5:53 AM 8/28/2020 - U.S. Military 'Closely Monitoring' Russian Submarine That Surfaced Off Alaska

5:53 AM 8/28/2020 - U.S. Military 'Closely Monitoring' Russian Submarine That Surfaced Off Alaska

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ | In Brief | 
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks 
5:48 AM 8/28/2020 - All Saved Stories
5:28 AM 8/28/2020 - News - trump investigations - Google Search
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: U.S. Military 'Closely Monitoring' Russian Submarine That Surfaced Off Alaska
FOX News: Coronavirus projection for US forecasts 317,697 deaths by December
Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020
mikenov on Twitter: RT @MilHistNow: On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Te
New York Daily News: Cuomo dismisses DOJ nursing home probe as partisan politics
12:20 PM 8/27/2020 - Brooklyn and other news
New York Daily News: DOJ requests data on COVID deaths in New York nursing homes and three other states
" barr to investigate fbi Google News: FBI Will Probe Portland Violence Crime Report
8:15 AM 8/27/2020 - Russia mounted a classic and multifaceted human intelligence operation against the Trump campaign. The report provides a blueprint for how an intelligence operation works. Opinion | The Russians infiltrated Trumps 2016 campaign. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/
Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev
6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.
5:58 AM 8/27/2020 - "FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." | M.N.: Absolutely! Further and deeper INVESTIGATIONS (counterintelligence, criminal, political, social, historical, etc., etc.) are needed, unless the same disaster is repeated.
5:09 AM 8/27/2020 - "Putin is seriously ill, physically or mentally ..." - "Путин тяжело болен, физически или ментально... Ему уже сложно объективно оценивать реальность, делать грамотные заявления, адекватно общаться с окружением; он потерял интерес к жизни и своему будущему." - Геннадий Гудков: Путин уходит: транзит власти в России уже начался
транзит власти в России уже начался Блоги Эхо Москвы, 27.08.2020
11:26 AM 8/26/2020 - FOX News: 5 key moments from the RNC's second night
1. World from Michael_Novakhov (27 sites): FOX News: 5 key moments from the RNC's second night
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump anxiety" - Google News: Thousands of COVID Cases Already Turning Up on College Campuses - U.S. News & World Report
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russian Intelligence services and international organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: Second night of RNC riddled with dishonesty as Melania Trump appeals for 'total honesty': CNN - CTV News
10:14 AM 8/26/2020 - Deadly gunfire on a third night of chaos in Kenosha, Wis.
Washington Post's YouTube Videos: Deadly gunfire on a third night of chaos in Kenosha, Wis.
9:39 AM 8/26/2020
8:10 AM 8/26/2020 - PM backs investigation into suspected poisoning of Putin critic Alexei Navalny
7:31 AM 8/26/2020 - UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks 
5:48 AM 8/28/2020 - All Saved Stories

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.

5:28 AM 8/28/2020 - News - trump investigations - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.


5:28 AM 8/28/2020 - News - trump investigations - Google Search

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mikenov on Twitter: News - trump investigations - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump pic.twitter.com/PkBIbFFgs2
Fri, 28 Aug 2020 04:25:42 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: trump investigations - Google Search google.com/search?q=trump pic.twitter.com/ui7RCjz9B1
Fri, 28 Aug 2020 04:22:51 -0400

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @TelenoticiasPR: Tras su victoria primarista, Wanda Vázquez no lo ha endosado. trib.al/Gk1ITO0
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:17:16 -0400
Tras su victoria primarista, Wanda Vázquez no lo ha endosado.

Retweeted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Thursday, August 27th, 2020 11:17pm

8 likes, 3 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @CNBC: The Democrats have run these cities for a long time and you have nothing but failure and broken promises, Jared Kushner says ab
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:16:14 -0400
The Democrats have run these cities for a long time and you have nothing but failure and broken promises, Jared Kushner says about inequality in U.S. cities. cnb.cx/3ehCQQI pic.twitter.com/h9l0wASe00

Retweeted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Thursday, August 27th, 2020 11:16pm

56 likes, 20 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:11:38 -0400
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review.

Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks

 All Saved Stories

- 25 -
Saved Stories - None 
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China, says WHO; international team to ...
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: WHO team investigating Covid-19 origin to travel to Wuhan
Google Alert - CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon: Tweets by MikeNov
Google Alert - sars cov 2 as bioweapon: Covid-19 offers opportunity for countries around the world to prepare for bio-terrorism threats
Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Military: Russian war ships cause stir for US fishing fleet off Alaska
Google Alert - Covid-19 blood clots: Doctors see 'unexpected and dramatic' kidney damage from coronavirus
Google Alert - coronavirus in new york post: CDC study reveals evidence of COVID-19 spreading in airplanes
Google Alert - covid rash: Studies detail conjunctivitis in kids, adults with COVID-19
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Thanks to Covid, the Washington Grip-and-Grin Is Over. What Will Replace It?
Google Alert - Coronavirus and failure of US Intelligence Services: China Is Taking Advantage of India's Intelligence Failures
FOX News: Scott Walker suggests Biden should have given DNC speech in Wisconsin, where it really matters
FOX News: Biden addresses Kenosha violence as media outlets suggest ongoing unrest boosts Trump
New York Daily News: Russian authorities say they found no signs of crime in alleged poisoning of Putin critic
FOX News: Trump slams NBA as a political organization
FOX News: Sex abuse allegation of soldier found dead unsubstantiated, Army says; family disputes claim
5:37 PM 8/25/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Cuomo removes five states, adds Guam to coronavirus quarantine list
9:39 AM 8/25/2020 - Kremlin: Navalny poisoning accusations 'empty noise'
mikenov on Twitter: senate intelligence committee report Google Search google.com/search?q=senat pic.twitter.com/is1zalBMXh
mikenov on Twitter: RT @MilHistNow: On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Te
New York Daily News: Amazon opening technology-focused grocery store where Alexa helps customers find food
New York Daily News: Sailor questioned about possible arson in USS Bonhomme Richard ship fire: report
Brooklyn Paper: Chief city planner pushes for Gowanus rezoning before de Blasio leaves office
Brooklyn Paper: Researchers to study air quality, traffic, and walkability in Downtown Brooklyn
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 12:20 PM 8/27/2020 Brooklyn and other news

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks
mikenov on Twitter: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020 fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/08/many-c pic.twitter.com/Usmsmjf9Uu
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:09:56 -0400
Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020 fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/08/many-c pic.twitter.com/Usmsmjf9Uu

mikenov on Twitter
Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 18:23:23 -0400
... have expressed their interest in the opportunity to participate in the international mission to China aimed at investigating the origins of coronavirus, ...

 Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: U.S. Military 'Closely Monitoring' Russian Submarine That Surfaced Off Alaska

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from 1. World from Michael_Novakhov (27 sites).

U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) Command are closely monitoring a Russian submarine that surfaced near Alaska on August 27.

 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
FOX News: Coronavirus projection for US forecasts 317,697 deaths by December

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from 1. World from Michael_Novakhov (27 sites).

A revised coronavirus death forecast for the United States, released Thursday, projects the nation will see a total of 317,697 virus-linked deaths by Dec. 1.

 FOX News
Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review.


Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO - 7:06 PM 8/27/2020

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks

 All Saved Stories

- 25 -
Saved Stories - None 
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China: WHO
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Many countries interested to probe COVID-19 origins in China, says WHO; international team to ...
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: WHO team investigating Covid-19 origin to travel to Wuhan
Google Alert - CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon: Tweets by MikeNov
Google Alert - sars cov 2 as bioweapon: Covid-19 offers opportunity for countries around the world to prepare for bio-terrorism threats
Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Military: Russian war ships cause stir for US fishing fleet off Alaska
Google Alert - Covid-19 blood clots: Doctors see 'unexpected and dramatic' kidney damage from coronavirus
Google Alert - coronavirus in new york post: CDC study reveals evidence of COVID-19 spreading in airplanes
Google Alert - covid rash: Studies detail conjunctivitis in kids, adults with COVID-19
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Thanks to Covid, the Washington Grip-and-Grin Is Over. What Will Replace It?
Google Alert - Coronavirus and failure of US Intelligence Services: China Is Taking Advantage of India's Intelligence Failures
FOX News: Scott Walker suggests Biden should have given DNC speech in Wisconsin, where it really matters
FOX News: Biden addresses Kenosha violence as media outlets suggest ongoing unrest boosts Trump
New York Daily News: Russian authorities say they found no signs of crime in alleged poisoning of Putin critic
FOX News: Trump slams NBA as a political organization
FOX News: Sex abuse allegation of soldier found dead unsubstantiated, Army says; family disputes claim
5:37 PM 8/25/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Cuomo removes five states, adds Guam to coronavirus quarantine list
9:39 AM 8/25/2020 - Kremlin: Navalny poisoning accusations 'empty noise'
mikenov on Twitter: senate intelligence committee report Google Search google.com/search?q=senat pic.twitter.com/is1zalBMXh
mikenov on Twitter: RT @MilHistNow: On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Te
New York Daily News: Amazon opening technology-focused grocery store where Alexa helps customers find food
New York Daily News: Sailor questioned about possible arson in USS Bonhomme Richard ship fire: report
Brooklyn Paper: Chief city planner pushes for Gowanus rezoning before de Blasio leaves office
Brooklyn Paper: Researchers to study air quality, traffic, and walkability in Downtown Brooklyn
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 12:20 PM 8/27/2020 Brooklyn and other news
mikenov on Twitter: RT @MilHistNow: On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Te

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Brooklyn News The Brooklyn News And Times bklynnews.com.

