6:10 PM 2/29/2020 - TWEETS BY MIKENOV



mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 2:43 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/02/243-pm…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 14:48:24 -0500
Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 2:43 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/02/243-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 7:47 AM 2/29/2020 - We are The "Children of Americ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/747-am…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 13:37:00 -0500
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 7:47 AM 2/29/2020 - We are The "Children of Americ... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/747-am…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: 1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated #spread by many possible #clandestine means - the acts of #bacteriologicalwar - that what explains this "#unexplainedcoronavirus". - Google #Search - #MikeNova's S
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 13:22:53 -0500
1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated #spread by many possible #clandestine means - the acts of #bacteriologicalwar - that what explains this "#unexplainedcoronavirus". - Google #Search - #MikeNova's Shared Newslinks fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/112-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/112-pm…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 13:21:32 -0500
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/112-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/112-pm…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 13:20:50 -0500
The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 1:12 PM 2/29/2020 - #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, or... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/112-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this "unexplained coronavirus". - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:52:05 -0500
#FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this "unexplained coronavirus". - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Coronavirus link to China biowarfare program possible ... #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this: unexplained coronaviru
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:39:15 -0500
Coronavirus link to China biowarfare program possible ...
#FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this: unexplained coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=%23FB…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex_es: El #DíadelasEnfermedadesRaras nos ofrece la ocasión de cuidar, todos juntos, de nuestros hermanos y hermanas que las sufre…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:28:42 -0500
El #DíadelasEnfermedadesRaras nos ofrece la ocasión de cuidar, todos juntos, de nuestros hermanos y hermanas que las sufren, integrando investigación, tratamientos médicos y asistencia social de modo que tengan igualdad de oportunidades y puedan vivir una vida plena.

Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 29th, 2020 5:28pm

11074 likes, 2643 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @Pontifex: May we allow ourselves to be reconciled, in order to live as beloved children, as forgiven and healed sinners, as wayfarers w…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:28:35 -0500
May we allow ourselves to be reconciled, in order to live as beloved children, as forgiven and healed sinners, as wayfarers with him at our side. #Lent

Retweeted by mikenov on Saturday, February 29th, 2020 5:28pm

9396 likes, 1646 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this: unexplained coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=unexp…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 12:28:05 -0500
M.N.: Deliberate, organized, orchestrated spread by many possible clandestine means - the acts of bacteriological war - that what explains this:
unexplained coronavirus - Google Search google.com/search?q=unexp…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: New Abwehr, KGB, and Mossad Puppet Trump is the job of Obama's US Intelligence Services and Community, fully penetrated by them to the hilt, and they deserve the full "credit" for this. History will judge them harshly. - In my Opinion
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 11:56:04 -0500
New Abwehr, KGB, and Mossad Puppet Trump is the job of Obama's US Intelligence Services and Community, fully penetrated by them to the hilt, and they deserve the full "credit" for this. History will judge them harshly. - In my Opinion - Michael Novakhov

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: M.N. - In my Opinion: The #NewAbwehr, #KGB, and #Mossad #PuppetTrump is the job of #Obama's #USIntelligenceServicesAndCommunity, penetrated by them to the #hilt, and they deserve the full "credit" for this. #History will jud
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 11:50:41 -0500
M.N. - In my Opinion: The #NewAbwehr, #KGB, and #Mossad #PuppetTrump is the job of #Obama's #USIntelligenceServicesAndCommunity, penetrated by them to the #hilt, and they deserve the full "credit" for this. #History will judge them harshly. - GS google.com/search?q=New+A… pic.twitter.com/Bs6gkXImPQ

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Does the U.S. Intelligence Community Fear Donald Trump? Trump’s presidency, far more than any previous U.S. presidency within memory, is built on lies. nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pill…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 10:27:01 -0500
Does the U.S. Intelligence Community Fear Donald Trump?
Trump’s presidency, far more than any previous U.S. presidency within memory, is built on lies.

