6:37 AM 3/14/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Spanish flu of 1918 as Abwehr BioWeapon | influenza as a biological weapon


Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review.

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 

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Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks 
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
spanish flu of 1918 as Abwehr BioWeapon - Google Search
influenza as a biological weapon - Google Search
#TweetsByMikeNov - 5:27 AM 3/14/2020 - Michael Novakhov @mikenov: I respectfully recommend to #NYPD to start their own, independent of the #IneptFBI, criminal investigation into the origins of CoronaVirus epidemic in NYC, where #LawrenceGarbuz (#TellingName) office is located. I think, he was deliberately targeted. #CIA #FBI #FBINews #ODNI #CI
Three things they aren't telling you about the coronavirus outbreak - U.S. News - News
12:45 PM 3/13/2020 - Is CoronaVirus a Bioweapon, and is the world Pandemic the Special Criminal-Intelligence Operation? My Opinion: Yes, It is. Although not very deadly and not very contagious biologically, Coronavirus was used and made into the BioWeapon by the methods of its planned, deliberate and methodical dissemination, as the result of the Special Intelligence Operation, and the extremely intense and skillful manipulation of the mass media, which is now under the invisible but effective control of these operators.
Is coronavirus a patented bio-weapon? Looking into conspiracy theories surrounding the virus outbreak
International Investigation of CoronaVirus Pandemic as BioWeapon - Google Search
International Investigation of CoronaVirus Pandemic as BioWeapon - Google Search
10:52 AM 3/13/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Is coronavirus a patented bio-weapon? Looking into conspiracy theories surrounding the virus ... 13/03/20 07:26 from Google Alert - CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon
Goats and Soda : NPR
Russia 'hired network of Britons to go after enemies of Putin' theguardian.com/world/2020/mar…
“The regime in Moscow uses these professionals to mask its “entangled” state and criminal interests, he alleged. It deploys them to attack Putin critics, “enhance Russian propaganda and disinformation” and to “facilitate and conceal massive money-laund…” gu.com/p/d9jf2/stw
Ivanka Trump and William Barr met with Australian official shortly before he tested positive for coronavirus
RT @Leonid_Gozman: Я никак не могу подобрать слова, чтобы выразить неуважение к этой власти в приличной форме - а в неприличной, как хочетс…
Propelled by Hatred and Envy, the Children of the KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, comprehensive, systematic, well thought out and planned Intelligence war on America and the West, and inciting the racial tensions is only a part of... google.com/search?q=Prope… nyti.ms/2IByy8q
The other parts of the KGB (Russian Intelligence Services) Subversive Secret wars against America and the West are the active use of emigres from the USSR as their Fifth Column and aggressive infiltration of the US Government #CIA google.com/search?newwind… nyti.ms/2IByy8q
For the KGB, the alliance with the Criminal Underworld - the Russian Jewish Mafia, or Transnational Organized Crime, the Global BOSS, is their current ally, leader, tool, and wedge, which with they intend to destroy America. #CIA google.com/search?q=Like+… nyti.ms/2IByy8q
M.N. | 10:50 AM 3/10/2020: #Propelled by #Hatred and #Envy, the #Children of the #KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, #comprehensive, #systematic, well thought out and #planned #Intelligencewar on #America and the #West fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/mn-105…
1:49 PM 3/10/2020 - It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/149-pm…
In fact, though Russia and Germany will not say so, this pipeline project is clearly intended to wreck nato. … Many elite Germans feel their nation has now gotten all it can from the U.S. and they are ready to move on.” Russia Wa | theTrumpet.com thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…
Prevent a German-Russian alliance because the combination of German technology with Russian natural resources could create a Eurasian power bloc with the capability to challenge America’s position as the world’s lone superpower. thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…
A senior U.S. intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday that the intelligence community does not as yet have evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to benefit a particular candidate washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
The #KGB #Puppet #Trump #shapes the #testimonies of his #puppets to #Congress. #RemovethePUPPETS!!! #Sanitize them with #Chlorox! Get the #TRUTH!!! No evidence yet that #Russia has taken steps to help any #candidate in 2020, #intelligence official tells... washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
MORE QUESTIONS THAN RELIABLE ANSWERS. GET THE TRUTH AND TELL IT TO the PEOPLE. OR IS IT TOO UGLY FOR YOU TO FACE IT?! Full Text: michael_novakhov.newsblur.com facebook.com/mike.nova3/pos… No evidence yet that Russia has taken steps to help any candidate in 2020... washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
The question is: WHY?! Banks do not do this. Answer, Herr Urhlau "#deutschebank and #trump" #News: #Interview #TrumpFinances: "Deutsche Bank Turned a Blind Eye to All These #RedFlags" - DER SPIEGEL trumpandtrumpism.com/wp/2020/03/11/… Ernst Urhlau BND - Google Search google.com/search?q=Ernst…
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
spanish flu of 1918 as Abwehr BioWeapon - Google Search

