dw.com/p/3b6HU?maca=e Did coronavirus really originate in a Chinese laboratory?
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 11:01:11 -0400
p.dw.com/p/3b6HU?maca=e Did coronavirus really originate in a Chinese laboratory?

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus wreaks havoc on New York City's public housing politi.co/34EOuky
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 10:58:03 -0400
Coronavirus wreaks havoc on New York City's public housing politi.co/34EOuky

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #CIA #DIA #ODNI #FBI #Senate #House #USMilitary #USIntelligenceCommunity #CI My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermed
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 09:43:53 -0400
#CIA #DIA #ODNI #FBI #Senate #House #USMilitary #USIntelligenceCommunity #CI
My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermediary designs & steps. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp pic.twitter.com/Wcb8ask43J

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 09:41:01 -0400
My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually #weaponized by the #NewAbwehr from the early 2000s, as the #BioWar #sequelto911, with #SARS and #MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:38 PM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News: » New guidel... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/938-pm
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:42:41 -0400
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:38 PM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News: » New guidel... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/938-pm

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually weaponized ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:32:34 -0400
#Tweets And #News - From #MichaelNovakhov: My #Hypothesis: #SarsCov2 was gradually weaponized ... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hyp

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: At least 100 UK healthcare workers have died from coronavirus, figures show theguardian.com/world/2020/apr
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:26:45 -0400
At least 100 UK healthcare workers have died from coronavirus, figures show theguardian.com/world/2020/apr

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Patients with severe cases are more likely to have shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and fluid in their lungs. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:19:18 -0400
Patients with severe cases are more likely to have shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and fluid in their lungs. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: infection rate is 50 to 85 times as high as the number of confirmed cases. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:17:38 -0400
infection rate is 50 to 85 times as high as the number of confirmed cases. businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Moreover, asymptomatic carriers may represent the vast majority of carriers. 11 coronavirus mysteries science has cracked since the pandemic began - Business Insider businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:17:00 -0400
Moreover, asymptomatic carriers may represent the vast majority of carriers.
11 coronavirus mysteries science has cracked since the pandemic began - Business Insider businessinsider.com/coronavirus-co

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 thelancet.com/journals/lance
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:14:06 -0400
Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 thelancet.com/journals/lance

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: M.N.: This article is not convincing at all, for many and various reasons, & probably is politically motivated, to appear in the frankly and determined Leftist publication. It has nothing to do with Science. | A viral story has ma
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:10:04 -0400
M.N.: This article is not convincing at all, for many and various reasons, & probably is politically motivated, to appear in the frankly and determined Leftist publication. It has nothing to do with Science. |
A viral story has many people...
slate.com/technology/202 via @slate

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: That MIT Study About the Subway Causing COVID Spread is Crap nyc.streetsblog.org/2020/04/17/tha via @StreetsblogNYC
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:20:29 -0400
That MIT Study About the Subway Causing COVID Spread is Crap nyc.streetsblog.org/2020/04/17/tha via @StreetsblogNYC

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus in subways: scientific evidence - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:17:35 -0400
coronavirus in subways: scientific evidence - Google Search google.com/search?q=coron

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: No guarantee a coronavirus vaccine will be developed, says leading world expert | The Times of Israel timesofisrael.com/no-guarantee-a
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:11:44 -0400
No guarantee a coronavirus vaccine will be developed, says leading world expert | The Times of Israel timesofisrael.com/no-guarantee-a

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: Wild animals roam locked down cities photos - Axios axios.com/coronavirus-an
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:02:45 -0400
Coronavirus: Wild animals roam locked down cities photos - Axios axios.com/coronavirus-an

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:51:14 -0400
montagnier coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=monta

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: US West Texas Intermediate crude futures (CL=F) dropped over 37.2% to $11.46 per barrel on Monday, a level not seen since 1998. The slump represents the biggest one day drop in percentage terms since 1982. finance.yahoo.com/news/corona
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:39:46 -0400
US West Texas Intermediate crude futures (CL=F) dropped over 37.2% to $11.46 per barrel on Monday, a level not seen since 1998. The slump represents the biggest one day drop in percentage terms since 1982. finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavir

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus: US oil price plunges to 22-year low finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavir via @YahooFinance
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:38:35 -0400
Coronavirus: US oil price plunges to 22-year low finance.yahoo.com/news/coronavir via @YahooFinance

