7:55 AM 3/3/2020 – Aquí te vamos contando al minuto las novedades sobre el #coronavirus – Here we tell you the latest news about the #coronavirus


👇Aquí te vamos contando al minuto las novedades sobre el  http://lavoz.gal/gqqhm2

Coronavirus, en directo: Galicia sigue siendo un oasis frente al coronavirus

140 casos siguen activos en España. El Sergas habilita un nuevo número 900 de información. Diez consejos básicos para protegerse del coronavirus.
See 𝕃𝕖𝕩𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕤𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕤’s other Tweets
  1. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Benjamin Netanyahu defeats Gantz, but is still short a majority

    The final voter turnout was 71% – up from 69.8% in the previous election.
  2. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control of campaign

  3. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Thank you, Bros, for the broad specialty designation, from the both ends; symmetrical, balanced. R.
  4. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Deirdre Walsh@deirdreawalsh1
    Israeli firm unveils kit to diagnose coronavirus, as 2nd team works on a vaccine https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-firm-says-it-developed-kit-to-diagnose-coronavirus/  via @timesofisrael

    Israeli firm says it developed kit to diagnose coronavirus

    Announcement by BATM comes as health officials struggle to balance need for rapid testing and worries over false positives; Israeli research center says it is working on vaccine
  5. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Russia hasn’t had any new coronavirus cases. Why is that? | CBC News https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/russia-hasn-t-had-any-new-coronavirus-cases-why-is-that-1.5479374 

    Russia hasn’t had any new coronavirus cases. Why is that? | CBC News

    China has complained that Russia’s measures to combat the coronavirus are discriminatory, but many Russians seem pleased that their country remains virtually virus-free so far, Chris Brown writes.
  6. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Jph Schaller@JphSchaller
    en gros si je comprends bien Francois Bricaire ponte de l’épidémiologie: les mesures n’empêcheront pas l’épidémie à venir, le coronavirus n’est pas très létal et comme pour toute virose, il faut laisser faire et l’épidémie diminuera comme une banale grippe… 
  7. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
     , for saving   from  by  , unleashed by zi Un-Crowned. Only zi   have sacred birthright to  and to  the suffering  
    Now we will call you ZI !

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  8. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Image: подмигнуть hashtag on Twitter

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  9. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Image: Как научиться подмигивать 🚩 гифка подмигивание 🚩 Хобби и …

    Found on Google from kakprosto.ru
  10. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Image: ᐈ Смайлик подмигивания фотографии, картинки подмигивать | скачать …

    Found on Google from ru.depositphotos.com
  11. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Image: Знаменитости, которые были не прочь подмигнуть на камеру

    Found on Google from fishki.net
  12. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

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  13. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Naturally, before you spread the bio-weapon, you need to have a vaccine! Now Mossad and Netanyahu are the Great Heroes, and right in time, after the Elections.
    Bravo     develops a  against  https://curadas.com/2020/03/01/vacuna-contra-el-coronavirus-2/ 

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  14. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

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  15. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Netanyahu, in general, is thought to have the most to gain from any shift in the public’s attention away from the criminal trial that ostensibly awaits him on March 17, two weeks after the polls are closed and results published. http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/premium-4-days-to-election-coronavirus-politics-reassert-control-of-election-campaign-1-8595879-2/ 

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control o

    Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump may be the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of nationalist, right-wing politics, but their ways have par
  16. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    The escalation of the coronavirus crisis and the ensuing public hysteria is now dominating news headlines, relegating the last and usually dramatic days of the election campaign to the sidelines http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/premium-4-days-to-election-coronavirus-politics-reassert-control-of-election-campaign-1-8595879-2/ 

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control o

    Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump may be the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of nationalist, right-wing politics, but their ways have par
  17. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    The coronavirus, however, has also given rise to mutual suspicions between left and right that their opponents will use the disease in order to suppress their own constituencies. http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/premium-4-days-to-election-coronavirus-politics-reassert-control-of-election-campaign-1-8595879-2/ 