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Influenza as a bioweapon - NCBI

<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" rel="nofollow">www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov</a> › pmc › articles › PMC539539
by M Madjid - ‎2003 - ‎Cited by 58 - ‎Related articles
The Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 killed 20–40 million people. Less severe epidemics were the Asian flu in 1957, Russian flu in 1977, and Hong Kong flu in ...
Missing: Abwehr
influenza as a biological weapon - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

As a potential biological weaponinfluenza has several advantages over smallpox, including ready accessibility, write Mohammad Madjid, MD, and three colleagues. ... They also cite recent evidence that influenza may be a risk factor for sudden cardiac death and stroke.

Influenza virus seen as possible bioterrorism weapon | CIDRAP

<a href="http://www.cidrap.umn.edu" rel="nofollow">www.cidrap.umn.edu</a> › news-perspective › 2003/07 › influenza-virus...

Web results

Influenza as a bioweapon - NCBI

<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" rel="nofollow">www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov</a> › pmc › articles › PMC539539
by M Madjid - ‎2003 - ‎Cited by 58 - ‎Related articles
Influenza is usually transmitted by direct contact but can also be transmitted by aerosol (e.g. on a passenger plane). Indeed, international transmission is ...

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The Flu Factor In Bioterrorism

<a href="http://www.ph.ucla.edu" rel="nofollow">www.ph.ucla.edu</a> › epi › bioter › flufactorbio
Sep 23, 2003 - Rarely, though, does mention of the influenza virus inspire thoughts of a weapon of mass destruction. Scientists at Stanford University, however ...
#TweetsByMikeNov - 5:27 AM 3/14/2020 - Michael Novakhov @mikenov: I respectfully recommend to #NYPD to start their own, independent of the #IneptFBI, criminal investigation into the origins of CoronaVirus epidemic in NYC, where #LawrenceGarbuz (#TellingName) office is located. I think, he was deliberately targeted. #CIA #FBI #FBINews #ODNI #CI

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.

In Brief
Wed, 04 Mar 2020 08:14:13 -0500
 <a href="https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/811-am-342020-coronavirus-news-review.html" rel="nofollow">https://tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/03/811-am-342020-coronavirus-news-review.html</a> » The two dark sides of COVID-1904/03/20 05:41 from Google Alert – CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » How to play your part in the battle against COVID-19 hoaxes, misinformation04/03/20 06:48 from Google Alert – CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon » The two dark sides of
 Tweets And News – From Michael Novakhov 
Wed, 04 Mar 2020 07:38:57 -0500
 #TweetsByMikeNov » mikenov on Twitter: #All The #News That’s #Fit To #Tweet: #Make #it #bitter, #smart, or #sweet #But #short, #and #put it in a #tweet. And it will be fit to #read. #CIA #FBI #OD…
Three things they aren't telling you about the coronavirus outbreak - U.S. News - News

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Catholic Online > theFeed.

Three things you deserve to know, but aren't being told.Catholic Online has mentioned the cornavirus outbreak almost every day the past few weeks. We cannot get away from the topic since there are surprising new developments each day. There are also a lot of questions on the topic. In the course of our coverage, it has become apparent the public is not being told everything they deserve to know. However, the facts are becoming obvious. We'd like to share a few important bits of information because we believe the public deserves the full story.
Here's what isn't being said, but should be, about the outbreak in the USA.Here's what isn't being said, but should be, about the outbreak in the USA.


By Marshall Connolly (Catholic Online)
3/13/2020 (18 hours ago)
Published in U.S.
Keywords: Coronavirus

LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) - Here are a few things the public is not being told about the coronavirus outbreak.
1. The real reason why there are so many closures. - The public reason for the closures is because officials do not want coronavirus to spread. This is an honest answer. But there's more to the closures than what is being told.
The closures represent a stealth admission that coronavirus is already spreading out of control across the United States. While official figures remain low, that's only because test kits for the virus are not available. More test kits are becoming available, and by next week the true scale of the virus will become apparent. It is time to assume that the virus is in every state and every city and those who go out in public, crowded spaces are accepting a growing risk of catching the virus.
2. The real reason why state and local officials are freaking out. - Hospitals cannot cope with the expected influx of patients, especially those who will require critical care. There will be an acute shortage of ventilators, which are required to treat many COVID-19 cases. There's also a simple shortage of beds.
The solution is to slow the transmission rate so people become sick over time instead of all at once. This is another key reason why public gatherings and schools are being closed. All these measures slow the transmission of the virus. It is expected that many, perhaps at least half of all Americans will catch the virus. While only a small percentage of cases become critical, those cases may easily overwhelm hospitals. Some public officials are considering taking over public and even some private facilities to treat the expected surge of patients. Schools, hotels, and public places such as auditoriums and fairgrounds may become makeshift testing and treatment centers. Be prepared to see things that are potentially alarming, such as tent facilities for patients. Be prepared for long delays in receiving other forms of care, especially for procedures that do not involve life-threatening conditions.
3. The real threat isn't COVID-19, but our reaction to it. - This has already been said by us and other commentators, but not by public officials who should be preaching it along with the media. It bears repeating. The real danger to most people isn't the coronavirus, but the hype and overreaction to the pandemic. The economic impact will harm many more people than the cornavirus. 
The closures of schools means children will be without childcare, requiring parents to stay home from work. The closures of workplaces will leave millions of Americans without income. Small businesses in particular could be shuttered forever. However, rent and mortgages will still to come due. Car payments will be expected on time. Student loans are due. Debt collectors can work from home. The financial sector isn't going to stop getting paid, or at least not without resisting or twisting efforts aimed at relief. The impact of this is an immediate recession. And if the public continues to panic, that recession could become something worse that lasts longer and is more difficult to recover.
A calm mind would recognize that the spread of COVID-19 is inevitable, and that we need to adjust to a new normal. We have to minimize this period of panic and distress and put people back to work as quickly as possible, even if the situation isn't ideal. Otherwise, we could see a genuine crisis develop as rents and mortgages go unpaid, store shelves remain bare, and kids stay out of school for an extended period. Our focus must be on protecting the vulnerable and swiftly providing hospitals with the material support they need to treat the influx of patients.
Whether we recognize it or not, we are in a state of war against an enemy that is going to inflict casualties worse than any war fought in American history. We will see things that shock us, like overwhelmed hospitals and makeshift facilities. Our government officials will begin using wartime rhetoric and appeal to our patriotism. And this fight will last for months. But if we recognize that this is a war, and if we band together in cooperation, then we can win. We will win. But we need to toughen up, come to our senses, and get back to work. 
12:45 PM 3/13/2020 - Is CoronaVirus a Bioweapon, and is the world Pandemic the Special Criminal-Intelligence Operation? My Opinion: Yes, It is. Although not very deadly and not very contagious biologically, Coronavirus was used and made into the BioWeapon by the methods of its planned, deliberate and methodical dissemination, as the result of the Special Intelligence Operation, and the extremely intense and skillful manipulation of the mass media, which is now under the invisible but effective control of these operators.

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.


Image result for transnational organized crime

transnational organized crime - Google Search

Although not very deadly and not very contagious biologically, Coronavirus was used and made into the BioWeapon by the methods of its planned, deliberate and methodical dissemination, as the result of the Special Intelligence Operation, and the extremely intense and skillful manipulation of the mass media, which is now under the invisible but effective control of these operators. 

The culprits in my opinion, are the Russian Jewish or Red Mafia and their leader Semyon Mogilevich, which officially are called the TOC by the FBI, very likely in close conjunction and under the directions of the Russian Intelligence Services, possibly the GRU, which controls this Mob, and which has their own plans and designs; and ultimately, conceptually, operationally, organisationally by Vladimir Putin, as the revenge to the West for his presumed Dioxin poisoning in 2010, although he himself, in turn, is just a tool in the hands of the New Abwehr, possibly represented by Gerhard Schroeder and Ernst Uhrlau, among the others, who manipulate and control them all, for their overall strategic goal and objective of the World Domination. 

It is interesting to note, that while geographically at the crossroads, and presumably, most susceptible to the natural spread of this infection, Russia and Germany are relatively spared from it, with the total number of cases in Russia presently, as reported, about 20, and in Germany about 600-700, with no deaths. The spread of infection in Israel is also relatively mild. 

Presently, as of 3.13.20, the incidence in France is about 3,000 cases with 60 deaths, 10 times higher than present rate in Germany, of 3,000 cases with 6 deaths, and in Russia: 38 cases with no deaths, which obviously stands out from the general trend and pattern.

The Iran - West War was probably one of the intermediate objectives of this operation, with the objective to hike the oil price, the main economic factor in Russian economy. 

I advise everyone who is willing to listen, not to panic much. I also support the calls for the International Investigation, possibly under the UN auspices, of this Pandemic. Bring the Mr. Joker, the Arch-Criminal Mr. Putin, his minions, and his handlers to Justice, at long last! This operation fits the general pattern of the message and performance crimes, which I described earlier, including the use of "Telling Names" as clues and signatures: those con artists are vain. 