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: encounter in the gulf of tonkin incident - Google Search google.com/search?q=encou…
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 10:21:49 -0500
encounter in the gulf of tonkin incident - Google Search google.com/search?q=encou…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBI #FBINews: M.N.: I would not read much in it - simple politeness. Gina protects and self-preserves the #CIA, and sees it as her primary task, correctly. "the pressure on #Haspel to stand along with them..." Does the #US #Intellige
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 10:14:43 -0500
#FBI #FBINews:
M.N.: I would not read much in it - simple politeness. Gina protects and self-preserves the #CIA, and sees it as her primary task, correctly.
"the pressure on #Haspel to stand along with them..."
Does the #US #IntelligenceCommunity #Fear... nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pill… pic.twitter.com/NZ9Vg8CBWA

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #ODNI | #CIA | #NSC | #FBI | #JohnDurham | #BillBarr | #DOJ | #FBINews #TrumpAndUSIntelligence "Many #IntelligenceJudgments #certainly deserve #postmortem #scrutiny but #prosecutor is... #intimidation." Does the #US #IntelligenceCom
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 09:55:35 -0500
#ODNI | #CIA | #NSC | #FBI | #JohnDurham | #BillBarr | #DOJ | #FBINews #TrumpAndUSIntelligence
"Many #IntelligenceJudgments #certainly deserve #postmortem #scrutiny but #prosecutor is... #intimidation."
Does the #US #IntelligenceCommunity #Fear #Trump?
nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pill… pic.twitter.com/NrYZFHmDun

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: James Comey: the most important and disturbing thing about that event “was what happened in the audience,” which “laughed and smiled and clapped as a president lied, bullied, cursed ...” Does the U.S. Intelligence Community
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 09:39:06 -0500
James Comey: the most important and disturbing thing about that event “was what happened in the audience,” which “laughed and smiled and clapped as a president lied, bullied, cursed ...”
Does the U.S. Intelligence Community Fear Donald Trump?
nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pill… pic.twitter.com/kxkUWETn4s

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #DIA | #NSC | #ODNI "Trump’s presidency, far more than any previous U.S. presidency within memory, is built on lies." Does the U.S. Intelligence Community Fear Donald Trump? | The National Interest M.N.: NO!
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 09:27:44 -0500
#FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #DIA | #NSC | #ODNI
"Trump’s presidency, far more than any previous U.S. presidency within memory, is built on lies."
Does the U.S. Intelligence Community Fear Donald Trump? | The National Interest

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews #CIA #ODNI #IntelligenceCommunity #Speak #DelphicTruths to #Powers and to the #People; #openly, #forcefully, and #directly - that's what the #StrategicIntelligence #Analysis is all about - GS #STRATINT: #collection, #proce
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 09:23:14 -0500
#FBINews #CIA #ODNI #IntelligenceCommunity
#Speak #DelphicTruths to #Powers and to the #People; #openly, #forcefully, and #directly - that's what the #StrategicIntelligence #Analysis is all about - GS
#STRATINT: #collection, #processing, analysis ...
google.com/search?q=Speak… pic.twitter.com/tw9tWMHJtm

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: We are The "Children of America", they said. We are of SouthHampton, the Bucks County. Phila-d'elphia: Love the Elves! Signature: Pennsyl-vania: Penciled, penned by Vanya children of america - GS google.com/search?q=chil
Sat, 29 Feb 2020 07:37:34 -0500
We are The "Children of America", they said.
We are of SouthHampton, the Bucks County.
Phila-d'elphia: Love the Elves!
Signature: Pennsyl-vania: Penciled, penned by Vanya
children of america - GS
Car crashes into...