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control o

    Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump may be the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of nationalist, right-wing politics, but their ways have par
  18. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Netanyahu seized the initiative from the moment the virus began to infect the residents of Wuhan, China. He pushed his unpopular ultra-Orthodox Health Minister to the sidelines, positioned himself as commander of Israel’s prevention and containment efforts http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/premium-4-days-to-election-coronavirus-politics-reassert-control-of-election-campaign-1-8595879-2/ 

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control o

    Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump may be the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of nationalist, right-wing politics, but their ways have par
  19. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    New York Post
    First case of coronavirus confirmed in Manhattan https://trib.al/bRSIpEy 

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  20. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control of campaign – Israel Election 2020 – http://Haaretz.com  https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/.premium-4-days-to-election-coronavirus-politics-reassert-control-of-election-campaign-1.8595879 

    Four days to Israeli election: Coronavirus politics reassert control of campaign

  21. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    After voting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said: “The corona thing is completely under control. Today we’ve taken all the precautions that are necessary, people can go and vote, with complete confidence.” https://nypost.com/2020/03/02/amid-coronavirus-fears-israelis-vote-in-third-election-in-under-a-year/ 

    Amid coronavirus fears, Israelis vote in third election in under a year

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still faces bribery and fraud charges.
  22. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Amid coronavirus fears, Israelis vote in third election in under a year

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still faces bribery and fraud charges.
  23. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China? http://stateofthenation.co/?p=5231 
  24. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement on Sunday that he had ordered the Health Ministry and Israel Institute for Biological Research to establish a “vaccine project” against the coronavirus means,…
  25. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
     said Israel will develop  . Here’s why it’s unlikely
  26. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Netanyahu said Israel will develop coronavirus vaccine. Here’s why it’s unlikely
  27. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    “Let’s not be naive, we know that coronavirus spread because it was made as biological warfare,” said Levy-Abekasis, who aspires to be Israel’s next health minister. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-warns-fake-news-on-virus-may-be-used-to-try-to-sway-elections/ 

    Netanyahu warns fake news on virus may be used to try to sway elections

    PM, public security minister instruct Shin Bet, police to prepare to deal with anyone, including foreign actors, who seeks to stoke fear to harm integrity of vote
  28. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Also Sunday, Labor-Gesher-Meretz member Orly Levy-Abekasis told Army Radio she believes the virus was laboratory-made germ warfare that had leaked to the public.
    Netanyahu warns fake news on virus may be used to try to sway elections | The Times of Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-warns-fake-news-on-virus-may-be-used-to-try-to-sway-elections/ 

    Netanyahu warns fake news on virus may be used to try to sway elections

    PM, public security minister instruct Shin Bet, police to prepare to deal with anyone, including foreign actors, who seeks to stoke fear to harm integrity of vote
  29. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Netanyahu warns fake news on virus may be used to try to sway elections

    PM, public security minister instruct Shin Bet, police to prepare to deal with anyone, including foreign actors, who seeks to stoke fear to harm integrity of vote
  30. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Iran VP infected https://aje.io/2wy7z 

    Trump says US ‘very, very ready’ for coronavirus: Live updates

    COVID-19 is appearing in more countries around the world, with Italy, Iran and South Korea new hotspots for the virus.
  31. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
     – From Michael Novakhov: 10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic:… https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/1055-am-322020-iran-and-coronavirus.html?spref=tw 
  32. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Tweets And News – From Michael Novakhov: 10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic:… https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/1055-am-322020-iran-and-coronavirus.html?spref=tw 
  33. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  34. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source of Coronavirus pandemic as bacteriological war? | Israeli Elections, Netanyahu, Mossad, CoronaVirus Pandemic, and Iran: Any Connections? | CoronaVirus Alerts http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/1055-am-3-2-2020-iran-and-coronavirus-pandemic-is-iran-the-source-of-coronavirus-pandemic-as-bacteriological-war-israeli-elections-netanyahu-mossad-coronavirus-pandemic-and-iran-any-c/ 