It is foreseeable, that the method of transmission are the deliberately infected, walking around or oriented on the specific targets, Human Bombs. The principle is the same as in many previous terrorist acts: the human weapons, suicidal or para-suicidal, driven by the financial, profit motives. There plenty of them that can be found and used by the Mob. 

I also advise our dear FBI to get some brain transplant, and since my brains are no longer available for this noble enterprise, since the grace period of my gracious offer did expire, I recommend to them to get a free consultation (they are so cheap) from their idol and spiritual master Putin and his KGB. 

Good Luck, boys. I am so disgusted with you, that I even lost my constant desire to spit on you, little nincompoops. 

Dismantle the sick and demented FBI, this should be a part of your long term response and maybe the only hope to save America and the World. 

Michael Novakhov | 12:45 PM 3/13/2020 

See also my previous posts on this subject, for a clearer picture.

12:45 PM 3/12/2020 - The real cause of the #Coronavirus #outbreak still remains the mystery - #TweetsByMikeNov | The CORONA is clearly visible. But GEBESHNAYA ZHIDOVNYA, anyway - that's how he was brought up, by the GB Jews, to be tough, and rotten to the utmost core, if he has any core. That's how it is, Vov-chick, dear freund! twitter.com/miken 11/03/20 20:15 from TWEETS BY MIKENOV


Many Telling Names in CoronaVirus pandemic affair, indicating its deliberate, criminal character - By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) March 11, 2020


1:49 PM 3/10/2020 - It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin



1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this "unexplained coronavirus". - Google Search - Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

See also: 


Is coronavirus a patented bio-weapon? Looking into conspiracy theories surrounding the virus outbreak

"For COVID-19, data to date suggest that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe infection, requiring oxygen and 5% are critical infections, requiring ventilation.
In fact, if one were to create a scale of 'deadliness', there are far more harmful viruses out there, including the original SARS strain." 
"Now, it must be mentioned that nobody quite knows where and how the virus originated and was passed on to human beings. However, it it was indeed a biological weapon, it most certainly is a rather ineffective one.
While a death toll of nearly 5,000 is not insignificant, the virus has a rather low mortality rate. According to a WHO report, the crude mortality ratio, that is, the number of reported deaths divided by the reported cases, is between 3-4%. The infection mortality rate, the organisation opines, will be lower.
Additionally, the virus is more likely to adversely affect older adults and people with existing health problems. For most others, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. With a vast majority of people recovering from the virus in a matter of weeks, it does not seem to be the most useful of weapons. Nor does it seem to be targeting the most able-bodied segments of society."
Is coronavirus a patented bio-weapon? Looking into conspiracy theories surrounding the virus outbreak

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Free Press Journal.

Now, it must be mentioned that nobody quite knows where and how the virus originated and was passed on to human beings. However, it it was indeed a biological weapon, it most certainly is a rather ineffective one.
While a death toll of nearly 5,000 is not insignificant, the virus has a rather low mortality rate. According to a WHO report, the crude mortality ratio, that is, the number of reported deaths divided by the reported cases, is between 3-4%. The infection mortality rate, the organisation opines, will be lower.
Additionally, the virus is more likely to adversely affect older adults and people with existing health problems. For most others, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. With a vast majority of people recovering from the virus in a matter of weeks, it does not seem to be the most useful of weapons. Nor does it seem to be targeting the most able-bodied segments of society.
International Investigation of CoronaVirus Pandemic as BioWeapon - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Stay up to date on results for International Investigation of CoronaVirus Pandemic as BioWeapon.
International Investigation of CoronaVirus Pandemic as BioWeapon - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

U.S.-Chinese Distrust Is Inviting Dangerous Coronavirus ...

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Mar 5, 2020 - The outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most severe ... lit up with suggestions that the virus was a biological weapon—either a ... to visit Wuhan—is undermining efforts to contain the virus's global spread. ... a National Institutes of Health–sponsored genetic study in China to the U.S. ...

Why are there so many conspiracy theories around the ...

<a href="http://www.aljazeera.com" rel="nofollow">www.aljazeera.com</a> › news › 2020/03 › conspiracy-theories-coronavir...
Mar 5, 2020 - COVID-19 has been accompanied by a conspiracy theory outbreak, not just ... One study by the US State Department, reported on by the ... it was caused by a bioweapon - had been posted outside the US over ... COUNTING THE COST | How the coronavirus outbreak is affecting the global economy (25:01) ...

Is COVID-19 A Bioweapon? Five Conspiracy Theories Around ...

