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Armenian authorities say a natural gas leak is the suspected cause of an explosion at a residential building in Yerevan early on August 26 that killed at least one person and hospitalized two others.
Staunton, August 21 -- Over the last several years and especially in the last several months, something unusual has occurred in the Russian Federation: the most important protests have taken place far beyond Moscows ring road in Arkhangelsk, Khabarovsk and now in Bashkortostan and have laid a depth charge under the Russian state, Ruslan Gorevoy says.
The Versiya commentator notes that many in the capital have ignored these protests and failed to respond to them either with force or negotiations early on, thus allowing them to grow from specific complaints to general political demands, much like those in Belarus now (versia.ru/iz-bolshix-gorodov-protesty-peremeshhayutsya-v-glubinku--a-nu-kak-rvanyot).
Indeed, one can say, as former MGIMO professor Valery Solovey puts it, that Russia today already has acquired an internal Belarus, one that the powers that be both regionally and at the center dont know how to deal with. They fear any crude repression will lead not to the end of protests but to more of them, and so they are biding their time.
But in adopting this wait-and-see approach, Gorevoy suggests, they are opening the door to two new threats: the near certainty as has already happened in Khabarovsk that the demands of the protesters will become more radical and political, and the equal certainty that these protests will spread to other regions and thus pose an even larger challenge to Moscow.
Among the places where the Versiya commentator says protests are likely to emerge in the near future are Irkutsk Oblast, where people are already angry at Moscow, Arkhangelsk where the governor is extremely unpopular, Sakha where people are ready to come into the streets, and Omsk where workers have already struck local mines.
Moscow may hope that it can leave these things to the regional leaders; but just as with Belarus, the Russian government is inevitably drawn in either as a target of the increasingly politicized protests or as the only force capable of dealing with them or at the very least, giving direction to the responses of its regional representatives.
So far, Gorevoy suggests, Moscow has not sent a clear message; and as a result, what had appeared to be a minor problem is growing into a far larger and more threatening one.
Greece Battles Coronavirus Resurgence After Early Success ... virus cases and deaths in Greece remains lower than in many other European countries. ... But Greece's new confirmed cases have been spiraling in recent weeks, ... The slowdown of this dramatic increase came relatively earlier than the ...
Google Alert - Coronavirus came to New York from Europe
Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (38 sites)
Researchers have identified the first person known to have contracted coronavirus in the UK, with the disease found on February 21 this year.
The woman, who was also the first person to die of Covid-19, is the earliest confirmed patient to have had the disease in this country.
It was previously thought a man from Surrey was the UK's Patient Zero.
But now researchers have identified the earliest sufferer as a 75-year-old woman from Nottinghamshire, who tested positive on February 21.
She is also believed to have been the first woman in the UK to die after contracting the disease, reports The Star.
A University of Nottingham research team analysed 2,000 routine respiratory samples taken from patients at the Queen’s Medical Centre between January and March.
They report: “Patient one in this study is, to the best of our knowledge, the earliest described community-acquired case of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK, admitted to hospital care on February 21.
“She was also the first UK Covid-19 death, preceding the earliest known death by two days.”
It had previously been thought the first transmission of coronavirus in the country had happened on February 28.
Other research, published in May, revealed that France’s first case was back in December – not long after the outbreak in Wuhan.
Professor Jonathan Ball, one of the study authors, said there was “widespread community transmission of coronavirus” in Nottingham back in early February.
He told The BBC: “Had the diagnostic criteria for Covid-19 been widened earlier to include patients with compatible symptoms but no travel history, it is likely that earlier imported infections would have been detected, which could have led to an earlier lockdown and lower deaths.
"However, the capacity for testing available nationally was not sufficient at the time to process the volume of testing required.
"In order to prepare for any future pandemic such as this, the UK urgently needs to invest in and expand diagnostic capacity within NHS and PHE diagnostic laboratory services."
He told The BBC: Had the diagnostic criteria for Covid-19 been widened earlier to include patients with compatible symptoms but no travel history, it is ...
Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins
Disease X-19 Origins from Michael_Novakhov (3 sites)
Karnataka has discharged over 1.89 lakh Covid-19 patients to date. ... Data so far suggests that our post-Covid-care should be focused on cardiac care, ... week of August after coming down with heavy symptoms, said weeks later, ...
Google Alert - coronavirus cardiac symptoms
Disease X-19 Symptoms from Michael_Novakhov (16 sites)
Since its inception in the US in late 2017, QAnon has morphed beyond a specific, unfounded claim about President Donald Trump working with special counsel Robert Mueller to expose a paedophile ring supposedly run by Bill and Hillary Clinton and the deep state. Now, it is an all-encompassing world of conspiracies.
On September 5, a coalition of online groups are planning an Australia-wide action called the Day of Freedom. The organisers claim hundreds of thousands will join them on the streets in defiance of restrictions on group gatherings and mask-wearing mandates.
Some online supporters believe Stage 5 lockdown will be introduced in Melbourne the following week and the Day of Freedom is the last chance for Australians to stand up to an increasingly tyrannical government.
The action is the latest in a series of protests in Australia against the governments COVID-19 restrictions. The main issues brought up during these protests centre around 5G, government surveillance, freedom of movement and, of course, vaccinations.
And one general conspiracy theory now unites these disparate groups QAnon. Read more: QAnon believers will likely outlast and outsmart Twitters bans Why QAnon has exploded in popularity globally
Since its inception in the US in late 2017, QAnon has morphed beyond a specific, unfounded claim about President Donald Trump working with special counsel Robert Mueller to expose a paedophile ring supposedly run by Bill and Hillary Clinton and the deep state. Now, it is an all-encompassing world of conspiracies.
QAnon conspiracy theories now include such wild claims as Microsoft founder Bill Gates using coronavirus as a cover to implant microchips in people, to governments erecting 5G towers during lockdown to surveil the population.
Last week, Facebook deleted over 790 groups, 100 pages and 1,500 ads tied to QAnon and restricted the accounts of hundreds of other Facebook groups and thousands of Instagram accounts. QAnon-related newsfeed rankings and search results were also downgraded.
Facebook is aiming to reduce the organising ability of the QAnon community, but so far such crackdowns seem to have had little effect on the spread of misinformation.
In July, Twitter removed 7,000 accounts, but the QAnon conspiracy has become even more widespread since then. A series of global save the children protests in the last few weeks is proof of how resilient and adaptable the community is.
Why Australians are turning to QAnon in large numbers
QAnon encourages people to look for evidence of conspiracies in the media and in government actions. Looking back over the last several years, we can see a range of events or conspiracy theories that have helped QAnon appeal to increasing numbers of followers in Australia.
1) Conspiracies about global governance
In 2015, Senator Malcolm Roberts claimed the UNs 1992 Agenda 21 plan for sustainable development as a foreign global plan aimed at depriving nations of their sovereignty and citizens of their property rights.
The belief that Agenda 21 is a blueprint for corrupt global governance has become a core tenet of QAnon in Australia.
Any talk of global bankers and cabals directly taps into longstanding anti-Semitic conspiracies about supposed Jewish world domination often centred on the figure of billionaire George Soros. The pandemic and QAnon have also proven to be fertile ground for neo-Nazis in Australia.
2) Impact of the far-right social media
QAnon has its roots on the far-right bulletin boards of the websites 4Chan and 8Chan. Other campaigns from the same sources, such as the Its OK to be White motion led by One Nation leader Pauline Hanson in the Senate, have been remarkably successful in Australia, showing our susceptibility to viral trolling efforts.
3) Perceived paedophiles in power
During the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, Senator Bill Heffernan tried unsuccessfully to submit the names of 28 prominent Australians which he alleged were paedophiles.
His failure is widely shared in QAnon circles as proof of a cover-up of child abuse at all levels of Australian government. The belief the country is run by a corrupt paedophile cabal is the most fundamental plank of the QAnon platform.
4) Increasingly unaccountable and incompetent governments
A number of recent events have eroded public trust in government from the sports rorts affair to the Witness K case and all serve to further fuel the QAnon suspicion of authority figures.