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  35. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Israel has much more of the capabilities of this sort than Iran, and if we ask the hypothetical questions on this subject about Iran or China, it is quite legitimate to ask the similar questions http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/1055-am-3-2-2020-iran-and-coronavirus-pandemic-is-iran-the-source-of-coronavirus-pandemic-as-bacteriological-war-israeli-elections-netanyahu-mossad-coronavirus-pandemic-and-iran-any-c/ 

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  36. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  37. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    The mass media coverage of this subject reached its shrilling hysterical height today, on the day of Israeli elections, and I will not be surprised if it starts going down, and the whole affair will be happily forgotten http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/1055-am-3-2-2020-iran-and-coronavirus-pandemic-is-iran-the-source-of-coronavirus-pandemic-as-bacteriological-war-israeli-elections-netanyahu-mossad-coronavirus-pandemic-and-iran-any-c/ 

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  38. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    I will not be surprised if it starts going down, and the whole affair will be happily forgotten within the next month. It looks like the exercise in Public Relations from Goebbels – Abwehr Instructions Book. http://coronavirusalerts.org/index.php/2020/03/02/1055-am-3-2-2020-iran-and-coronavirus-pandemic-is-iran-the-source-of-coronavirus-pandemic-as-bacteriological-war-israeli-elections-netanyahu-mossad-coronavirus-pandemic-and-iran-any-c/ 

    10:55 AM 3/2/2020 – Iran and Coronavirus Pandemic: Is Iran the source

  39. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Israeli Elections, Netanyahu, Mossad, CoronaVirus Pandemic, and Iran: Any Connections?

    Image: Israel’s embattled Netanyahu wins landslide in primary | Times …

    Found on Google from timescolonist.com
  40. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Coronavirus: Iran denies cover-up as six deaths reported in Italy

    Tehran rejects claim death toll is more than four times higher than official figures suggest
  41. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    “talian authorities are also rushing to contain the continent’s first major outbreak of the disease after a sixth death in the country. Italy has so far recorded 219 confirmed cases, the most of any European country.” https://gu.com/p/dbbfj/stw 

    Coronavirus: Iran denies cover-up as six deaths reported in Italy

    Tehran rejects claim death toll is more than four times higher than official figures suggest
  42. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    ““A further problem with the Iranian cases is wider armed conflicts in the region. During armed conflicts borders between countries become porous and urban and healthcare facilities are often targeted and destroyed.” https://gu.com/p/dbbfj/stw 

    Coronavirus: Iran denies cover-up as six deaths reported in Italy

    Tehran rejects claim death toll is more than four times higher than official figures suggest
  43. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    “Iranian health officials have not said whether health workers in Qom who first came in contact with infected people had taken precautionary measures in treating those who died of the virus. Iran also has not said how many people are in quarantine acro…” https://gu.com/p/dbbfj/stw 

    Coronavirus: Iran denies cover-up as six deaths reported in Italy

    Tehran rejects claim death toll is more than four times higher than official figures suggest
  44. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Coronavirus: Iran denies cover-up as six deaths reported in Italy