<a href="http://economictimes.indiatimes.com" rel="nofollow">economictimes.indiatimes.com</a> › Magazines › Panache
Mar 5, 2020 - Back home in India, 29 cases of coronavirus have been reported so far. ... cases and 2,859 deaths, COVID-19 outbreak has caused global panic. ... (the highest-level classification of labs that study the deadliest viruses).

How did the coronavirus outbreak start? It didn't come from a ...

<a href="http://www.vox.com" rel="nofollow">www.vox.com</a> › how-did-the-coronavirus-get-started-china-wuhan-lab
Mar 4, 2020 - Rumor is the coronavirus was released from a lab in Wuhan, China. ... In one version of the rumor, the virus was engineered in the lab by humans as a bioweapon. ... who study coronaviruses say they have enough evidence the virus is ... of medicine and international health and associate director of Boston ...

Misinformation related to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic ...

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org" rel="nofollow">en.wikipedia.org</a> › wiki › Misinformation_related_to_the_2019–20_c...
Jump to Chinese biological weapon - ... suggested that the virus may have been a Chinese bioweapon, ... from virus expert and global co-lead coronavirus investigator, ... and medical researchers to rapidly investigate the origins of the ...

The Wuhan Virus Is Not a Lab-Made Bioweapon - Foreign Policy

<a href="http://foreignpolicy.com" rel="nofollow">foreignpolicy.com</a> › 2020/01/29 › coronavirus-china-lab-mortality-vi...
Jan 29, 2020 - The Wuhan Virus Is Not a Lab-Made Bioweapon ... Get the latest coronavirus epidemic coverage from Foreign Policy in your inbox. ... has also written extensively for the Centre for Research on Globalization, a Montreal-based ...

Where the coronavirus bioweapon conspiracy theories really ...

<a href="http://slate.com" rel="nofollow">slate.com</a> › technology › 2020/02 › coronavirus-bioweapon-conspira...
Feb 27, 2020 - The rumors of a lab escape or a bioweapon stem from historical amnesia, ... function studies” that result in the creation of new “potential pandemic ... a local outbreak and then a global outbreak are smaller and smaller again.

Twitter Banned Zero Hedge For Doxing A Chinese Scientist It ...

<a href="http://www.buzzfeednews.com" rel="nofollow">www.buzzfeednews.com</a> › tech › Coronavirus
Jan 31, 2020 - The coronavirus has killed 213 people, all in China. ... coronavirus story — “Is This the Man Behind the Global Coronavirus Pandemic? ... Brown also said that the entire idea of the coronavirus working as a bioweapon is pretty silly. ... Dr. Erica Bickerton, who studies avian pathology for the Pirbright Institute, ...

Russian Media Outlets are Blaming the Coronavirus on the ...

<a href="http://www.motherjones.com" rel="nofollow">www.motherjones.com</a> › 2020/02 › russian-disinformation-coronavirus
Feb 3, 2020 - When the coronavirus broke out of China to grab global attention, ... fringe outlet suggested that the outbreak is essentially a U.S. bioweaponry ...

Tom Cotton airs fake theory that coronavirus is leaked China ...

<a href="http://www.businessinsider.com" rel="nofollow">www.businessinsider.com</a> › coronavirus-bioweapon-tom-cotton-consp...
Feb 17, 2020 - "The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be ... In light of a coronavirus outbreak in China, Hong Kong district ... The outlet had published an article titled "Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic? ... the majority of coronavirus cases so far, according to a new study.

Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus ...

<a href="http://www.nytimes.com" rel="nofollow">www.nytimes.com</a> › 2020/02/17 › business › media › coronavirus-tom-...
Feb 17, 2020 - Read the latest updates in the coronavirus outbreak here. ... Get an informed guide to the global outbreak with our daily coronavirus newsletter. ... The book is about a Chinese military lab that creates a biological weapon. ... and “Dead: founder of Canada's P4 Lab, key to Wuhan coronavirus investigation.”.

Opinion | We Made the Coronavirus Epidemic - The New York ...

<a href="http://www.nytimes.com" rel="nofollow">www.nytimes.com</a> › 2020/01/28 › opinion › coronavirus-china
Jan 28, 2020 - The SARS epidemic of 2002-3, which infected 8,098 people worldwide, ... may seem spooky, yet it is utterly unsurprising to scientists who study these things. ... before it becomes, as it could, a devastating global pandemic.
3 hours ago - Since the coronavirus pandemic took root, there have been rumours that ... International investigation conducted either under auspices of ICJ or ...

