11:47 AM 4/26/2020 - I think, that the Covid-19 infection was brought to Lombardy by the tourists returning from the Munich Oktoberfest in 2019.




To:  Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna - AISE: 


Dear Sirs: 

I think, that the Covid-19 infection was brought to Lombardy by the tourists returning from the Munich Oktoberfest in 2019. I respectfully recommend to you to look into this connection and to explore it fully by tracing the contacts, among the other relevant avenues of investigations. See the details in my blogs

Sincerely, Michael Novakhov

11:47 AM 4/26/2020

Blogs | In Brief

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 10:47 AM 4/26/2020 - mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves
Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:51:37 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1047-am-4262020-mikenov-on-twitter-rt.html ______________________________________________________________ Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, April 25th, 2020 12:35am mikenov on Twitter mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #USIntelligenceCiommunity #USMilitary #Senate #House #Cointelpro #FBIPerverts #FBIBrainless #FBIStupid #

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus origins 25/04/20 10:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:18:29 -0400
Coronavirus Puts Italys Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street https://www.thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-puts-italys-most-vicious-mobsters-back-on-the-street?source=twitter&via=desktop  via @thedailybeast _______________________________________________________________ https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/did-covid-19-virus-originate-from-lab.html

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror - Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:27:24 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-19-crisis-has-exposed-us.html COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM Comments On: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses To Bioterror 1 Share People wearing face masks are seen in the Times Square subway station during the outbreak of the coronavirus

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dangerous 25/04/20 02:22 from Google Alert - COVID-19 is used as a Bioweapon
Sat, 25 Apr 2020 07:47:52 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dangerous25/04/20 02:22 from Google Alert - COVID-19 is used as a Bioweapon » Amid COVID-19 Scare, Keralite Youth From UK Reaches Kozhikode for

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic 24/04/20 19:37 from Google Alert - coronavirus criminal investigations
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:35:14 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic24/04/20 19:37 from Google Alert - coronavirus criminal investigations » Top federal, state prosecutors form Delaware COVID-19 Anti-Fraud

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight 24/04/20 14:00 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:33:05 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight24/04/20 14:00 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water » Coronavirus updates: US death toll surpasses 5000024/04/20 13:48 from Google Alert -

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:30:37 -0400
There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same #GERMAN #INTEL #COVER: Wuhan Lab as culprits pic.twitter.com/VYRJGh9xWE Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 24, 2020 - https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue! ...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian |
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:05:35 -0400
Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue!...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian https://t.co/T3oJ1v7khF Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 24, 2020 #CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA #USMilitary #US #Senate #House #Disinfect #America: #Give #Lysol to #Trump! #Let him #drink his #bitter #cup! #Take your own #Medicine, the #

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - 23/04/20 21:40 | Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:23:10 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/herd-immunity-why-some-think-it-could.html Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 | Page _____________________________________ » mikenov on Twitter: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - CNN cnn.com/2020/04/23/hea23/04/20 21:40 from Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)Herd immunity: Why some

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low! 23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:25:49 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/de-mystifying-coronavirus-statistics.html » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low!23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response 23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:24:45 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/trump-disregards-science-as-chaos.html » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Las Piñas begins

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2 - 3:19 AM 4/23/2020 - Google Searches
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 03:32:24 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-new-abwehr-punishes-italy-with.html __________________________________________________________________ The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2Coronavirus in ItalyCoronavirus superspreading events in ItalyCoronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2Coronavirus

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Iran extends closure of religious sites amid pandemic 21/04/20 18:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus in iran
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:30:53 -0400
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:50 PM 4/22/2020 - Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR: Coronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2 | Very convenient opportunities

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:50 PM 4/22/2020 - Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR: Coronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2 | Very convenient opportunities for the intentional, deliberate sprea
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:54:36 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1250-pm-4222020-commemoration-by-new.html Yet, he, cautioned against comparing death rates among countries, as he said the numbers in different countries were highly distorted and not representative of the true picture. https://www.voanews.com/covid-19-pandemic/germany-staggers-world-low-covid-19-death-rate  Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR:

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! und my new
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:40:57 -0400
"ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! und my new Viruz-z-z will help you wiz ZIZ!!!" - 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 ____________________________________________________________________ Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR: Coronavirus superspreading events