On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Tenochtitlan marking the end of the 200-year-old Aztec Empire. pic.twitter.com/iBPfo61crE

Retweeted by

Michael Novakhov (mikenov)
on Thursday, August 27th, 2020 1:58pm
421 likes, 168 retweets
 mikenov on Twitter
The post mikenov on Twitter: RT @MilHistNow: On this day in 1521, Hernán Cortés and and army of Spanish conquistadores and allied native warriors capture the city of Te first appeared on The Brooklyn News And Times - bklynnews.com.
New York Daily News: Cuomo dismisses DOJ nursing home probe as partisan politics

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Brooklyn News The Brooklyn News And Times bklynnews.com.

The governor accused Barr of targeting states run by Democratic governors and playing politics on behalf of President Trump.

 New York Daily News
The post New York Daily News: Cuomo dismisses DOJ nursing home probe as partisan politics first appeared on The Brooklyn News And Times - bklynnews.com.
12:20 PM 8/27/2020 - Brooklyn and other news

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.

New York Daily News: DOJ requests data on COVID deaths in New York nursing homes and three other states

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Brooklyn News The Brooklyn News And Times bklynnews.com.

A letter was sent to Gov. Cuomo and three other Democratic governors asking for information about orders and actions that may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents.

 New York Daily News
The post New York Daily News: DOJ requests data on COVID deaths in New York nursing homes and three other states first appeared on The Brooklyn News And Times - bklynnews.com.
" barr to investigate fbi Google News: FBI Will Probe Portland Violence Crime Report

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump News The News and Times.

FBI Will Probe Portland Violence  Crime Report
 “barr to investigate fbi” – Google News
The post "barr to investigate fbi" - Google News: FBI Will Probe Portland Violence - Crime Report first appeared on Trump News - The News and Times.
8:15 AM 8/27/2020 - Russia mounted a classic and multifaceted human intelligence operation against the Trump campaign. The report provides a blueprint for how an intelligence operation works. Opinion | The Russians infiltrated Trumps 2016 campaign. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review.


Saved and Shared Stories from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites) 
mikenov on Twitter: Russia mounted a classic and multifaceted human intelligence operation against the Trump campaign. The report provides a blueprint for how an intelligence operation works. Opinion | The Russians infiltrated Trumps 2016 campaign. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/
mikenov on Twitter: "Russia mounted a classic and multifaceted human intelligence operation against the Trump campaign. The report provides a blueprint for how an intelligence operation works." Opinion | The Russians infiltrated Trumps 2016 campaign. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites): The Trump Investigations - Review Of News And Opinions - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 7:15 AM 8/27/2020 - Revealed: Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man
mikenov on Twitter: Jared Kushner and National Security - Google Search google.com/search?newwind pic.twitter.com/xHVIYXbVLy
mikenov on Twitter: "The ventilators turned out to be faulty and were cast aside by officials in New York and New Jersey, according to local officials who spoke with The Daily Beast." Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev thedailybeast.com/jared-kushners
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev
Saved Stories - None: Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev
mikenov on Twitter: 6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/08/manafo pic.twitter.com/rQHNej1Mqq
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.
Saved Stories - None: 6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites): The FBI News Review: 6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.
mikenov on Twitter: RT @KenDilanianNBC: The Russians infiltrated Trumps 2016 campaign. We may never know exactly what happened. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 5:58 AM 8/27/2020 - "FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." | M.N.: Absolutely! Further and deeper INVESTIGATIONS (counterintelligence, criminal, political, social, historical, etc., etc.) are needed, unless the same disaster is repeated.
Saved Stories - None: 5:58 AM 8/27/2020 - "FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." | M.N.: Absolutely! Further and deeper INVESTIGATIONS (counterintelligence, criminal, political, social, historical, etc., etc.) are needed, unless the same disaster is repeated.
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (24 sites): The FBI News Review: 5:58 AM 8/27/2020 - "FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." | M.N.: Absolutely! Further and deeper INVESTIGATIONS (counterintelligence, criminal, political, social, historical, etc., etc.) are needed, unless the same disaster is repeated.
mikenov on Twitter: "More importantly, the Senate report shows that the FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." thehill.com/opinion/white-
mikenov on Twitter: "Not investigating the vast number of alarming Trump connections to Russian intelligence operatives would have amounted to a dereliction of duty and responsibility by Americas law enforcement agencies." thehill.com/opinion/white-
mikenov on Twitter: Republicans incriminate Trump, decimate his 'Russia hoax' narrative | TheHill thehill.com/opinion/white-
mikenov on Twitter: News - russia - Google Search google.com/search?q=russi pic.twitter.com/Bk2IhFDBZt
mikenov on Twitter: News - putin - Google Search google.com/search?q=putin pic.twitter.com/R58wGf77ND
mikenov on Twitter: News - putin - Google Search google.com/search?q=putin pic.twitter.com/d8DGsMWL8H