Websites spin unproven link between Canada ... - PolitiFact

<a href="http://www.politifact.com" rel="nofollow">www.politifact.com</a> › factchecks › jan › blog-posting › websites-spin-...
Claim: Says China "stole Coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it into a Bioweapon."
Claimed by: Bloggers

Fact-checking hoaxes and conspiracies about the coronavirus

<a href="http://www.politifact.com" rel="nofollow">www.politifact.com</a> › article › jan › fact-checking-hoaxes-and-conspir...
Jan 24, 2020 - Coronavirus was 'created in a lab' as a 'bioweapon for population control' ... Organization are still investigating the cause of the coronavirus outbreak. ... Email interview, Jeff Chertack, senior program officer for Global Health ...

Experts Warn of Possible Sustained Global Spread of New ...

<a href="http://www.scientificamerican.com" rel="nofollow">www.scientificamerican.com</a> › article › experts-warn-of-possible-susta...
Jan 27, 2020 - The New Coronavirus Outbreak: What We Know So Far ... College London who has issued a series of modeling studies on the outbreak.
Missing: BioWeapon

Coronavirus conspiracy theorists blame U.S. for outbreak ...

<a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com" rel="nofollow">www.washingtonpost.com</a> › world › asia_pacific › 2020/03/05
Mar 5, 2020 - The United States was the origin of the coronavirus — and the global crisis ... of California at Berkeley's School of Information who studies China's Internet. ... the pathogen as a clandestine bioweapon during a trip to Wuhan in ...

Iranian, Russian, Chinese Media Push COVID-19 'Bioweapon ...

<a href="http://www.defenseone.com" rel="nofollow">www.defenseone.com</a> › technology › 2020/03 › iran-and-russian-me...
3 days ago - Disinformation about the coronavirus is spreading as quickly as the virus, thanks ... The outbreak has hit Iran particularly hard, with confirmed 291 deaths ... Chinese media outlet the Global Times has said that Western media and U.S. ... President, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Communications ...

Was the new coronavirus created by China or the United States?

<a href="http://www.scmp.com" rel="nofollow">www.scmp.com</a> › Comment › Opinion
Feb 9, 2020 - With a potential global pandemic and geopolitical rivalry between the two ... the highest-level classification of labs that study the deadliest viruses on earth. ... him well-qualified to create a bioweapon like the new coronavirus.

Bio-weapon to eating habits: Conspiracy theories abound on ...

<a href="http://www.indiatoday.in" rel="nofollow">www.indiatoday.in</a> › News Analysis
Jan 29, 2020 - Coronavirus outbreak continues to stay as global health challenge ... the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak to leakage of biological weapon and what ... been identified in the reports as an expert in virology (study of viruses) and ...
10:52 AM 3/13/2020 - CoronaVirus News Review In Brief » Is coronavirus a patented bio-weapon? Looking into conspiracy theories surrounding the virus ... 13/03/20 07:26 from Google Alert - CoronaVirus as Biological Weapon

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov.

10:52 AM 3/13/2020
» COVID-19
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Goats and Soda : NPR