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: John Ratcliffe images.app.goo.gl/mh2mKwidGEBDme…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 20:53:31 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: President #Trump picks Rep. #JohnRatcliffe to be top #intelligence official kusi.com/president-trum…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 20:50:51 -0500
President #Trump picks Rep. #JohnRatcliffe to be top #intelligence official kusi.com/president-trum…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: #FBI, pay #Attention: this is #MessageCrime: remote #ElectronicInterference with #Driving is possible, especially in the newest cars. Many telling names point to the design. #Investigate! News: 4 children injured after car
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:49:24 -0500
#FBINews: #FBI, pay #Attention: this is #MessageCrime: remote #ElectronicInterference with #Driving is possible, especially in the newest cars.
Many telling names point to the design.
News: 4 children injured after car crashes into day care news.google.com/stories/CAAqfg…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Historically, #AmericanIntelligence had never been good: It lacked the eternal #EuropeanInsecurity - Google #Search google.com/search?newwind…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:07:36 -0500
Historically, #AmericanIntelligence had never been good: It lacked the eternal #EuropeanInsecurity - Google #Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #IntelligenceCommunity #Intelligence #CIA #FBI #FBINews #ODNI #DIA #NSC #NSA #CounterIntelligence #USIntelligence #TrumpandUSIntelligence America's intelligence agencies are no longer used or useful | Columns | idahostatejournal.com id
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:03:50 -0500
#IntelligenceCommunity #Intelligence #CIA #FBI #FBINews #ODNI #DIA #NSC #NSA #CounterIntelligence #USIntelligence #TrumpandUSIntelligence
America's intelligence agencies are no longer used or useful | Columns | idahostatejournal.com idahostatejournal.com/opinion/column…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Historically, American Intelligence had never been good, for some reasons - Google Search google.com/search?q=Histo…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:00:13 -0500
Historically, American Intelligence had never been good, for some reasons - Google Search google.com/search?q=Histo…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #ODNI | #IntelligenceCommunity | #CounterIntelligence | Russia came out the winner of this year's G7 summit despite being kicked out, and Trump looked like 'Putin's puppet' ... #TrumpKgbPuppet - Google #Search
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 16:24:31 -0500
#FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #ODNI | #IntelligenceCommunity | #CounterIntelligence |
Russia came out the winner of this year's G7 summit despite being kicked out, and Trump looked like 'Putin's puppet' ...
#TrumpKgbPuppet - Google #Search google.com/search?q=trump…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Psychiatrist: #TrumpIsConMan” | M.N.: It sho... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/psychi…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:21:55 -0500
The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: Psychiatrist: #TrumpIsConMan” | M.N.: It sho... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/psychi…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #Psychiatrist: #Trump is a “#conman”! | M.N.: It sho... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/psychi…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:20:19 -0500
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: #Psychiatrist: #Trump is a “#conman”! | M.N.: It sho... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/psychi…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #News | #FBI | #FBINews | #ODNI | #CIA | #Trump | #TrumpDisturbed | #TrumpKGBPuppet | #RemoveTrump! President Trump is a “con man” who is making the current public health crisis “all about himself”- 2:56 PM 2/28/2020 trumpandtrumpism.c
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:08:16 -0500
#News | #FBI | #FBINews | #ODNI | #CIA | #Trump | #TrumpDisturbed | #TrumpKGBPuppet | #RemoveTrump!
President Trump is a “con man” who is making the current public health crisis “all about himself”- 2:56 PM 2/28/2020 trumpandtrumpism.com/2020/02/28/pre…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: "#Trump - #Russia #Investigations" - Google #News: #House #Democrats request interviews with #prosecutors who quit #RogerStone case - Axios trumpandtrumpism.com/2020/02/28/dem…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 13:29:40 -0500
#FBINews: "#Trump - #Russia #Investigations" - Google #News: #House #Democrats request interviews with #prosecutors who quit #RogerStone case - Axios trumpandtrumpism.com/2020/02/28/dem…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBI | #FBINews #TrumpInvestigations from #MichaelNovakhov (117 sites): "#Trump #Investigations" - Google News: AP sources: #Feds search for possible #gun at #Epsteinjail - Daily Inter Lake fbireform.com/2020/02/28/302…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:24:26 -0500
#FBI | #FBINews
#TrumpInvestigations from #MichaelNovakhov (117 sites): "#Trump #Investigations" - Google News: AP sources: #Feds search for possible #gun at #Epsteinjail - Daily Inter Lake fbireform.com/2020/02/28/302…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBI | #FBINews 28 February 2020 Archives fbireform.com/2020/02/28/
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:22:48 -0500
#FBI | #FBINews
28 February 2020 Archives fbireform.com/2020/02/28/