    Tehran rejects claim death toll is more than four times higher than official figures suggest
  45. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    “It has spread across the country. How is it possible in 10 days? Obviously they concealed facts to go ahead with their own plans. They lied to us again,” said Fariba, 34, a high school teacher in the city of Tabriz. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-iran-mood/fear-distrust-and-disinfectant-in-the-air-amid-irans-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20O1X1 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  46. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    A doctor in Qom, who also asked not to be named, told Reuters on Sunday that the illness had been circulating days before it was announced. “We had many patients with the same symptoms. But they were treated with flu medicine and sent back home.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-iran-mood/fear-distrust-and-disinfectant-in-the-air-amid-irans-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20O1X1 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  47. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    “Hospitals are full of infected people. We hear about hundreds of deaths,” said a doctor in Tehran, who asked not to be named. “We need more hospitals. The death toll will rise.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-iran-mood/fear-distrust-and-disinfectant-in-the-air-amid-irans-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20O1X1 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  48. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Qom is “a place for healing”.
    Videos on social media showed some people licking the doors and the burial mound inside the Masumeh shrine, defying advice by the Health Ministry to avoid touching or kissing any surfaces https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-iran-mood/fear-distrust-and-disinfectant-in-the-air-amid-irans-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20O1X1 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  49. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Qom. “The city smells like a cemetery, a morgue.”
    The escalating outbreak in Iran has killed 54 people and infected 978, according to the Health Ministry on Sunday. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-iran-mood/fear-distrust-and-disinfectant-in-the-air-amid-irans-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20O1X1 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  50. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid ‘s … https://reut.rs/39f49IN 

    Fear, distrust and disinfectant in the air amid Iran’s coronavirus…

    As the new coronavirus spreads across Iran, the epicenter of the outbreak in the Middle East, so a feeling of anxiety grows among many Iranians, some of whom worry the clerical establishment has not…
  51. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    The coronavirus crisis promises another touch-and-go week for President Trump https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-02/trump-urges-calm-on-virus-yet-u-s-shows-signs-of-vulnerability  via @bpolitics

    Trump Urges Calm on Virus Yet U.S. Shows Signs of Vulnerability

    President Donald Trump insists his administration is ready for a coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., yet reports of new cases in several states over the weekend will test his effort to project control…
  52. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Tweets And News – From Michael Novakhov: El , resfriado, cancela actos por tercer día c… https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/el-papa-resfriado-cancela-actos-por.html?spref=tw 
  53. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – The Modern Variety

    Image: FBI and Trump” – Google News: Trump appears to do bizarre …

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  54. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Non-Jewish, Tatar Variety

    Image: Patriarch Kirill and the Vatican- 8:14 PM 12/23/2019 | FBI Reform

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  55. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Manafort – man a fort, Greedy Liar – Spy Variety

    Image: Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – The Operation Trump and The …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  56. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Tipeja “Douglas Leff” The Mountain RAT Variety – See more detailed description above, and also on FBI website. He makes you want to spit on him endlessly.

    Image: Puerto Rico News: Tipeja “Douglas Leff”, get the fuck out of …

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  57. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – The Victim Variety

    Image: The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump – 4:01 AM 2/8/2019

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  58. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – “Douflas Leff The Mamabicho” – KGB-FBI-Mossad-Mountain Jew – Piece Of SHIT Variety

    Image: Douglas Leff The Bleff sucks Trump’s dick. How can you do this …

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  59. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Trade with readily open mouth Variety

    Image: Jared Kushner and Mueller Investigation of Trump

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  60. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Roy Cohn – the shittiest of them all

    Image: 2:33 AM 2/26/2019 – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠: Who—or …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  61. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Classic Jewish Lackey Variety

    Image: 1:38 PM 2/28/2019 – Netanyahu to stand trial for bribery and …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  62. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – The heriditory Petty Criminal But Legal – Vor V Zakone Variety

    Image: Low President Donald Trump Credibility Necessitates Mueller …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  63. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – One of the most nauseating Variety

    Image: Jared Kushner and Mueller Investigation of Trump

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  64. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Classic Canaris-Abwehr Variety

    Image: 12:58 PM 2/2/2019 – “The funding of Mr. Trump’s golf empire has …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  65. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – The International Variety

    Image: The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump – 4:01 AM 2/8/2019

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  66. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Classic Pimp-Spy-Manipulator Variety

    Image: 4:41 PM 7/8/2019 – Videos: Jeffrey Epstein pleads not guilty to …

    Found on Google from trumpandtrumpism.com
  67. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – German-Jewish Con Man cum Hereditary Pimp and Poodle Variety

    Image: The New Abwehr Hypothesis of Operation Trump – 4:01 AM 2/8/2019

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  68. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – he makes you throw up!