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Goats and Soda : NPR.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, at the Victoria Airport in 2016. Grégoire Trudeau has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the prime minister's office said Thursday. Chris Jackson/Getty Images hide caption
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Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, at the Victoria Airport in 2016. Grégoire Trudeau has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the prime minister's office said Thursday.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, becoming the latest in a string of high-profile individuals to become infected with the potentially deadly pathogen.
In a statement on Thursday, the office of the prime minister said Grégoire Trudeau had begun experiencing a low-grade fever and other mild flu-like symptoms the previous day and was subsequently tested.
"The test came back positive," it said.
"She is feeling well, is taking all the recommended precautions and her symptoms remain mild," the statement said, adding that the prime minister himself "is in good health with no symptoms."
Grégoire Trudeau will self-isolate for 14 days, along with the prime minister and the couple's three children, "[as] a precautionary measure," according to the statement.
You Have A Fever And A Dry Cough. Now What?
It said that the isolation would not interfere with the prime minister's duties as head of government and that "on the advice of doctors, he will not be tested at this stage since he has no symptoms."
In her own statement, Grégoire Trudeau, 44, thanked well-wishers, saying that although she is "experiencing uncomfortable symptoms," she would be "back on my feet soon."
"Being in quarantine at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health concerns," she said.
In a gesture of support for Grégoire Trudeau, the leader of Canada's opposition conservatives, Andrew Scheer, tweeted that he and his wife "wish her a speedy recovery."
"We're thinking of her and her family at this difficult time," Scheer wrote.
On Thursday, the prime minister spoke by telephone with President Trump and the two leaders discussed efforts to respond to the pandemic, with nearly 135,000 known cases globally and nearly 5,000 deaths from the virus.
In a readout of the call, the prime minister's office said: "The two leaders discussed the steps they are taking to protect the health and safety of their citizens and to promote economic resilience in response to the COVID-19 virus."
"The Prime Minister and the President welcomed the close coordination between Canada and the United States in managing this challenge, including as it relates to the Canada-U.S. border, and looked forward to staying in touch," according to the readout.
Trudeau on Thursday also spoke with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of Italy, which has seen a surge in cases in recent days that have severely strained the country's health care system. In the World Health Organization's latest situation report on the pandemic, Italy was reporting nearly 12,500 cases with more than 800 deaths across the country from COVID-19.
Grégoire Trudeau joins a growing list of prominent government officials and celebrities who have become infected by the virus, which attacks the lungs and has proved highly contagious even though it causes mild or no symptoms in most people. However, older individuals and those with compromised immune systems are especially vulnerable.
The Brazilian government said Thursday that Fábio Wajngarten, the communications director for President Jair Bolsonaro, had tested positive for the virus.
Wajngarten was part of a delegation that traveled to the U.S. last weekend and met Trump and Vice President Pence at the president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. A statement from White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said that the president and vice president "had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time."
In Australia, Home Minister Peter Dutton said in a statement that he "woke up with a temperature and sore throat" Friday morning, was tested, and came back with a positive result. He said he had been admitted to the hospital in accordance with directives from health officials.
"I feel fine and will provide an update in due course," Dutton said. The government in Canberra advised anyone who had come in contact with Dutton in the 24 hours previous to self-isolate.
A day earlier, actors Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, announced that they had tested positive for the virus while in Australia, where Hanks was preparing for shooting to begin on a new Elvis Presley biopic.
Tom Hanks, Wife Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus
NBA basketball players Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell have also tested positive for the virus, contributing to the league's stunning decision this week to suspend the season, a move mirrored by college basketball's NCAA.
And earlier this week, the United Kingdom's health minister, Nadine Dorries, reported that she, too, had tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
Russia 'hired network of Britons to go after enemies of Putin' theguardian.com/world/2020/mar…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

Russia 'hired network of Britons to go after enemies of Putin' theguardian.com/world/2020/mar…

“The regime in Moscow uses these professionals to mask its “entangled” state and criminal interests, he alleged. It deploys them to attack Putin critics, “enhance Russian propaganda and disinformation” and to “facilitate and conceal massive money-laund…” gu.com/p/d9jf2/stw

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

“The regime in Moscow uses these professionals to mask its “entangled” state and criminal interests, he alleged. It deploys them to attack Putin critics, “enhance Russian propaganda and disinformation” and to “facilitate and conceal massive money-laund…” gu.com/p/d9jf2/stw

Ivanka Trump and William Barr met with Australian official shortly before he tested positive for coronavirus

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

(CNN)Australia's home affairs minister confirmed Friday that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus, less than a week after meeting with Attorney General William Barr, senior White House adviser Ivanka Trump and other White House officials.
In a 
, Minister Peter Dutton said that he woke up on Friday morning "with a temperature and sore throat" and was "subsequently tested for COVID-19." Dutton was advised by Queensland Health that his tests returned positive on Friday afternoon.
Dutton had met with Trump, Barr, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Joe Grogan in the US less than a week ago.
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.
Dutton said Friday that under the policy of Queensland Health, "anyone who tests positive is to be admitted into hospital and I have complied with their advice." Dutton added that "I feel fine and will provide an update in due course."
The coronavirus has impacted the 
work of dozens of government officials
 around the world — including heads of state — some of whom have tested positive and others who are working in self-isolation out of precaution after coming into contact with another infected person.
White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement Thursday that Trump "had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive" and does not require being tested.
CNN reported that Trump
 has been telling people close to him that he's concerned about coming into contact with people who have contracted the coronavirus, including the Brazilian official.
US lawmakers,
 some of whom had recent contact with Trump, have also taken steps to self-quarantine.
CNN's Isaac Yee in Hong Kong contributed to this report.
RT @Leonid_Gozman: Я никак не могу подобрать слова, чтобы выразить неуважение к этой власти в приличной форме - а в неприличной, как хочетс…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

Я никак не могу подобрать слова, чтобы выразить неуважение к этой власти в приличной форме - а в неприличной, как хочется, запрещает закон!

Retweeted by mikenov on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 1:15pm

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Propelled by Hatred and Envy, the Children of the KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, comprehensive, systematic, well thought out and planned Intelligence war on America and the West, and inciting the racial tensions is only a part of... google.com/search?q=Prope… nyti.ms/2IByy8q

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

Propelled by Hatred and Envy, the Children of the KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, comprehensive, systematic, well thought out and planned Intelligence war on America and the West, and inciting the racial tensions is only a part of...