Shared Stories

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks 
Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev
6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.
5:58 AM 8/27/2020 - "FBIs probe of the Trump campaign and special counsel Robert Mueller did not go nearly far enough." | M.N.: Absolutely! Further and deeper INVESTIGATIONS (counterintelligence, criminal, political, social, historical, etc., etc.) are needed, unless the same disaster is repeated.
5:09 AM 8/27/2020 - "Putin is seriously ill, physically or mentally ..." - "Путин тяжело болен, физически или ментально... Ему уже сложно объективно оценивать реальность, делать грамотные заявления, адекватно общаться с окружением; он потерял интерес к жизни и своему будущему." - Геннадий Гудков: Путин уходит: транзит власти в России уже начался
транзит власти в России уже начался Блоги Эхо Москвы, 27.08.2020
11:26 AM 8/26/2020 - FOX News: 5 key moments from the RNC's second night
1. World from Michael_Novakhov (27 sites): FOX News: 5 key moments from the RNC's second night
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Trump anxiety" - Google News: Thousands of COVID Cases Already Turning Up on College Campuses - U.S. News & World Report
1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "Russian Intelligence services and international organized crime and terrorism" - Google News: Second night of RNC riddled with dishonesty as Melania Trump appeals for 'total honesty': CNN - CTV News
10:14 AM 8/26/2020 - Deadly gunfire on a third night of chaos in Kenosha, Wis.
Washington Post's YouTube Videos: Deadly gunfire on a third night of chaos in Kenosha, Wis.
9:39 AM 8/26/2020
8:10 AM 8/26/2020 - PM backs investigation into suspected poisoning of Putin critic Alexei Navalny
7:31 AM 8/26/2020 - UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid
Disease X-19 Origins from Michael_Novakhov (3 sites): Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: UK coronavirus patient zero identified as researchers investigate disease's origins
UK coronavirus Patient Zero found - the first person to catch Covid
The Brooklyn Pages - 12:48 PM 8/25/2020 linkspagesnt.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-br pic.twitter.com/UI9e2VlRWA
Cuomo removes five states, adds Guam to coronavirus quarantine list
Brooklyn Paper: Photos: New York Aquarium draws families on reopening day
New York Daily News: Man gets his face on Mount Rushmore by climbing it, then gets arrested
The Trump News Pages - Last Update on 1:15 PM 8/25/2020
The Brooklyn Pages - 12:48 PM 8/25/2020
9:39 AM 8/25/2020 - Kremlin: Navalny poisoning accusations 'empty noise'
Laura, now a hurricane, takes aim at U.S. Gulf Coast
Kremlin: Navalny poisoning accusations 'empty noise'

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Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev

Revealed: Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man


More than a dozen Trump administration officials, current and former, described a clandestine relationship between Jared Kushner and the CEO of a Kremlin sovereign wealth fund.

Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man Kirill Dmitriev

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Daily Beast Latest Articles.

Revealed: Jared Kushners Private Channel With Putins Money Man

More than a dozen Trump administration officials, current and former, described a clandestine relationship between Jared Kushner and the CEO of a Kremlin sovereign wealth fund.
6:23 AM 8/27/2020 - Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated.

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review.

Manafort's established pattern (via Facebook data and Cambridge Analytica analysis and instructions) of elections management was a two way street, tried and tested in the dictatorial regimes in Africa, some Third world countries, and lately in Ukraine. And this clearly makes the case of the "COLLUSION". The details have to be further elucidated. 

How to Stop Vladimir Putin's Mafia

I do not know why FBI and other involved parties do not pay the proper attention to this aspect. To me, this is the Russian "Red Mafia's" work and involvement on all stages, as expected by the Russian Mafia State. Not to see it is some type of the willing blindness, with the implied dangers that cannot be more mortal and more immediate. 

And this reluctance to face the reality is the issue in and by itself that has to be looked into, as I said many times earlier. M.N. 


6:23 AM 8/27/2020


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