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: China rejects Australia's questions on its handling of coronavirus news.yahoo.com/china-says-aus
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:35:13 -0400
China rejects Australia's questions on its handling of coronavirus news.yahoo.com/china-says-aus

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/TsM8SxjPxc2wQx
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:46:06 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/MQy4xkwoWZRZAx
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:45:43 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/wTvjCUURABU8AT
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:44:52 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/uTwCpiMgkj79Me
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:44:16 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/97VytFGzLeTZcn
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:43:42 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/HtdGPK5F1x3P9Y
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:43:23 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/z9i6UKf89BUW9U
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:43:00 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/CjsKdCBh7vjJSw
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:42:41 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/yefRLHNxUH4CQm
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:42:22 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada images.app.goo.gl/NmUt9NXqJxUqCn
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:42:01 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masked bandits images.app.goo.gl/97VytFGzLeTZcn
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:39:56 -0400
coronavirus bandana masked bandits

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/zhqYLvn3wn37KU
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:38:59 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/EaY2bW3bP3WqTk
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:38:29 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/QPiEBkxHW95Gzn
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:37:38 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/JGXmiyNkbtSuD9
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:37:12 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/B1JAGCcdoyNznX
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:36:27 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/tYyNrpz28UKd2w
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:35:20 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/BibBRqqwV9sCpz
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:34:52 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: coronavirus bandana masks images.app.goo.gl/XoxxgxnZbV9Wdw
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 09:34:05 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: 12:40 PM 4/18/2020 - The New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Covid-19 Pandemic - By Michael Novakhov: The Message of the Dates - Observations for the Counterintelligence Investigation tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-co
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:51:13 -0400
12:40 PM 4/18/2020 - The New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Covid-19 Pandemic - By Michael Novakhov: The Message of the Dates - Observations for the Counterintelligence Investigation tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-co

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A pow wow is a social gathering held by many different Native American communities. A modern pow wow is a specific type of event for Native American socialize, and honor their cultures. Pow wows may be private or public. Wikipedia goo
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:46:55 -0400
A pow wow is a social gathering held by many different Native American communities. A modern pow wow is a specific type of event for Native American socialize, and honor their cultures. Pow wows may be private or public. Wikipedia google.com/search?newwind

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: powwow definition - Google Search google.com/search?q=powwo
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:45:24 -0400
powwow definition - Google Search google.com/search?q=powwo

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti-quarantine protests wapo.st/2RSArCP
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:44:07 -0400
Pro-gun activists using Facebook groups to push anti-quarantine protests wapo.st/2RSArCP

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:44pm

400 likes, 252 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: For years, she was a rare princess from Saudi Arabia who spoke her mind to the world. And she got away with it until she dis
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:43:54 -0400
For years, she was a rare princess from Saudi Arabia who spoke her mind to the world. And she got away with it until she disappeared last March. This week, she confirmed what had long been suspected: she was being held in a prison without charge. nyti.ms/3euOZlT

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:43pm

1258 likes, 577 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: #OremosJuntos por los hombres y mujeres con vocación política, que es una forma alta de la caridad. Oremos por los partido
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:43:38 -0400
#OremosJuntos por los hombres y mujeres con vocación política, que es una forma alta de la caridad. Oremos por los partidos políticos de los distintos países, para que en este momento de pandemia busquen juntos el bien del país, y no el bien del propio partido.

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:43pm

15395 likes, 3977 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @realDonaldTrump: pic.twitter.com/cU6gIdMgGi
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:52 -0400

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

90822 likes, 27025 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @tribelaw: Trump says I watched the protests and they were all six feet apart. The photos prove hes flat-out lying. He must think his
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:41 -0400
Trump says I watched the protests and they were all six feet apart. The photos prove hes flat-out lying. He must think his supporters are idiots.

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

44282 likes, 8421 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: La respuesta de los cristianos a las tormentas de la vida y de la historia no puede ser otra que la misericordia: el amor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:28 -0400
La respuesta de los cristianos a las tormentas de la vida y de la historia no puede ser otra que la misericordia: el amor compasivo entre nosotros y hacia todos, especialmente hacia quien sufre, quien tiene más dificultades, quien está abandonado.