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews | #FBI "#AndrewMcCabe" - Google News: Over $100 Million Spent on Nearly #Useless #NSA Phone #Metadata Collection: Former Official - The Epoch Times fbireform.com/2020/02/28/ove…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:21:33 -0500
#FBINews | #FBI
"#AndrewMcCabe" - Google News: Over $100 Million Spent on Nearly #Useless #NSA Phone #Metadata Collection: Former Official - The Epoch Times fbireform.com/2020/02/28/ove…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews - #FBI Current News In Brief and Full Posts fbireform.com
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:20:18 -0500
#FBINews - #FBI Current News In Brief and Full Posts fbireform.com

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @politico: Roger Stone's criminal trial crimped his usual style, but it was back with a vengeance in a deposition just before his senten…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:02:52 -0500
Roger Stone's criminal trial crimped his usual style, but it was back with a vengeance in a deposition just before his sentencing politi.co/2TpifR3 pic.twitter.com/4qHACdMlpv

Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 28th, 2020 4:02pm

272 likes, 172 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thedailybeast: BREAKING: The House Judiciary committee has demanded that Attorney General William Barr hands over any communications Tr…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 11:01:31 -0500
BREAKING: The House Judiciary committee has demanded that Attorney General William Barr hands over any communications Trump sent relating to the sentencing of his longtime friend Roger Stone trib.al/iAaoITz

Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 28th, 2020 4:01pm

1194 likes, 562 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @carlyinNJ: Pls. step down, perserve some dignity. You can say always intended to step down to pursue business interests. Do what VP Agn…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:52:52 -0500
Pls. step down, perserve some dignity. You can say always intended to step down to pursue business interests. Do what VP Agnew did, negotiate way out. #RESIST
mikenov on Twitter: RT @DailyLiberal1: #Trump Blasts Centers for Disease Control For Irresponsibly Spreading Facts pic.twitter.com/meTgHBZsFo
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:50:54 -0500
#Trump Blasts Centers for Disease Control For Irresponsibly Spreading Facts pic.twitter.com/meTgHBZsFo

Retweeted by mikenov on Friday, February 28th, 2020 3:50pm

9 likes, 7 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @BoxingTradition: @realDonaldTrump said he's not worried about the corona virus, "It's under control."
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:50:42 -0500
@realDonaldTrump said he's not worried about the corona virus, "It's under control."
mikenov on Twitter: Ex-#FBI unit chief #blowswhistle on #Comey, #McCabe over #warrantlessspying 27/02/20 09:42 #IntelligenceCommunity #Intelligence #Surveillance #NationalSecurity #CIA #ODNI #NSC fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/ex-fbi… #FBINews #FBI
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:48:01 -0500
Ex-#FBI unit chief #blowswhistle on #Comey, #McCabe over #warrantlessspying 27/02/20 09:42
#IntelligenceCommunity #Intelligence #Surveillance #NationalSecurity #CIA #ODNI #NSC
#FBI Current News In Brief and Full Posts fbireform.com

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: I know #RicGrenell has nerves of steel and a rock-solid commitment to fairness and justice. Dirty cops, beware. There’s a new sheriff in town. #FBI #CIA #ODNI #IntelligenceCommunity #IIntelligence US intelligence needs Ric Grenell: J
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:41:59 -0500
I know #RicGrenell has nerves of steel and a rock-solid commitment to fairness and justice.
Dirty cops, beware. There’s a new sheriff in town.
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #IntelligenceCommunity #IIntelligence
US intelligence needs Ric Grenell: John Phillips whittierdailynews.com/2020/02/27/us-…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: "The culture at the top of these agencies is clearly toxic. An outsider is exactly what the doctor ordered to come in with a mop and a bucket, and make those agencies respectable again." US intelligence needs Ric Grenell: J
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:38:22 -0500
"The culture at the top of these agencies is clearly toxic. An outsider is exactly what the doctor ordered to come in with a mop and a bucket, and make those agencies respectable again."
US intelligence needs Ric Grenell: John Phillips whittierdailynews.com/2020/02/27/us-…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #ODNI | #IntelligenceCommunity | #News #USintelligence needs #RicGrenell: John Phillips whittierdailynews.com/2020/02/27/us-…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:31:35 -0500
#FBINews | #FBI | #CIA | #ODNI | #IntelligenceCommunity | #News
#USintelligence needs #RicGrenell: John Phillips whittierdailynews.com/2020/02/27/us-…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: "While doing this, Underhill said #Hoover masked his sexuality with his own portrayal of #masculinity and his choice of words. Who could doubt his courage and his virility if they listened to his speeches? He also was a mast
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:12:18 -0500
"While doing this, Underhill said #Hoover masked his sexuality with his own portrayal of #masculinity and his choice of words. Who could doubt his courage and his virility if they listened to his speeches?
He also was a master #showman..."
fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am… pic.twitter.com/5JVlHKMlYk