    Image: Who, Me?!” Yes, You! – 4:30 PM 1/8/2020 | Trump and Trumpism …

    Found on Google from trumpandtrumpism.com
  69. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – The Armenian-Jewish Variety

    Image: Trump, Lavrov To Meet In Washington On Tuesday : NPR | Trump and …

    Found on Google from trumpandtrumpism.com
  70. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: FBI and Trump” – Google News: Trump appears to do bizarre …

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  71. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – the Noble German Variety

    Image: Ernst Uhrlau AND THE The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  72. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: Does Jared Kushner suck Donald Trump’s dick?- 1:07 PM 1/5/2020 …

    Found on Google from trumpandtrumpism.com
  73. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: RUSSIA and THE WEST – РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: Gay Man In Russia Apparently …

    Found on Google from east-and-west-org.blogspot.com
  74. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: Accidents and Incidents Review: Trooper Lucas B. Dowell | Orlando …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  75. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: Jared Kushner and Mueller Investigation of Trump

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  76. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: The Operation Trump And The New Abwehr – Web Review: Is Kilimnik …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  77. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: Russia News: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace – Russia …

    Found on Google from fbireform.com
  78. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – Two boots a pair.

    Image: Zelensky, how much were you paid for selling out Elvin Isayev?

    Found on Google from fbinewsreview.blogspot.com
  79. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня – the classic example, and one of the most revolting and disgusting –

    Image: Jared Kushner – The Trader and the Trade: the Arabs did not buy …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  80. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня, or its direct product, which is the same thing –

    Image: The Trump Investigations – Review Of News And Opinions – Blog by …

    Found on Google from trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com
  81. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’ – 1:25 PM 12/16/2019

    Found on Google from fbinewsreview.blogspot.com
  82. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Гебешная Жидовня

    Image: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Politics: Jared …

    Found on Google from trumpandtrumpism.com
  83. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    7:20 AM 3/2/2020 – “ Жидовня” – (This term is ), and other stories –  from  (117 sites https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/720-am-322020-this-term-is.html?spref=tw 
  84. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Get well soon, it’s just a cold. Limit contacts and public appearances as a rule and safety precaution, it is always somewhat risky, and the evildoers might try to to target you. Stay well, Love; M.N. https://twitter.com/diarioeldeber/status/1233935355574923264
  85. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    EL DEBER@diarioeldeber
    El Papa, resfriado, cancela actos por tercer día consecutivohttp://bit.ly/2PDeczw 

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  86. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    The Man Behind Trump’s Facebook Juggernaut | The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/03/09/the-man-behind-trumps-facebook-juggernaut 

    The Man Behind Trump’s Facebook Juggernaut

    Brad Parscale used social media to sway the 2016 election. He’s poised to do it again.
  87. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    FOX News: Coronavirus kills 2nd man in Washington state, officials say | Freedom FM Radio Network https://freedomfmradio.net/?p=58178 

    FOX News: Coronavirus kills 2nd man in Washington state, officials say

    A second coronavirus death has been confirmed in Washington state, officials said Sunday. FOX News
  88. Michael Novakhov@mikenov
    Audio | The Guardian: What’s behind the rise of Germany’s far right? | Freedom FM Radio Network https://freedomfmradio.net/?p=58181 

    Audio | The Guardian: What’s behind the rise of Germany’s fa

    A terrorist attack in Hanau was the latest incident of far-right violence in Germany. It’s a growing problem, says the Guardian’s Philip Oltermann. Also today: Amy Hodge on her series of fil
  89. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Hill
    Joe Biden: “People want results. They’re not looking for revolution, they want results. They want a return to decency, they want to be able to get things done. And I have a record that is far superior on those two issues than Bernie’s.”