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

9377 likes, 2271 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: To be Christian is not only to fulfill the Commandments, but "to be born again" and allow the Spirit to enter in us and carry
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:17 -0400
To be Christian is not only to fulfill the Commandments, but "to be born again" and allow the Spirit to enter in us and carry us wherever He wants. This is the freedom of the Spirit. May the Lord help us always to be docile to the Spirit. #HomilySantaMarta

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

9040 likes, 1728 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: Let us #PrayTogether for the men and women who have a vocation to political life, which is a high form of charity. We pray fo
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:14 -0400
Let us #PrayTogether for the men and women who have a vocation to political life, which is a high form of charity. We pray for political parties in various nations, so that in this pandemic they might together seek the good of the country and not the good of their own party.

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

16295 likes, 3612 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: The Christian response to the storms of life and history can only be mercy: compassionate love among us and toward everyone,
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:12 -0400
The Christian response to the storms of life and history can only be mercy: compassionate love among us and toward everyone, especially toward those who suffer, who have more difficulties, and are abandoned.

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

8157 likes, 1611 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FRANCE24: Protesting in a pandemic: Israelis demonstrate at a distance f24.my/6Ouq.t pic.twitter.com/WoyPcHW9YO
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:42:01 -0400
Protesting in a pandemic: Israelis demonstrate at a distance f24.my/6Ouq.t pic.twitter.com/WoyPcHW9YO

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:42pm

26 likes, 20 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Buzz Killington III 1 year ago Im Lakota Sioux but, my wife is Apache I love being Native. Apache Indian Powwow youtu.be/bq_7NwqdOU0 via @YouTube
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:41:08 -0400
Buzz Killington III
1 year ago
Im Lakota Sioux but, my wife is Apache I love being Native.
Apache Indian Powwow youtu.be/bq_7NwqdOU0 via @YouTube

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Departures - Halifax Stanfield International Airport lifaxstanfield.arrivalsdepartures.com/flight-informa
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:38:38 -0400
Departures - Halifax Stanfield International Airport lifaxstanfield.arrivalsdepartures.com/flight-informa

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia, a province on the Atlantic coast known for its fishing industry, and Halifax, a port city, were shocked by the violence in a small, sleepy, rural area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:38:13 -0400
Nova Scotia, a province on the Atlantic coast known for its fishing industry, and Halifax, a port city, were shocked by the violence in a small, sleepy, rural area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:37:31 -0400
Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say - The New York Times nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: reports of a shooting about 10:30 p.m. on Saturday in the area of Portapique Beach Road, Bay Shore Road and Five Houses Road in Portapique nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:36:58 -0400
reports of a shooting about 10:30 p.m. on Saturday in the area of Portapique Beach Road, Bay Shore Road and Five Houses Road in Portapique nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: During the manhunt, the authorities warned residents that Mr. Wortman was armed and dangerous, and told them to stay inside. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:32:51 -0400
During the manhunt, the authorities warned residents that Mr. Wortman was armed and dangerous, and told them to stay inside. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The chief said the bodies of victims were discovered in multiple locations and that several structures were set on fire. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:32:03 -0400
The chief said the bodies of victims were discovered in multiple locations and that several structures were set on fire. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Chief Leather said Mr. Wortman appeared to be dressed as a police officer and was driving a vehicle made to resemble an R.C.M.P. car. The authorities said that Mr. Wortman then switched vehicles nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:31:17 -0400
Chief Leather said Mr. Wortman appeared to be dressed as a police officer and was driving a vehicle made to resemble an R.C.M.P. car. The authorities said that Mr. Wortman then switched vehicles nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: He said a suspect was nowhere to be found. Over the next 12 hours, the police pursued Mr. Wortman across the province. Commissioner Lucki said the crime scene stretched over a 50 kilometer, or 31-mile, area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:30:30 -0400
He said a suspect was nowhere to be found. Over the next 12 hours, the police pursued Mr. Wortman across the province.
Commissioner Lucki said the crime scene stretched over a 50 kilometer, or 31-mile, area. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: episode began on Saturday night when the police were called to a home, where they discovered dead bodies inside and outside the residence. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:29:33 -0400
episode began on Saturday night when the police were called to a home, where they discovered dead bodies inside and outside the residence. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A motive for the mass shooting was not immediately clear. The police said that it did not begin as a random act but that the killings became random as the spree progressed. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:28:19 -0400
A motive for the mass shooting was not immediately clear. The police said that it did not begin as a random act but that the killings became random as the spree progressed. nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @RCMPNS: 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman is the suspect in our active shooter investigation in #Portapique. There are several victims. He is
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:27:08 -0400
51-year-old Gabriel Wortman is the suspect in our active shooter investigation in #Portapique. There are several victims. He is considered armed & dangerous. If you see him, call 911. DO NOT approach. Hes described as a white man, bald, 62-63 with green eyes. pic.twitter.com/Y2nJNULlkn