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: #Hoover and his agency not only developed #surveillance files on criminals but also his friends and enemies, and he often used the content of those files to coerce them to do his bidding. Numerous #presidents used Hoover’s u
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:08:03 -0500
#Hoover and his agency not only developed #surveillance files on criminals but also his friends and enemies, and he often used the content of those files to coerce them to do his bidding. Numerous #presidents used Hoover’s unique talents...
fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am… pic.twitter.com/qeViheg1E7

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: "During those years he wielded sweeping — and sometimes illegal — police powers, while leading a public relations team that was second to none. Above all he knew words mattered, especially to polish his image..." #FBI #Intel
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:04:27 -0500
#FBINews: "During those years he wielded sweeping — and sometimes illegal — police powers, while leading a public relations team that was second to none. Above all he knew words mattered, especially to polish his image..."
#FBI #IntelligenceCommunity #CIA
fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am… pic.twitter.com/PD9kqmAVbH

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by MichaelNovakhov: 9:42 AM 2/28/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsL... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:55:03 -0500
The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by MichaelNovakhov: 9:42 AM 2/28/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsL... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: Coercion and propaganda of J. Edgar Hoover | City Pulse - ##BookReview - #FBINews fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/942-am…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:52:32 -0500
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov:
Coercion and propaganda of J. Edgar Hoover | City Pulse - ##BookReview - #FBINews

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Former #Baltimore mayor #CatherinePugh sentenced to 3 years prison in ‘Healthy Holly’ case The Washington Post "political crimes" - #TRUTH! #FBI ON A COUCH: THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF SUBVERSION #FBIReform - fbireform.com - Revie
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:11:15 -0500
#FBINews: Former #Baltimore mayor #CatherinePugh sentenced to 3 years prison in ‘Healthy Holly’ case
The Washington Post "political crimes" - #TRUTH!
#FBI ON A COUCH: THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF SUBVERSION #FBIReform - fbireform.com - Review of #News fbireform.com pic.twitter.com/y4bgXrISde

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State ... trump vtb - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:04:52 -0500
Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State ...
trump vtb - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Check out this Google Search: Deutsche Bank’s loans to Donald Trump were underwritten by Russian state-owned VTB Bank, which is the KGB Bank!!! trump vtb - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:02:14 -0500
#FBINews: Check out this Google Search:
Deutsche Bank’s loans to Donald Trump were underwritten by Russian state-owned VTB Bank, which is the KGB Bank!!!
trump vtb - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Check it out: #KGBPuppetTrump! He owes billions to the KGB Bank VTB!!! Investigate #TrumpKusnerCrimeFamily! Russian Agent and The Mobster is in White House! Remove him!!! Trump, VTB, and KGB - Google Search google.com/searc
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:57:44 -0500
#FBINews: Check it out: #KGBPuppetTrump! He owes billions to the KGB Bank VTB!!!
Investigate #TrumpKusnerCrimeFamily!
Russian Agent and The Mobster is in White House!
Remove him!!!
Trump, VTB, and KGB - Google Search google.com/search?newwind
27/02/20 19:48 from FBI
#CIA #ODNI pic.twitter.com/DEDpMOoKyZ

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: 8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - Stolen hearse with a casket and woman's body inside is found! Mazel Tov! My humble attempt at interpretation: the alliance between the Israeli and the Russian Intelligence Services. #FBINews pic.twitter.com/2TEWblQa
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:48:30 -0500
8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - Stolen hearse with a casket and woman's body inside is found! Mazel Tov! My humble attempt at interpretation: the alliance between the Israeli and the Russian Intelligence Services. #FBINews pic.twitter.com/2TEWblQaTx