5) Longstanding alternative health lobbies
Australias sizeable anti-vax movement has found great support in the QAnon community. Fear about mandatory vaccinations is widespread, as is a distrust of big pharma.
Also, the continuing roll-out of 5G technology throughout the pandemic has confirmed the belief among QAnon followers that there are ulterior motives for the lockdown. Wellness influencers such as celebrity chef Pete Evans have amplified these messages to their millions of followers.
6) The plandemic and weaponising of COVID-19
In the QAnon world, debates about the origin of the coronavirus, death rates, definition of cases, testing protocols and possible treatments are underpinned by a belief that governments are covering up the truth. Many believe the virus isnt real or deadly, or it was deliberately introduced to hasten government control of populations.
Understanding QAnon followers
Understanding why people become part of these movements is the key to stopping the spread of the QAnon virus. Research into extremist groups shows four elements are important:
1) Real or perceived personal and collective grievances
This year, some of these grievances have been linked directly to the pandemic: government lockdown restrictions, a loss of income, fear about the future and disruption of plans such as travel.
2) Networks and personal ties
Social media has given people the ability to find others with similar grievances or beliefs, to share doubts and concerns and to learn about connecting theories and explanations for what may be troubling them.
3) Political and religious ideologies
QAnon is very hierarchically structured, similar to evangelical Christianity. QAnon followers join a select group of truth seekers who are following the light and have a duty to wake up the sheeple. Like some religions, the QAnon world is welcoming to all and provides a strong sense of community united by a noble purpose and hope for a better future.
4) Enabling environments and support structures
In the QAnon world, spending many hours on social media is valued as doing research and seen as an antidote to the so-called fake news of the mainstream media.
Social isolation, a barrage of changing and confusing pandemic news and obliging social media platforms have been a boon for QAnon groups. However, simply banning or deleting groups runs the danger of confirming the beliefs of QAnon followers. Read more: How misinformation about 5G is spreading within our government institutions and who's responsible So what can be done?
Governments need to be more sensitive in their messaging and avoid triggering panic around sensitive issues such as mandatory or forced vaccinations. Transparency about government actions, policies and mistakes all help to build trust.
Governments also need to ensure they are providing enough resources to support people during this challenging time, particularly when it comes to mental and emotional well-being. Resourcing community-building to counter isolation is vital.
For families and friends, losing a loved one down the Q rabbit hole is distressing. Research shows that arguing over facts and myths doesnt work.
Like many conspiracy theories, there are elements of truth in QAnon. Empathy and compassion, rather than ridicule and ostracism, are the keys to remaining connected to the Q follower in your life. Hopefully, with time, theyll come back.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a recorded address to the Republican National Convention from Jerusalem, drawing calls from Democrats for an investigation into what they called highly unusual participation in a partisan event.
Pompeo is traveling in the Middle East this week and made his first stop in Jerusalem. In his address, he praised the Trump administrations foreign policy, citing Trumps decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, his negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, efforts to defeat the Islamic State group and opposing what Pompeo called Chinas predatory aggression.
Before his remarks were played during Tuesday nights convention broadcast, Pompeos remarks drew the attention of Democrats, including Congressman Joaquin Castro, who called for an investigation.
Castro, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, sent a letter to Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun asking for written answers to his questions and a briefing with the State Department by September 1.
It is highly unusual, and likely unprecedented, for a sitting Secretary of State to speak at a partisan convention for either of the political parties, Castro said. It appears that it may also be illegal.
FILE - House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas (center) flanked by Rep. Denny Heck, D-Wash. (left) and Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., at a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, March 20, 2017.Castro said he wants to know what State Department resources may have been used to organize the address, whether any department employees were involved, and if the Trump campaign, Republican party or other outside organization would be covering any of the costs of Pompeos travel to Israel.
Secretary Pompeo was on official travel funded on an apolitical basis by every American taxpayer when the speech was pre-recorded and likely will be on official business when it will be shown at the RNC, Castro wrote.
Pompeo was in Bahrain on the latest leg of his trip at the time the video was broadcast. A State Department official told a reporter traveling with Pompeo that the diplomat was speaking in his personal capacity and that no department personnel or resources were involved.