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 12:27pm

904 likes, 1453 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 07:59:21 -0400
Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say nytimes.com/2020/04/19/wor

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: An Unnerving Review of Accidents in High-Level Labs Handling Viruses nationalreview.com/corner/an-unne
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:58:46 -0400
An Unnerving Review of Accidents in High-Level Labs Handling Viruses nationalreview.com/corner/an-unne

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Foxtrot_Cop: #RCMP #NovaScotiaShooting
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:48:17 -0400
#RCMP #NovaScotiaShooting
mikenov on Twitter: RT @adsaki_com: Sending heartfelt condolences to all families effected by the tragic events in Nova Scotia today. Ottawa stands united with
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:46:54 -0400
Sending heartfelt condolences to all families effected by the tragic events in Nova Scotia today. Ottawa stands united with our brothers and sisters from coast to coast as fellow Canadians. In times of strength and sorrow we stand by thee.
mikenov on Twitter: RT @JantaKaReporter: Gunman, identified as 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman, responsible for Canada's worst mass shooting; at least 16 killed #N
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:45:54 -0400
Gunman, identified as 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman, responsible for Canada's worst mass shooting; at least 16 killed #NovaScotia #NovaScotiaShooting jantakareporter.com/world/gunman-i

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 10:45am

16 likes, 9 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @AramShabanian: At least two police vehicles totally destroyed #NovaScotiaShooting pic.twitter.com/NG6LuibPqc
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:45:35 -0400
At least two police vehicles totally destroyed #NovaScotiaShooting pic.twitter.com/NG6LuibPqc

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 10:45am

18 likes, 12 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @GreaterViews: We'd like to know why Gabriel Wortman committed these crimes?. What was the motive behind this rampage?. Does this traged
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:45:03 -0400
We'd like to know why Gabriel Wortman committed these crimes?. What was the motive behind this rampage?. Does this tragedy involves failed family law issue?. Was this a mental health issue?. Why did he do it? #NovaScotiaShooting
#NSRCMP #Portapique twitter.com/CTVAnchor/stat pic.twitter.com/TMG22b6mik
RCMP now reporting at least 16 dead in killing spree in NS. @CTVAtlantic

35 likes, 26 retweets

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 10:45am

7 likes, 5 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Ardeshirz: The tragic rampage in Nova Scotia has left the province and all of Canada in shock. RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson, Mother of t
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:44:19 -0400
The tragic rampage in Nova Scotia has left the province and all of Canada in shock. RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson, Mother of two, was killed in #NovaScotiaShooting.
My heart is breaking for people of NS and families of victims. Our love & prayers are with you.
#NovaScotiaStrong pic.twitter.com/5N32GfVKzQ

Retweeted by mikenov on Monday, April 20th, 2020 10:44am

22 likes, 8 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people... #NovaScotiaShooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+ images.app.goo.gl/gZ9P8hWZ6B8EvH
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:41:10 -0400
A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people...
#NovaScotiaShooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people... nova scotia shooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+ images.app.goo.gl/Y7yNWutDMy4ZiX
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:39:02 -0400
A man disguised as a police officer went on a shooting rampage in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on Sunday, killing 16 people...
nova scotia shooting - Google Search google.com/search?q=nova+

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @alfonslopeztena: To the victims of coronavirus Kaddish Maurice Ravel Azi Schwartz עזי שוורץ קדיש רוול youtu.be/h3USptpfcZc
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:20:56 -0400
To the victims of coronavirus
Maurice Ravel
Azi Schwartz
עזי שוורץ קדיש רוול

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:20pm

50 likes, 21 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @PalmerReport: Heres how we put Donald Trump in prison palmerreport.com/analysis/heres
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:19:38 -0400
Heres how we put Donald Trump in prison palmerreport.com/analysis/heres

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:19pm

37 likes, 12 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: NEW: Democrats gain new momentum in fight for Senate majority hill.cm/4J2Ersg pic.twitter.com/QdG3b9FzQB
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:18:05 -0400
NEW: Democrats gain new momentum in fight for Senate majority hill.cm/4J2Ersg pic.twitter.com/QdG3b9FzQB