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Guest view: William Barr is destroying the DOJ record-courier.com/opinion/202002…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:41:47 -0500
#FBINews: Guest view: William Barr is destroying the DOJ

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: Diggs: Do we really believe punishment deters crime? AberdeenNews.com "political crimes" - Google News Crime and Criminology FBI Reform | FBI ON A COUCH: THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF SUBVERSION | FBI Reform - fbireform.com pic.t
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:39:24 -0500
#FBINews: Diggs: Do we really believe punishment deters crime? AberdeenNews.com "political crimes" - Google News Crime and Criminology
FBI Reform | FBI ON A COUCH: THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF SUBVERSION | FBI Reform - fbireform.com pic.twitter.com/3W3A4CwH9h

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews - FBI Current News In Brief and Full Posts fbireform.com pic.twitter.com/bBYzJnhsNd
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 08:11:34 -0500
#FBINews - FBI Current News In Brief and Full Posts fbireform.com pic.twitter.com/bBYzJnhsNd

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews: "The #audit... also showed “there was #damage in terms of #civilliberties” of #Americans Ex-#FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe... #CIA #ODNI #Intelligence justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/4OReHr
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 07:13:49 -0500
"The #audit... also showed “there was #damage in terms of #civilliberties” of #Americans
Ex-#FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe...
#CIA #ODNI #Intelligence
justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/4OReHr5JZL rssdog.com/index.php?url=…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews It just tells us what a sick criminal morass #FBI was, & still is: Ex-FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe over #WarrantlessSpying | Just The #News justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/FXlWodV72d rs
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 07:11:32 -0500
It just tells us what a sick criminal morass #FBI was, & still is:
Ex-FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe over #WarrantlessSpying | Just The #News justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/FXlWodV72d rssdog.com/index.php?url=…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews Saved and Shared Stories rssdog.com/index.php?url=…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 07:07:34 -0500
Saved and Shared Stories rssdog.com/index.php?url=…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews Trump campaign lawsuit against New York Times exposes honesty of New York Times washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 07:04:52 -0500
Trump campaign lawsuit against New York Times exposes honesty of New York Times washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews Majority of Americans concerned about foreign interference in 2020 race: Poll - go.shr.lc/32ybLnn - @washtimes
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 06:58:48 -0500
Majority of Americans concerned about foreign interference in 2020 race: Poll - go.shr.lc/32ybLnn - @washtimes

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews The #FBI nabs four extremists for threatening journalists in Texas and other states dallasnews.com/opinion/editor…
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 06:35:37 -0500
The #FBI nabs four extremists for threatening journalists in Texas and other states dallasnews.com/opinion/editor…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: In #Germany, #racism is becoming more #mainstream @AJEnglish aje.io/fhrs5
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 06:31:41 -0500
In #Germany, #racism is becoming more #mainstream @AJEnglish aje.io/fhrs5

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - Stolen hearse with a casket an... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/848-pm…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:15:17 -0500
The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - Stolen hearse with a casket an... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/848-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - #Stolen #hearse with a #casket an... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/848-pm…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:14:59 -0500
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 8:48 PM 2/27/2020 - #Stolen #hearse with a #casket an... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/848-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Does he look like a very determined Russian Necrophiliac?! St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena images.app.goo.gl/5MqnsaBzaRQqAM…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:36:06 -0500
Does he look like a very determined Russian Necrophiliac?!
St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena images.app.goo.gl/5MqnsaBzaRQqAM…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena images.app.goo.gl/NRnhmDohLHnmDK…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:34:09 -0500
St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena images.app.goo.gl/NRnhmDohLHnmDK…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena - From Yeshiva World, of all places... images.app.goo.gl/h1JLSt1QQBixDL…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:33:09 -0500
St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in East Pasadena - From Yeshiva World, of all places... images.app.goo.gl/h1JLSt1QQBixDL…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews There must be some meaning there, & probably deep one, but it just eludes interpretations, except maybe "St. #Anthony Greek #OrthodoxChurch in #EastPasadena", which needs more specifics. Stolen hearse with a casket and
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:23:19 -0500
There must be some meaning there, & probably deep one, but it just eludes interpretations, except maybe "St. #Anthony Greek #OrthodoxChurch in #EastPasadena", which needs more specifics.
Stolen hearse with a casket and woman's body inside...