Pompeo sent a cable to department staff last month calling attention to rules against engaging in political activities.
As the 2020 general election draws near, all Department employees are reminded to review and comply with the restrictions on political activities that apply to Department employees, the memo says. As Deputy Secretary Biegun noted in his February 18, 2020, email, in its global engagements the Department proudly showcases the United States democratic process. It is important that the Departments employees do not improperly engage the Department of State in the political process, and that they adhere to the Hatch Act and Department policies in their own political activities.
The cable outlines acceptable practices, such as voting in elections, donating to a political campaign and expressing opinions about policies and issues in a non-partisan context.
Prohibited acts include personal fundraising for a candidate, using ones official position for partisan political purposes, and engaging in partisan political activity while on duty or in the workplace.
Austrophobia, or the traditional, historical since mid-19 Century Anti-Austrian Sentiment in politics and military affairs (can be considered as the specifically indicative, "pathognomonic sign")
Photo: Ernst Uhrlau, former chief of BND and later the "consultant on geopolitical risks" for the Deutsche Bank, and the political ally of Gerhard Schroeder. Uhrlau was the chief of the Hamburg police when the core group of 9/11 hijackers, the so called Hamburg Cell, lived and received training there. He was uncooperative and hostile towards 9/11 Investigationinquiries.
»German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared NewslinksMichael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
»Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared NewslinksMichael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
»Service record of Reinhard Heydrich24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared NewslinksMichael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
»Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared NewslinksMichael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
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8:09 AM 9/10/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories In 50 Posts https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/09/809-am-9102020-trump-administration.html ___________________________________________ Saved and Shared Stories Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 7:25 AM 9/10/2020 - Tweets: Sexual harassment in the FBI - the hidden epidemic. What do we really know about it? mikenov on Twitter: Airport coronavirus screenings: Trump administration intends to end Covid-19 screenings of passengers arriving from overseas msn.com/en-us/news/us/ mikenov on Twitter: By fostering crime, de Blasio has deepened the two New Yorks divide nypost.com/2020/09/09/by- mikenov on Twitter: Belarusian opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova being held on suspicion of state treason | The Independent independent.co.uk/news/world/eur mikenov on Twitter: Robert Hadden, Ex-Doctor Accused Of Abusing Dozens Of Patients, Is Indicted : NPR npr.org/2020/09/09/911 mikenov on Twitter: The massive West Coast wildfires ha...
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/637-am-3142020-michael-novakhov.html _________________________________________________________________ Berlin bookburning rally Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review. By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) 10:00 AM 9/7/2019 The Content is the King, Media - just waves, Platforms - just stages, Hosting Services - just Servers, and should be just the servants. They cannot be allowed to be The Switch Keepers, and to control The Internet. - Michael Novakhov By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) My Blogs By Michael Novakhov - Google Search Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ In 25 Posts Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ | Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ - on RSS Dog | Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – In Brief | Trump Investigations News In Brief – http:...
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/119-pm-442020-cluster-analysis-of.html Cluster Analysis of Coronavirus cases in the U.S .: The hypothesis of transmission by the fecal aerosols to respiratory tract (by the infectious "toilet plumes", and/or due to plumbing problems, creating such aerosols, e.g. dysfunctioning "vent pipes"), dispersed by the central ventilation, heating, or air conditioning systems, and including possibly intentionally contaminated food as the source and origin. The largest and the most clearly defined clusters of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the U.S., by the places of occurrence, are: Nursing Homes and similar facilities, Prisons and jails, And large ships. CASES CONNECTED TO CASES Cook County Jail; Chicago 270 Travel overseas 178 Travel within the U.S. 175 Life Care nursing facility; Kirkland, Wash. 129 Community in New Rochelle, N.Y. 119 Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing;...