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:08 AM 4/22/2020 - German Karneval and the start of Covid-19 Pandemic
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:08:47 -0400
ABC 33/40 - Carnival revelers poke fun at world leaders in Germany | WBMA ____________________________________________________________________ German Karneval and the start of Covid-19 Pandemic - Google Search

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 13:48 - 22/04/20 07:03 - CoronaVirus News Review
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:33:41 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420-1348-220420-0703.html ____________________________________ » Tim Wise on Trump, the coronavirus and the pandemic of white privilege22/04/20 07:03 from Google Alert - FBI on plan to use coronavirus as a biological weapon » Are you eating, teaching? Poll hopes to measure virus impact21/04/20 13:48 from Google Alert - Coronavirus in New Rochelle,

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 20/04/20 17:45 from Google Alert - Coronavirus in New Rochelle, N.Y. - 21/04/20 17:26 from Blogs - CoronaVirus News Review
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:19:22 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/200420-1745-from-google-alert.html _________________________________________________________________________________________ 20/04/20 17:45 from Google Alert - Coronavirus in New Rochelle, N.Y. 21/04/20 17:26 from BlogsThis graphic shows the deadly strain that hit Europe (in blue) and the mild strain that mostly hit the US such as Seattle (in orange)

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. Patient-derived mutations imp
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:26:25 -0400
This graphic shows the deadly strain that hit Europe (in blue) and the mild strain that mostly hit the US such as Seattle (in orange) ________________________________________________________________ https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/why-is-covid-19-mild-for-some-deadly.html ________________________________________________________________ Why is COVID-19 mild for some, deadly

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:21 PM 4/21/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review: The Daily 202: As coronavirus prompts early prison releases, Trump hints at pardons for former ... 20/04/20 11:56
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:23:23 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1221-pm-4212020-coronavirus-news-review.html » The Daily 202: As coronavirus prompts early prison releases, Trump hints at pardons for former ...20/04/20 11:56 from Google Alert - criminal investigations of coronavirus outbreak in new york ____________________________________________________________ CoronaVirus News Review In Brief »

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:38 PM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News: » New guidelines released to address stagnant water in shut-down buildings 20/04/20 18:18 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 21:42:12 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/938-pm-4202020-coronavirus-news.html A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.CreditDemetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » New guidelines released to address stagnant water in shut-down buildings20/04/20 18:18 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water »

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: My Hypothesis: SarsCov-2 was gradually weaponized by the New Abwehr from the early 2000s, as the BioWar sequel to 9/11, with SARS and MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. | Mike Novas Shared NewsLinks Revie
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:52:21 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hypothesis-sarscov-2-was-gradually.html My Hypothesis: Sars Cov-2 was gradually weaponized by the New Abwehr from the early 2000s, as the BioWar sequel to 9/11, with SARS and MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. This process may have been conducted in a lab via the  bio-engineering or by the "natural" cultivation, but the end result was the

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:27 AM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News - From 19/04/20 02:56 - Science step by step, revealing the secrets of coronavirus - To Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize Am
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:30:06 -0400
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1127-am-4202020-coronavirus-news-from.html » Science step by step, revealing the secrets of coronavirus19/04/20 02:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus pulmonary symptoms » Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada - Mike Novas Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts20/04/20 10:16 from

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada - Mike Novas Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 10:16:10 -0400
Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada - https://images.app.goo.gl/NmUt9NXqJxUqCne29  Mike Novas Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks CoronaVirus News | CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » The FBI News Review fbinewsreview.blogspot.com Blog by Michael Novakhov: 8:05 AM 3/25/2020 Why New York?

Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov


In Brief

» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 10:47 AM 4/26/2020 - mikenov on Twitter: RT @PressTV: President Rouhani: #Iran closely watching US moves
26/04/20 10:51 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1047-am-4262020-mikenov-on-twitter-rt.html ______________________________________________________________ Posted by  mikenov on Saturday, April 25th, 2020 12:35am mikenov on Twitter mikenov on T...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 2:18 PM 4/25/2020 » Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a lab or nature? Examining the evidence for different hypotheses of the novel coronavirus’ origins 25/04/20 10:24 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks
25/04/20 14:18 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
Coronavirus Puts Italy’s Most Vicious Mobsters Back on the Street https://www.thedailybeast.com/coronavirus-puts-italys-most-vicious-mobsters-back-on-the-street?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast ________________________...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror - Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM
25/04/20 12:27 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/covid-19-crisis-has-exposed-us.html COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses to Bioterror Saturday April 25th, 2020 at 10:41 AM Comments On: COVID-19 Crisis Has Exposed US Weaknesses To Bioterr...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dangerous 25/04/20 02:22 from Google Alert - COVID-19 is used as a Bioweapon
25/04/20 07:47 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.Credit…Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Fighting The Infodemic: How Fake News Is Making Coronavirus Even More Dange...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic 24/04/20 19:37 from Google Alert - coronavirus criminal investigations
24/04/20 20:35 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.Credit…Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemi...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight 24/04/20 14:00 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water
24/04/20 20:33 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.Credit…Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Water shortage leaves poorer Mexicans high and dry in coronavirus fight24/0...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to
24/04/20 12:30 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
There is nothing new in #Chumakov's interview, he just repeats the claims made first and originally by #Montagnier, which do deserve the serious attention and appear to be valid. The purpose of MK publication is to reinforce the same #GE...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue! ...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian |
24/04/20 10:05 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
Give some LYSOL to THE IDIOT!!! Cleanse yourself, America! Long overdue!...Donald Trump may try to delay November election | US news | The Guardian https://t.co/T3oJ1v7khF — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 24, 2020 #CIA #FBI #ODNI #DIA...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end the coronavirus pandemic - 23/04/20 21:40 | Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250
24/04/20 08:23 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/herd-immunity-why-some-think-it-could.html Michael Novakhov - Posts on Twitter - 250 | Page _____________________________________ » mikenov on Twitter: Herd immunity: Why some think it could end...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low! 23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics
23/04/20 18:25 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/de-mystifying-coronavirus-statistics.html » De-mystifying the Coronavirus Statistics. Read Carefully: The Risks Are Exceedingly Low!23/04/20 10:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus statistics A ma...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response 23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus
23/04/20 18:24 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/trump-disregards-science-as-chaos.html » Trump disregards science as chaos overtakes coronavirus response23/04/20 00:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brook...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2 - 3:19 AM 4/23/2020 - Google Searches
23/04/20 03:32 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-new-abwehr-punishes-italy-with.html __________________________________________________________________ The New Abwehr punishes Italy with Covid-19 for betrayal of Nazi Germany in WW2Coronavi...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: » Iran extends closure of religious sites amid pandemic 21/04/20 18:30 from Google Alert - coronavirus in iran
22/04/20 15:30 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.Credit…Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:50 PM 4/22/2020 - Commemoration...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:50 PM 4/22/2020 - Commemoration by the NEW ABWEHR: Coronavirus superspreading events locations are also the major locations of the end of WW2 | Very convenient opportunities for the intentional, deliberate sprea
22/04/20 12:54 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1250-pm-4222020-commemoration-by-new.html Yet, he, cautioned against comparing death rates among countries, as he said the numbers in different countries were highly distorted and not representa...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:19 PM 4/22/2020 - "ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! und my new
22/04/20 12:40 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
"ZIZ iz zi real Victory Parade, und ziz iz zi real 75th Anniversary of the end of the WW2, und ziz iz zi real COMMEMORATION!!!", zayz zi New Abwehr. "Take your crowns off, PUPPETS!!! und my new Viruz-z-z will help you wiz ZIZ!!!" - 12:19...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:08 AM 4/22/2020 - German Karneval and the start of Covid-19 Pandemic
22/04/20 09:08 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
ABC 33/40 - Carnival revelers poke fun at world leaders in Germany | WBMA ____________________________________________________________________ German Karneval and the start of Covid-19 Pandemic - Google Search Tweets And News - From Mich...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 13:48 - 22/04/20 07:03 - CoronaVirus News Review
22/04/20 08:33 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/210420-1348-220420-0703.html ____________________________________ » Tim Wise on Trump, the coronavirus and the pandemic of white privilege22/04/20 07:03 from Google Alert - FBI on plan to use co...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 20/04/20 17:45 from Google Alert - Coronavirus in New Rochelle, N.Y. - 21/04/20 17:26 from Blogs - CoronaVirus News Review
22/04/20 08:19 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/200420-1745-from-google-alert.html _________________________________________________________________________________________ 20/04/20 17:45 from Google Alert - Coronavirus in New Rochelle, N.Y. ...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 21/04/20 16:20 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV from mikenova (1 sites) we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity. Patient-derived mutations imp
21/04/20 17:26 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
This graphic shows the deadly strain that hit Europe (in blue) and the mild strain that mostly hit the US such as Seattle (in orange) ________________________________________________________________ https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/202...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 12:21 PM 4/21/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review: The Daily 202: As coronavirus prompts early prison releases, Trump hints at pardons for former ... 20/04/20 11:56
21/04/20 12:23 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1221-pm-4212020-coronavirus-news-review.html » The Daily 202: As coronavirus prompts early prison releases, Trump hints at pardons for former ...20/04/20 11:56 from Google Alert - criminal inves...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 9:38 PM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News: » New guidelines released to address stagnant water in shut-down buildings 20/04/20 18:18 from Google Alert - coronavirus in water
20/04/20 21:42 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/938-pm-4202020-coronavirus-news.html A masked Statue of Liberty outside a Brooklyn home on Tuesday.Credit…Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times CoronaVirus News CoronaVirus News Review In Bri...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: My Hypothesis: SarsCov-2 was gradually weaponized by the New Abwehr from the early 2000s, as the BioWar sequel to 9/11, with SARS and MERS as the intermediary designs and steps. | Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Revie
20/04/20 16:52 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/my-hypothesis-sarscov-2-was-gradually.html My Hypothesis: Sars Cov-2 was gradually weaponized by the New Abwehr from the early 2000s, as the BioWar sequel to 9/11, with SARS and MERS as the inte...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:27 AM 4/20/2020 - CoronaVirus News - From 19/04/20 02:56 - Science step by step, revealing the secrets of coronavirus - To Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize Am
20/04/20 11:30 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/1127-am-4202020-coronavirus-news-from.html » Science step by step, revealing the secrets of coronavirus19/04/20 02:56 from Google Alert - coronavirus pulmonary symptoms » Tweets And News - From ...
» Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada - Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts
20/04/20 10:16 from Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (19 sites)
Coronavirus bandana masked bandits terrorize America and Canada - https://images.app.goo.gl/NmUt9NXqJxUqCne29 … Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ CoronaVirus News | CoronaVirus New...