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: stolen hearse with a casket and body inside - Google Search google.com/search?q=stole…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:09:16 -0500
stolen hearse with a casket and body inside - Google Search google.com/search?q=stole…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Schiff presses top intel official to declassify part of report on Khashoggi killing thehill.com/policy/nationa…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:52:16 -0500
Schiff presses top intel official to declassify part of report on Khashoggi killing thehill.com/policy/nationa…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: images.app.goo.gl/BEwtCjxWdiryCE…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:28:18 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: images.app.goo.gl/j2P2o4mVieh2eH…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:27:58 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: images.app.goo.gl/RC5pf8GkNL35m1…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:27:42 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: ferret - Google Search google.com/search?q=ferre…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:27:06 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #FBINews | #FBI Anthony Ferrell - Interpretation of the Criminal Message Un-Tony Ferret Ill Post-Surkov's stage: not as Artistic, too many meanings, simpler - as I see it. - M.N. images.app.goo.gl/oQaA4qHz4JyY9A… anthony ferrell
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:23:46 -0500
#FBINews | #FBI
Anthony Ferrell - Interpretation of the Criminal Message
Un-Tony Ferret Ill
Post-Surkov's stage: not as Artistic, too many meanings, simpler - as I see it. - M.N.
anthony ferrell miller coors - Google Search google.com/search?q=antho…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: images.app.goo.gl/oQaA4qHz4JyY9A…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:21:03 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 6:31 PM 2/27/2020 - House Dems Unanimously Block R... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/631-pm…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 18:38:06 -0500
The #FBINews Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov: 6:31 PM 2/27/2020 - House Dems Unanimously Block R... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/631-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 6:31 PM 2/27/2020 - #HouseDems #Unanimously Block R... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/631-pm…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 18:37:30 -0500
The #FBI #News #Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov: 6:31 PM 2/27/2020 - #HouseDems #Unanimously Block R... fbinewsreview.blogspot.com/2020/02/631-pm…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: #anthonyferrill - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:56:42 -0500
#anthonyferrill - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: anthony ferrill - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:54:00 -0500
anthony ferrill - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Anthony Ferrill: Molson Coors gunman identified as longtime company electrician tmj4.com/news/local-new…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:52:54 -0500
Anthony Ferrill: Molson Coors gunman identified as longtime company electrician tmj4.com/news/local-new…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Trump, VTB, and KGB - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:28:25 -0500
Trump, VTB, and KGB - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Search ResultsKey Senator Says Richard Grenell “May Have Misled Congress” grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=grene…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 16:20:21 -0500
Search ResultsKey Senator Says Richard Grenell “May Have Misled Congress”
grenell - Google Search google.com/search?q=grene…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Sources of the world Coronavirus cases are the mystery - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:58:18 -0500
Sources of the world Coronavirus cases are the mystery - Google Search google.com/search?newwind…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: "#Mueller Report" - Google News: #Trump campaign #lawsuit against #NewYorkTimes exposes #honesty of New York Times - The #WashingtonPost trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:28:59 -0500
"#Mueller Report" - Google News: #Trump campaign #lawsuit against #NewYorkTimes exposes #honesty of New York Times - The #WashingtonPost trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Top #GOP rep suggests #Durhamprobe will lead to charges fxn.ws/2wUm5u7 #FoxNews
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:20:06 -0500
Top #GOP rep suggests #Durhamprobe will lead to charges fxn.ws/2wUm5u7 #FoxNews