The News And Times Information Network - newsandtimes.net The News And Times Information Network Blogs | This Post Link ____________________________________________________ Pages - Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov - https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/ Home Posts Sites Blogs and Sites On Twitter CoronaVirus News Israel News Review Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ TWEETS BY MIKENOV - 250 Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review In 250 Brief Posts Saved and Shared Stories and Recent Tweets Saved and Shared Stories In 100 Headlines and Posts Saved and Shared Stories In 100 Headlines Saved and Shared Stories In 250 Brief Posts CoronaVirus News - Saved Stories VIDEO NEWS Review - The News And Times _____________________________
https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/trumpism-reveals-covid-19-monday-april.html ________________________________________________________________ "Trumpism" reveals Covid-19 Monday April 13 th , 2020 at 9:07 AM Ideas: All The News On Le Monde.Fr. 1 Share To those who, three years after Donald Trump came to power, are wondering about the foundations of "Trumpism", the management of the coronavirus pandemic by the President of the United States could provide some elements of the answer. Between denial of reality, search for a scapegoat, omnipresence in the media, ousting of discordant voices, political approach, isolationism and short-term vision vis-à-vis the greatest health challenge of recent decades, Mr. Trump has, during the weeks past, given to see some of the aspects that have shaped his presidency since January 2017. A mandate which confirmed what politicians and historians foresaw when he came to powe...
The murky origins of the Coronavirus and the Covid-19 The question about the origins of Coronavirus and the origins of Covid-19 are complex, multi-faceted, and they include, in my opinion, the Criminological and the Intelligence work aspects, in addition and beside the Medical - Epidemiological and Biological - Microbiological ones. "...There was manipulation around this virus. ...the coronavirus of the bat, someone added sequences, in particular of HIV, the virus of AIDS. […] It is not natural. It’s the work of professionals, of molecular biologists. […] A very meticulous work", opined Luc Montagnier, the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for AIDS research, hinting that "COVID-19 coronavirus disease was artificially created in a lab by biologists working on an AIDS vaccine." "China’s narrative about the origin of COVID-19 is starting to unravel", claimed Lawrence Sellin, the Retired US Army Colonel, the observer with the Military-Intelligence background...
New York region suffers record deaths, and small businesses struggle to secure loans. - NYT https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/707-am-482020-acting-navy-secretary.html ________________________________________________________________ » Masked crowds fill streets, trains after Wuhan lockdown ends 08/04/20 06:18 “I've been inside for 2 1/2 months. I'm so happy Wuhan has defeated the virus," Wang said after again donning her mask. Like so many others in the city, Wang was still waiting to hear about when she would get back to work. M.N.: Irony not lost: China celebrates, America and the world are suffocating and muzzled. 8:20 AM 4/8/2020 ______________________________________________________ CoronaVirus News | CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » The FBI News Review – fbinewsreview.blogspot.com – Blog by Michael Novakhov: 8:05 AM 3/25/2020 – Why New York? Because that’s where the GRU – Russian Ma...
The Biobot team analyzed four samples taken before the first known US case of COVID-19, and all tested negative for the virus. All 10 samples taken between March 18 and March 25 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, at levels higher than the res... https:// cen.acs.org/content/cen/ar ticles/98/i15/Novel-coronavirus-found-surprisingly-high.html … via @cenmag Selected Links - 6:19 AM 4/17/2020 - 4.10.20 https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/selected-links-619-am-4172020-41020.html 4.17.20 Crucial coronavirus antibody tests destined for New York City caught in red tape in China - ABC News Coronavirus symptoms: 10 key indicators and what to do - CNN Coronavirus targets many organs of the body Coronavirus targets many organs of the body - Google Search coronavirus symptoms - Google Search What is Coronavirus, what are its symptoms, and when should I call a doctor? | World ...
This graphic shows the deadly strain that hit Europe (in blue) and the mild strain that mostly hit the US such as Seattle (in orange) ________________________________________________________________ https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/04/why-is-covid-19-mild-for-some-deadly.html ________________________________________________________________ Viral strain SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is a single-stranded RNA virus that has the ability to mutate quickly. Over time, and as it spreads around the world, it will develop genetically distinct strains. Some of these strains may spread more easily, or cause more severe disease. However, to date there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 viruses circulating now are clinically very different from each other or that their minor genetic differences explain the range of symptom severity patients are experiencing. ________________________________________________ M.N.: Hypothetically, if this virus was genetically mani...
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