  1. Doctor James herbal mix medicine it's A1 and a powerful strong pure natural remedy that can be used in the prevention and elimination of diabetes totally. However, the single most important aspect of a diabetes control plan is adopting a wholesome lifestyle Inner Peace, Nutritious and Healthy Diet, and Regular Physical Exercise. A state of inner peace and self-contentment is essential to enjoying a good physical health and overall well-being. The inner peace and self contentment is a just a state of mind.People with diabetes diseases often use complementary and alternative medicine. I diagnosed diabetes in 2016. Was at work feeling unusually tired and sleepy. I borrowed a glucometer from a co-worker and tested at 760. Went immediately to my doctor and he gave me prescriptions like: Insulin ,Sulfonylureas,Thiazolidinediones but I could not get the cure rather to reduce the pain and bring back the pain again. I found a woman testimony name Comfort online how Dr James cure her HIV and I also contacted the doctor and after I took his medication as instructed, I am now completely free from Diabetes by doctor Dr James herbal medicine.So diabetes patients reading this testimony to contact his email drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com or his Number +2348152855846 He also use his herbal herbs to diseases like:S, SCHIZOPHRENIA, LUPUS,EXTERNAL INFECTION, COMMON COLD, JOINT PAIN, EPILEPSY,STROKE,TUBERCULOSIS ,STOMACH DISEASE. ECZEMA, PROGERIA, EATING DISORDER, LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION, DIABETICS,HERPES,HIV/AIDS, CANCER , MENINGITIS,HEPATITIS A AND B,ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, CHRONIC DISEASE. NAUSEA VOMITING OR DIARRHEA,KIDNEY DISEASE, WEAK ERECTION.,PAINFUL OR IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION.Dr James is a good man and he heal any body that come to him. here is email drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com and his Number +2348152855846


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