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: "#Mueller's #Russiainvestigation" - Google #News: Top GOP rep suggests #Durhamprobe will lead to #charges - Fox News trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:19:09 -0500
"#Mueller's #Russiainvestigation" - Google #News: Top GOP rep suggests #Durhamprobe will lead to #charges - Fox News trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Goldman is the third high-profile #House Democratic adviser to leave #CapitolHill since the end of Trump's impeachment trial... The other two, Barry Berke and Norm Eisen... left Capitol Hill earlier this month. #Trump #Congress #Impea
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:14:09 -0500
Goldman is the third high-profile #House Democratic adviser to leave #CapitolHill since the end of Trump's impeachment trial... The other two, Barry Berke and Norm Eisen... left Capitol Hill earlier this month.
#Trump #Congress #Impeachment #Intelligence

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Top House Intelligence investigator Dan Goldman departing Capitol Hill - CNNPolitics cnn.com/2020/02/27/pol…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:10:15 -0500
Top House Intelligence investigator Dan Goldman departing Capitol Hill - CNNPolitics cnn.com/2020/02/27/pol…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Judge may hold Mueller-ensnared Russia firm in contempt politi.co/32yyek6 via @politico
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:07:27 -0500
Judge may hold Mueller-ensnared Russia firm in contempt politi.co/32yyek6 via @politico

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: February 27, 2020 | #Trumpism And #Trump - trumpismandtrump.com trumpismandtrump.com/index.php/2020…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:58:42 -0500

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: It just tells us what a sick criminal morass #FBI was, & still is: institutions like these, especially in charge of #domestics…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:46:47 -0500
It just tells us what a sick criminal morass #FBI was, & still is: institutions like these, especially in charge of #domesticsecurity and spying, do not change fast
Ex-FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe over #WarrantlessSpying | Just The #News justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/FXlWodV72d

Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 27th, 2020 7:46pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: "The #audit... also showed “there was #damage in terms of #civilliberties” of #Americans whose phone records were unnecessaril…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:46:32 -0500
"The #audit... also showed “there was #damage in terms of #civilliberties” of #Americans whose phone records were unnecessarily searched or who were falsely identified..." -
Ex-#FBI unit chief blows whistle on #Comey, #McCabe...
#CIA #ODNI #Intelligence
justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/4OReHr5JZL

Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 27th, 2020 7:46pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: M.N.: I have no doubt about this too! "#FISA process was for counterintelligence and counterterrorism purposes only... I have…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:46:20 -0500
M.N.: I have no doubt about this too!
"#FISA process was for counterintelligence and counterterrorism purposes only... I have no doubt, or very little doubt that it was used for #PoliticalSpying or #PoliticalEspionage."
#CIA #FBI #ODNI #Intelligence #Truth
justthenews.com/government/cou… pic.twitter.com/UDXOd2Y7Ll

Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 27th, 2020 7:46pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: RT @mikenov: In the light of this report (see tweets below), I think and call again: Investigate #FBI and specifically the #Obama's FBI (he…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:46:14 -0500
In the light of this report (see tweets below), I think and call again: Investigate #FBI and specifically the #Obama's FBI (he was the ACTUAL Chief - The MicroManager) in utmost depth. ALSO: these are the psychological and social aftershocks of 9/11, they have to be acknowledged. pic.twitter.com/wfp6Mf5EzZ

Retweeted by mikenov on Thursday, February 27th, 2020 7:46pm

1 retweet

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (117 sites): "2016 Presidential Election Investigation" - Google News: As coronavirus fears spread, Rush Limbaugh and others push false conspiracy theory about top CDC official with - The Phil
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:21:05 -0500
Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (117 sites): "2016 Presidential Election Investigation" - Google News: As coronavirus fears spread, Rush Limbaugh and others push false conspiracy theory about top CDC official with - The Philadelphia Inquirer fbireform.com/2020/02/27/cor…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (117 sites): "Jared Kushner" - Google News: Trump signals break with Barr over FISA reauthorization - KTVZ fbireform.com/2020/02/27/tru…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:20:38 -0500
Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (117 sites): "Jared Kushner" - Google News: Trump signals break with Barr over FISA reauthorization - KTVZ fbireform.com/2020/02/27/tru…

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Eurasia Review: Six Years Of Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine – OpEd fbireform.com/2020/02/27/270…
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 14:18:11 -0500
Eurasia Review: Six Years Of Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine – OpEd fbireform.com/2020/02/27/270…

mikenov on Twitter


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