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:18pm

337 likes, 81 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals wapo.st/34P8Wzk
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:17:32 -0400
Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals wapo.st/34P8Wzk

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:17pm

339 likes, 193 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Sen. Schumer: "We will not be able to get the economy going full fledge unless we have testing." pic.twitter.com/SMeZ0V9i9E
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:17:09 -0400
Sen. Schumer: "We will not be able to get the economy going full fledge unless we have testing." pic.twitter.com/SMeZ0V9i9E

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:17pm

428 likes, 113 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Michael Cohen writing tell-all book about Trump: report hill.cm/7HmxzGq pic.twitter.com/pKopA75Fq6
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:16:13 -0400
Michael Cohen writing tell-all book about Trump: report hill.cm/7HmxzGq pic.twitter.com/pKopA75Fq6

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:16pm

733 likes, 161 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Virginia governor calls out Trump: "Delusional" to say states have testing capacity hill.cm/m4EvbEA https://t.co/AmHrT
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:15:56 -0400
Virginia governor calls out Trump: "Delusional" to say states have testing capacity hill.cm/m4EvbEA pic.twitter.com/AmHrTq85TW

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:15pm

431 likes, 142 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: A gunman hijacked a public bus in Texas on Sunday morning, prompting an hourlong police chase through several cities and a sho
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:14:59 -0400
A gunman hijacked a public bus in Texas on Sunday morning, prompting an hourlong police chase through several cities and a shootout that wounded 2 officers and killed the gunman, authorities said

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:14pm

140 likes, 92 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @CatherineBelton: 'The KGBs active measures.. formed a template for Russias future disruptive operations in the West. But it was its
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:14:40 -0400
'The KGBs active measures.. formed a template for Russias future disruptive operations in the West. But it was its international network of friendly firms and money channels, and ties to organised crime, that allowed Putin and his allies to prosper.' thetimes.co.uk/article/putins

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:14pm

133 likes, 97 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @msotkov: Северодвинск, Архангельская область. Здесь делают атомные подводные лодки, чтобы грозить разрушением всему миру. https://t.co/
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:14:15 -0400
Северодвинск, Архангельская область.
Здесь делают атомные подводные лодки, чтобы грозить разрушением всему миру. pic.twitter.com/MrmiLsbnvu

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:14pm

266 likes, 168 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed after a 12-hour shooting rampage in Nova Scotia, Canada. The gunma
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:12:29 -0400
At least 10 people, including a police officer, were killed after a 12-hour shooting rampage in Nova Scotia, Canada. The gunman is also dead.

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:12pm

486 likes, 334 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @NYGovCuomo: Sunday dinner Cuomo style. pic.twitter.com/sT9HI5rb0z
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:11:38 -0400
Sunday dinner Cuomo style. pic.twitter.com/sT9HI5rb0z

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:11pm

23149 likes, 1200 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @nytimes: After receiving an anonymous tip last Monday, police found 17 bodies in bags in a small holding room in an Andover, New Jersey
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:10:47 -0400
After receiving an anonymous tip last Monday, police found 17 bodies in bags in a small holding room in an Andover, New Jersey nursing home. The state should have been looking at that place for a long time, one worker told us.

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:10pm

340 likes, 172 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @seth_hettena: A century ago, thousands of people gathered in San Francisco to protest a local ordinance requiring masks during the Span
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:10:05 -0400
A century ago, thousands of people gathered in San Francisco to protest a local ordinance requiring masks during the Spanish flu outbreak. pic.twitter.com/QEVk53qIgU

Retweeted by mikenov on Sunday, April 19th, 2020 11:10pm

143 likes, 62 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: A Global Recession Will Fuel Cyber-Espionage globalsecurityreview.com/global-recessi
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 18:51:36 -0400
A Global Recession Will Fuel Cyber-Espionage globalsecurityreview.com/global-recessi

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Acting DNI Grenell Is Succeeding, Angering Susan Rice and Adam Schiff | Newsmax.com newsmax.com/fred-fleitz/ov via @Newsmax
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 18:11:40 -0400
Acting DNI Grenell Is Succeeding, Angering Susan Rice and Adam Schiff | Newsmax.com newsmax.com/fred-fleitz/ov via @Newsmax

mikenov on Twitter


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