1:53 PM 9/3/2020 Senate‘s Trump-Russia Report Shows What Mueller Missed - Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump

1:53 PM 9/3/2020

Senate‘s Trump-Russia Report Shows What Mueller Missed -

Counterintelligence Investigations of Donald Trump


  1. mikenov on Twitter: 12:58 PM 9/3/2020 - I think, he is correct on this point, and it may happen as in 2016 again. (God forbids.) Polls can be manipulated. - M.N. http://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2020/09/1258-p pic.twitter.com/pyIROt3M6M https://trump-news.org/2020/09/03/1301566378298822656/ 
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  2. 12:58 PM 9/3/2020 - I think, he is correct on this point, and it may happen as in 2016 again. (God forbids.) Polls can be manipulated. - M.N. https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2020/09/1258-pm-932020-i-think-he-is-correct-on.html 
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  3. 9:18 AM 9/3/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov@mikenov The Trump-Alfa Bank Server Mystery https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2020/09/918-am-932020-tweets-by-mikenov-michael.html 
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  4.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    AG William Barr says expansive mail-in voting is 'playing with fire' https://trib.al/1gSLSbz 
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  5.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Experts in medicine and public health are expressing growing concerns, in some cases even alarm, at the possibility that the FDA will bend to political pressure and grant early approval to coronavirus vaccines that haven’t been thoroughly vetted. http://bos.gl/bNyBI4W 
  6.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    This week in '93, Director Louis Freeh was sworn in. As an Asst. U.S. Attorney in NY, Freeh was instrumental in the Pizza Connection prosecutions. Learn more about the fascinating trial and Gaetano Badalamenti--a real-life Mafia godfather--here: http://ow.ly/PiEw50BgWzD 
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  7.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    A new fire broke out on a supertanker carrying about 2 million barrels of oil in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Sri Lanka, spokesmen for the country's navy said, adding that one of its 23 crew was missing and another injured https://reut.rs/3jNxtex 
  8.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The world needs multiple treatments to fight COVID-19. See how we’re using our antiviral expertise to accelerate the process with partners.
  9.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Seit Beginn der Pandemie helfen viele Menschen einander.

    Ist Kooperation ansteckend, wie @rcbregman sagt?
    Ist der Mensch besser als gedacht?
    Wie stabil ist der Zusammenhalt?@Diemension_V und ich haben uns umgehört. Jetzt in @diezeit und online hier: https://www.zeit.de/2020/37/zusammenhalt-corona-krise-solidaritaet 
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  10.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Cuomo: Trump "better have an army" in New York City if he cuts federal funding http://hill.cm/Wc8W40N 
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  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Over the last 24 hours, we’ve seen Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer strike diametrically different tones and stake out opposite positions on a new economic relief package, highlighting the rocky road toward another deal in the next four weekshttps://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2020/09/03/what-chuck-schumer-wants-vs-what-mitch-mcconnell-wants-490251?cid=su_tw_pb 
  12.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Российская экономика должна расти на 3-5% в год, чтобы выйти в топ-5 экономик, заявил вице-премьер РФ Юрий Борисов:http://go.tass.ru/XGaJ 
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  13.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    receives a group of ecological experts collaborating with the Bishops Conference of France on the themes of “’” telling them it is only by healing the human heart that the world can be healed from its social and environmental unrest. http://ow.ly/fhfW50BgWms 
  14. 8:52 AM 9/3/2020 - Minneapolis man allegedly kills wife after argument over lack of sex, before shooting neighbors https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/09/852-am-932020-minneapolis-man-allegedly.html 
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  15.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    OTD 1941, fourteen members of the 33 member Frederick Duquesne Spy Ring were brought to jury trial in Federal District Court, Brooklyn, NY. They spied for Germany during WWII and were all found guilty of espionage and sentenced to over 300 years in prison.
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  16. 7:51 AM 9/3/2020 - There is another, and very important issue here, in toilet spread: the differential diagnosis with the Hantaviruses Infections transmitted by this rather unusual fecal-respiratory route. The clinical picture is very similar. https://diseasex19.blogspot.com/2020/09/751-am-932020-there-is-another-and-very.html 
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  17.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Honor World War II with a Better, Shared Future | Commentary by Russia's Amb. Anatoly Antonov & China's Amb. Cui Tiankai https://buff.ly/3h0E9UR 
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  18. There is another, and very important issue here, in toilet spread: the differential diagnosis with the Hantaviruses Infections transmitted by this rather unusual fecal-respiratory route. The clinical picture is very similar. We need to address this issue. https://www.google.com/search?q=Covid-19:+fecal+respiratory+transmission&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk02F0L3AkPHEtjVbrPStxJVIgdU3OQ:1599131117924&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiPqu7R68zrAhUQ01kKHb_gD8YQ_AUoA3oECBYQBQ&cshid=1599131172038362&biw=1462&bih=762 
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  19.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    NEW: Facebook will ban new political ads for the week leading up to Election Day in the US, and remove posts that try to suppress or discourage voting, Mark Zuckerberg announced Thursday. https://nbcnews.to/350rTBb 
  20. Covid-19: fecal respiratory transmission - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Covid-19%3A+fecal+respiratory+transmission&source=lmns&bih=762&biw=1462&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_8srf68zrAhWGK98KHWITD2AQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA 

    Confirmation of infectious virus in feces affirms the potential for fecal–oral or fecal–respiratory transmission and warrants further study.May 18, 2020
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  21. M.N.: In my mind, there are no doubts that the German and Russian Intelligence Services and the Red Mafia influenced the 2016 Elections significantly and very likely decisively to "put their boy in the White House".... https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/09/629-am-932020-gop-sen-johnson-issues.html 
  22. M.N.: In my mind, there are no doubts that the German and Russian Intelligence Services and the Red Mafia influenced the 2016 Elections significantly and very likely decisively to "put their boy in the White House". The proper investigation is the matter of 's survival.
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  23. M.N.: In my mind, there are no doubts that the German and Russian Intelligence Services and the Red Mafia influenced the 2016 Elections significantly and very likely decisively to "put their boy in the White House". The proper investigation is the matter of 's survival.
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  24.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Indian Army and the Indian Special Frontier Force rapidly captured a strategic area along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh outsmarting China's People's Liberation Army apparently asleep at the wheel. https://bit.ly/3gOBcGI 
  25. 6:29 AM 9/3/2020 - GOP Sen. Johnson issues subpoena to FBI for Russia probe documents | U.S. court: Mass surveillance program exposed by Snowden was illegal https://fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/09/629-am-932020-gop-sen-johnson-issues.html 
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  26.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    und der unterstützen in im Rahmen der beim -Kontaktpersonenmanagement. Jetzt bekamen sie Besuch vom der , Generalleutnant Martin Schelleis. https://twitter.com/SKB_JSES/status/1301456216749678594
  27.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Canada's chief medical officer suggests wearing mask during sex with new partners http://hill.cm/kCaiJov 
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  28.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    An American soldier who helped rescue about 70 hostages set to be executed by Islamic State militants in Iraq has been approved to receive the Medal of Honor for actions during a daring 2015 raid. https://www.stripes.com/news/us/soldier-to-receive-medal-of-honor-for-iraq-hostage-rescue-1.643634 
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  29.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Riot police attack and forcibly arrest university students in the capital of Belarus. The students from Minsk were marching in protest against dictator Lukashenko, who faked the election results to proclaim himself winner
  30.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Unsinkable – Meet Some of Military History’s Luckiest Sailorshttps://wp.me/p42Qr6-1or 
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  31.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Biden calls for live fact-checking at debates with Trump http://hill.cm/jJ7XfBJ 
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