The other parts of the KGB (Russian Intelligence Services) Subversive Secret wars against America and the West are the active use of emigres from the USSR as their Fifth Column and aggressive infiltration of the US Government #CIA google.com/search?newwind… nyti.ms/2IByy8q

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

The other parts of the KGB (Russian Intelligence Services) Subversive Secret wars against America and the West are the active use of emigres from the USSR as their Fifth Column and aggressive infiltration of the US Government #CIA

For the KGB, the alliance with the Criminal Underworld - the Russian Jewish Mafia, or Transnational Organized Crime, the Global BOSS, is their current ally, leader, tool, and wedge, which with they intend to destroy America. #CIA google.com/search?q=Like+… nyti.ms/2IByy8q

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

For the KGB, the alliance with the Criminal Underworld - the Russian Jewish Mafia, or Transnational Organized Crime, the Global BOSS, is their current ally, leader, tool, and wedge, which with they intend to destroy America.

M.N. | 10:50 AM 3/10/2020: #Propelled by #Hatred and #Envy, the #Children of the #KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, #comprehensive, #systematic, well thought out and #planned #Intelligencewar on #America and the #West fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/mn-105…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

M.N. | 10:50 AM 3/10/2020: #Propelled by #Hatred and #Envy, the #Children of the #KGB wage the non-stop, 24x7, #comprehensive, #systematic, well thought out and #planned #Intelligencewar on #America and the #West fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/mn-105…

1:49 PM 3/10/2020 - It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/149-pm…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

1:49 PM 3/10/2020 - It seems to me, that the most logical explanation for the quite specific pattern of the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, are the actions of the Russian Intelligence services and namely Putin fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/03/149-pm…

In fact, though Russia and Germany will not say so, this pipeline project is clearly intended to wreck nato. … Many elite Germans feel their nation has now gotten all it can from the U.S. and they are ready to move on.” Russia Wa | theTrumpet.com thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

In fact, though Russia and Germany will not say so, this pipeline project is clearly intended to wreck nato. … Many elite Germans feel their nation has now gotten all it can from the U.S. and they are ready to move on.”
Russia Wa | theTrumpet.com thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…

Prevent a German-Russian alliance because the combination of German technology with Russian natural resources could create a Eurasian power bloc with the capability to challenge America’s position as the world’s lone superpower. thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

Prevent a German-Russian alliance because the combination of German technology with Russian natural resources could create a Eurasian power bloc with the capability to challenge America’s position as the world’s lone superpower. thetrumpet.com/blogs/61-andre…

A senior U.S. intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday that the intelligence community does not as yet have evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to benefit a particular candidate washingtonpost.com/national-secur…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

A senior U.S. intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday that the intelligence community does not as yet have evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to benefit a particular candidate washingtonpost.com/national-secur…

The #KGB #Puppet #Trump #shapes the #testimonies of his #puppets to #Congress. #RemovethePUPPETS!!! #Sanitize them with #Chlorox! Get the #TRUTH!!! No evidence yet that #Russia has taken steps to help any #candidate in 2020, #intelligence official tells... washingtonpost.com/national-secur…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

The #KGB #Puppet #Trump #shapes the #testimonies of his #puppets to #Congress. #RemovethePUPPETS!!! #Sanitize them with #Chlorox! Get the #TRUTH!!!
No evidence yet that #Russia has taken steps to help any #candidate in 2020, #intelligence official tells...

MORE QUESTIONS THAN RELIABLE ANSWERS. GET THE TRUTH AND TELL IT TO the PEOPLE. OR IS IT TOO UGLY FOR YOU TO FACE IT?! Full Text: michael_novakhov.newsblur.com facebook.com/mike.nova3/pos… No evidence yet that Russia has taken steps to help any candidate in 2020... washingtonpost.com/national-secur…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

Full Text: michael_novakhov.newsblur.com
No evidence yet that Russia has taken steps to help any candidate in 2020...

The question is: WHY?! Banks do not do this. Answer, Herr Urhlau "#deutschebank and #trump" #News: #Interview #TrumpFinances: "Deutsche Bank Turned a Blind Eye to All These #RedFlags" - DER SPIEGEL trumpandtrumpism.com/wp/2020/03/11/… Ernst Urhlau BND - Google Search google.com/search?q=Ernst…

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from mikenov on Twitter.

The question is: WHY?! Banks do not do this. Answer, Herr Urhlau
"#deutschebank and #trump" #News: #Interview #TrumpFinances: "Deutsche Bank Turned a Blind Eye to All These #RedFlags" - DER SPIEGEL trumpandtrumpism.com/wp/2020/03/11/…
Ernst Urhlau BND - Google Search google.com/search?q=Ernst…

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