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  90. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Epoch Times – China Insider@EpochTimesChina
     couple who contracted the  aboard the  cruise ship in  will soon be on their way home after testing negative for the virus, their daughter said Sunday. https://www.theepochtimes.com/quebec-couple-who-got-coronavirus-on-cruise-ship-to-come-home-daughter-says_3256373.html 

    Quebec Couple Who Got Coronavirus on Cruise Ship to Come Home, Daughter Says

    A Quebec couple who contracted the novel coronavirus aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan will soon be on their way home.
  91. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Hill
    WATCH: Members of a congregation turned their backs to Mike Bloomberg as he spoke at a church in Selma, AL.

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  92. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Donald J. Trump
  93. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Hill
    Joe Biden: “I find a lot of folks in Bernie’s operation are now saying whoever goes in with the most delegates… that they should be declared the winner. I wonder where that view was when he was challenging Hillary.”

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  94. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    Lawrence O’Donnell
    Trump’s fear of Biden is a thing to behold. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1234263037110083587
  95. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The New York Times
    New York State reported its first case of coronavirus, in a woman in her late 30s who had traveled to Iran. The announcement brings the total number of cases in the United States to 76. https://nyti.ms/3ahCSFO 
    Health care workers transported a patient Saturday at Life Care Center of Kirkland, a nursing home in Washington State. Dozens of people there have shown symptoms of respiratory illness, officials said.

    Coronavirus Live Updates: Rhode Island Reports First Case, and Louvre Closes Its Doors

    Rhode Island officials said the person had recently traveled to Italy, and the Louvre closed for a meeting to address the virus and did not reopen.
  96. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    David Pakman
    Pete Buttigieg’s sudden drop ahead of Super Tuesday is clearly a move to consolidate support around Biden in advance of those primaries, right?
  97. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Hill
    Joe Biden: “People want results. They’re not looking for revolution, they want results. They want a return to decency, they want to be able to get things done. And I have a record that is far superior on those two issues than Bernie’s.”

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  98. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Washington Post
    Bernie Sanders pushed for a contested convention in 2016. Now he wants to avoid one. https://wapo.st/38clZeh 

    Bernie Sanders pushed for a contested convention in 2016. Now he wants to avoid one.

    Four years ago, Sanders said superdelegates could vote against the majority of pledged delegates. Now he says superdelegates should vote with the plurality of them.
  99. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The New York Times
    Breaking News: The United States reported a second death from the coronavirus amid fears the illness has spread undetected in the Seattle suburbs for weeks https://nyti.ms/2Tbt0rt 
    Medics and other healthcare workers transferring a patient on a stretcher to an ambulance at the Life Care Center of Kirkland in Kirkland, Wash., on Sunday.

    Nursing Home is a Focus as Signs Grow of Coronavirus’s Spread in U.S.

    Officials see growing indications that the virus has been spreading undetected in the Seattle suburbs for weeks. Two confirmed cases at a nursing facility have made Kirkland, Wash., a point of…
  100. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Washington Post
    Opinion: South Carolina may have just rescued the Democrats https://wapo.st/39dqjeB 

    Opinion | South Carolina may have just rescued the Democrats

    Former vice president Joe Biden’s margin of victory changes the dynamic of the Democratic primary heading into Super Tuesday.
  101. Michael Novakhov Retweeted
    The Hill
    Pete Buttigieg: “We’re making a change in our travel plans and traveling to South Bend rather than to Texas. I’m going to be making an announcement there about the future of the campaign.”

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    • Michael Novakhov Retweeted
      Palmer Report
      Pete Buttigieg is dropping out. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge that he ran for President of the United States as an openly gay person, won the Iowa caucus, and broke huge ground in the fight for LGBTQ equality. Pete clearly has a big future ahead of him. 


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